PURPOSE: The study analyses outcomes of the surgical treatment of odontogenic sinusitis that concurrently address sinusitis and its dental source. METHODS: A total of 364 adult patients were included, representing 13% of all patients we have operated on for any rhinosinusitis over the past 18 years. The diagnosis was based on both ENT and dental examinations including CT imaging. Patients were divided into three groups: (1) FESS with dental surgery without antrotomy, (2) FESS with intraoral antrotomy, and (3) intraoral surgery without FESS. The mean postoperative follow-up was 15 months. RESULTS: First group involved 64%, second group 31%, and third group 6% of the cases. The one-stage combined ENT and dental approach was used in 94% of cases (group 1 and 2) with a success rate of 97%. Concerning FESS, maxillary sinus surgery with middle meatal antrostomy only was performed in 54% of patients. Oroantral communication flap closure was performed in 56% of patients (success rate 98%). Healing was achieved within 3 months. The majority (87%) of patients were operated on unilaterally for unilateral findings. Over the past 18 years, a 6% increase of implant-related odontogenic sinusitis was observed. CONCLUSION: Odontogenic sinusitis is common, tending to be unilateral and chronic. Its dental source needs to be uncovered and treated and should not be underestimated. Close cooperation between ENT and dental specialists has a crucial role in achieving optimal outcomes. The one-stage combined surgical approach proves to be a reliable, safe, fast and effective treatment.
Zvukové fenomény patří mezi čtyři nejčastější příznaky onemocnění temporomandibulárního kloubu. Rozdělují se na lupání a krepitace. Základním objektivním vyšetřením těchto fenoménů je auskultace kvalitním fonendoskopem, který by dnes měl být součástí standardního vybavení každé stomatologické i fyzioterapeutické ordinace.
Acoustic phenomena remain one out of four major signs of temporomandibular joint disorders. They are divided into clicking and crepitation. Basic examination method of these phenomena is an auscultation with high quality stethoscope, which should be a standard part of armamentarium in every dental or physiotherapeutic office.
Bruxismus je vůbec nejčastější funkční poruchou orofaciálního systému a jako takový působí mimo rámec fyziologických funkčních aktivit stomatognátního systému, přičemž tento systém významným způsobem poškozuje. Jedná se o multifaktoriální onemocnění, kde můžeme jediný etiologický faktor identifikovat jen velmi zřídka, zpravidla se jedná o kombinaci predisponujících, vyvolávajících a udržovacích faktorů. Pro úspěšnou léčbu bruxismu je pochopení komplexní etiopatogeneze zcela klíčové. Vzhledem ke komplikované etiopatogenezi bruxismu je zásadní multioborová spolupráce jak v diagnostice, tak v léčbě, a to zejména mezi stomatologem a fyzioterapeutem, případně s účastí dalších odborníků.
Bruxism represents the most common functional disorder of the orofacial system and thus works out of the range of physiologic functional activities of the stomatognathic system, causing its damage. It is a multifactorial disorder where the possibility of identification of only one particular etiologic factor is rare; usually it represents a combination of predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors. Understanding of the complex etiopathogenesis is crucial for successful treatment of bruxism. Due to complicated etiopathogenesis, the interdisciplinary cooperation in diagnostics and treatment is crucial, mainly between dentist and physiotherapeutist, alternatively in cooperation with other specialists.
- MeSH
- bruxismus * etiologie patofyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- postura těla MeSH
- rizikové faktory MeSH
- temporomandibulární kloub patofyziologie MeSH
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- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH