přehledy [Review]
- Termíny
epidemiologické přehledy (publikační typ)
přehledová literatura (publikační typ)
přehledy (publikační typ)
přehledy kazuistik (publikační typ)
Review Literature
Review of Reported Cases
Review, Academic
Review, Multicase
An article or book published after examination of published material on a subject. It may be comprehensive to various degrees and the time range of material scrutinized may be broad or narrow, but the reviews most often desired are reviews of the current literature. The textual material examined may be equally broad and can encompass, in medicine specifically, clinical material as well as experimental research or case reports. State-of-the-art reviews tend to address more current matters. A review of the literature must be differentiated from HISTORICAL ARTICLE on the same subject, but a review of historical literature is also within the scope of this publication type.
- Anotace
- This heading is used as a Publication Type. Review articles as a bibliographic form are indexed under the main heading REVIEW LITERATURE AS TOPIC
- D016454 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0025142
- Historická pozn.
- 2008(1966)