Závěrečná práce NCONZO
1 svazek : grafy, tabulky ; 30 cm + 1 CD
- MeSH
- automatizované zpracování dat MeSH
- chorobopisy - počítačové systémy MeSH
- dokumentace metody normy MeSH
- elektronické zdravotní záznamy MeSH
- nelékařská zdravotnická povolání MeSH
- postoj k počítačům MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- sběr dat metody MeSH
- ukládání a vyhledávání informací metody MeSH
- zdravotničtí pracovníci MeSH
- Konspekt
- Lékařské vědy. Lékařství
- Teorie systémů. Automatické systémy. Informační systémy. Kybernetika
- NLK Publikační typ
- závěrečné zprávy
Východiska: Pro seniory je zdraví hlavní prioritou a je potřeba ho vnímat v širším kontextu, patří sem také celoživotní učení a znalost informačních digitálních technologii (ICT), jejichž prostřednictvím senioři mohou získat mnoho důležitých informací a případně komunikovat i se svým ošetřujícím lékařem. Cíl: zmapovat sociální a digitální inkluzi seniorů v ICT. Na základě identifikovaných problémů připravit koncepci metodiky vzdělávání seniorů v ICT. Metody: smíšený výzkum - kombinace technik obsahové analýzy vybraných dokumentů, expertní polostrukturované rozhovory, 2 focus groups, příklady dobré praxe. Výzkumný vzorek tvořili zástupci šesti seniorských organizací v geografickém prostoru Magistrátu města Ostravy a lektoři seniorů v ICT. Výsledky: Sociální a digitální inkluze seniorů za pomoci ICT je v plánu všech šesti seniorských organizací. Lektoři se v ICT kurzech zaměřují na vyhledávání užitečných informací pro život: e-bankovnictví, e-zdraví, e-knihovny, nákupy po internetu aj. Chybí však lektoři, metodika vzdělávání, technické vybavení učeben. Závěr: Doporučujeme připravit a realizovat koncepci vzdělávání seniorů v oblasti ICT. Jen tak může dojít k rozvoji digitální i zdravotní gramotnosti.
Background: Health is the main priority for senior citizens and it is necessary to perceive it in a broader context. Lifelong learning and the knowledge of information and communication technology (ICT), thanks to which senior citizens can acquire a lot of important information and also communicate with their physicians are part of this. Aim: to map social and digital inclusion of senior citizens in ICT, and to prepare a conception of methodology to educate senior citizens in ICT. Methods: mixed research - a combination of techniques of content analysis of selected documents, expert semi-structured interviews, 2 focus groups, and examples of good practice. The research sample was formed by representatives of six senior citizen organizations within the region of Ostrava, and ICT lecturers. Results: Social and digital inclusion of senior citizens by means of senior citizen education in ICT is planned by all the six senior citizen organizations. Lecturers in ICT courses focus on searching for information useful for life: e-banking, e-health, e-libraries, online shopping, etc. However, there is a lack of suitable lecturers, methodology, and technical equipment in the classrooms. Conclusion: We recommend preparing and implementing a conception of senior citizen education in the area of ICT. Only this way can we achieve a development in digital and health literacy.
- MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- počítačová gramotnost MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ukládání a vyhledávání informací MeSH
- výchova a vzdělávání MeSH
- Check Tag
- senioři MeSH
- NLK Publikační typ
- výzkumné zprávy
153 stran ; 30 cm
- Klíčová slova
- deskriptivní statistika, výpočet průměru,
- MeSH
- databáze jako téma MeSH
- sběr dat MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
Úvod: Tělesné znevýhodnění jakožto multioborový pojem je oproti jiným znevýhodněním (mentální, sociální apod.) považováno za méně problematické. V kontextu ošetřovatelství lze poukázat na mnoho dalších proměnných (inkontinence, vyšší riziko dekubitů, spasticita apod.), jež finálně tvoří obecný pojem známý jako tělesné znevýhodnění. Cíl: Cílem práce je zmapovat vybrané hodnoticí a měřicí nástroje, které lze aplikovat pro hodnocení potřeb pacientů s tělesným znevýhodněním. Metodika: Přehledová studie byla realizována s cílem zmapovat vybrané hodnoticí nástroje pro hodnocení potřeb pacientů s tělesným znevýhodněním. Data byla extrahována z odborných databází Scopus, Web of Science, Wiley Online Library, Science Direct, Ebsco a Pubmed za období 2015-2019. Po kriteriálním třídění bylo identifikováno celkem 12 relevantních zdrojů. Výsledky: V odborných databázích bylo nalezeno celkem 5 možných nástrojů, které jsou relevantní k hodnocení potřeb pacientů s tělesným znevýhodněním. Konkrétně se jednalo o nástroje WHODAS 2.0, MDS, MDS-BV, SDS a ICF. Závěr: Všechny identifikované nástroje jsou využitelné pro hodnocení pacientů s tělesným znevýhodněním a jsou vhodné pro implementaci do klinické praxe. Bylo by potřeba realizovat výzkum v české klinické praxi, aby byly zjištěny efektivita, praktičnost, validita, reliabilita, specificita a senzitivita vybraných nástrojů.
Introduction: The multidisciplinary concept of physical disability (in comparison with other disabilities, such as mental or social) is considered less problematic. In nursing, we can point out many variables (incontinence, a higher risk of decubitus ulcers, spasticity, etc.) whose combination can be called physical disability. Goal: The goal of this study is to map selected evaluation and measuring tools that can be applied in the assessment of physically disabled patients' needs. Methods: This review study was carried out to map selected evaluating tools for the assessment of physically disabled patients' needs. The data were gained from academic databases of Scopus, Web of Science, Wiley Online Library, Science Direct, Ebsco and Pubmed between 2015 and 2019. After the classification by the established criteria, we identified 12 relevant sources. Results: We found 5 possibly relevant tools for the assessment of physically disabled patients' needs. The specific tools were WHODAS 2.0, MDS, MDS-BV, SDS and ICF. Conclusions: All identified tools can be used for the assessment of physically disabled patients and are suitable for implementation in clinical practice. It was necessary to carry out this study in the Czech clinical practice to learn the effectiveness, usefulness, validity, reliability, specifics and sensitivity of selected tools.
Aim: Patient self-management is considered one of the preconditions for successful control of chronic conditions (including chronic pain), and health literacy is a relevant factor that can affect patient outcomes. The aim was to conduct a scoping review to synthesize studies within the healthcare context that have dealt with chronic pain in adults and measured literacy, and also to explore what literacy instruments were used. Methods: After determining clear inclusion and exclusion criteria, 8 electronic databases were searched for relevant articles; additional articles were obtained through reference lists of the obtained articles. Of the 56 records that were screened, 14 were included for data abstraction. Results: Most (n = 11) obtained studies were quantitative and most were based on a definition of literacy that focused on individuals, i.e. either on their reading level or on their abilities to access, read, understand, appraise, and act on health information. Correspondingly, most (n = 10) instruments measured individual-level characteristics; they did so mainly to examine the relationship between health literacy and various pain-related variables. Most studies were conducted in the USA and Germany. Conclusions: Chronic pain health literacy is a topic with emerging research. However, most instruments are generic and are oriented mainly towards individuals. Thus, chronic pain-specific instruments should be developed, and the existing instruments should be expanded to include contextual factors as well. Research is urgently needed in non-Western countries, especially given the current and predicted future global trends concerning chronic pain.
Objectives: The goals of this study were to examine the feasibility of using ontology-based text mining with CaringBridge social media journal entries in order to understand journal content from a whole-person perspective. Specific aims were to describe Omaha System problem concept frequencies in the journal entries over a four-step process overall, and relative to Omaha System Domains; and to examine the four step method including the use of standardized terms and related words. Design: Ontology-based retrospective observational feasibility study using text mining methods. Sample: A corpus of social media text consisting of 13,757,900 CaringBridge journal entries from June 2006 to June 2016. Measures: The Omaha System terms, including problems and signs/symptoms, were used as the foundational lexicon for this study. Development of an extended lexicon with related words for each problem concept expanded the semantics-powered data analytics approach to reflect consumer word choices. Results: All Omaha System problem concepts were identified in the journal entries, with consistent representation across domains. The approach was most successful when common words were used to represent clinical terms. Preliminary validation of journal examples showed appropriate representation of the problem concepts. Conclusions: This is the first study to evaluate the feasibility of using an interface terminology and ontology (the Omaha System) as a text mining information model. Further research is needed to systematically validate these findings, refine the process as needed to advance the study of CaringBridge content, and extend the use of this method to other consumer-generated journal entries and terminologies.
Aim: The “choking game” (CG) is an activity in which self-strangulation, strangulation by others, or hyperventilation followed by applied pressure to the neck or chest is used in order to restrict oxygen flow to the brain and induce a brief euphoric state. Typically, the CG is engaged in by adolescents; it can cause serious injury and even death. The aim was to ascertain whether there are any scholarly publications on the CG in the Czech Republic (CR) and whether Czech adolescents engage in the CG, based on a search of sources available online. Methods: Nine online databases/search engines were accessed to identify scholarly publications on the CG in the CR, using English and Czech key words as well as the slang word “holotrop”. Next, a Google and YouTube search was conducted to identify non-scholarly sources. The obtained sources were systematized for qualitative analysis. Results: Seven Czech scholarly publications have mentioned “self-strangulation”, a practice sometimes used to cope with distressing emotions. Three books have described “holotropic states” (and/or “holotropic breath work”), which are concepts and activities not identical to the CG. The Google and YouTube search identified a plethora of Czech blogs and videos on “holotrop”, i.e. the CG. The CG has been practiced in various settings; the motives include entertainment, peer pressure, curiosity, and a desire to overcome boredom. The bloggers have experienced or observed diverse CG effects; their opinions on the activity vary. Conclusions: We hypothesize that because young Czechs use slang (“holotrop”) when discussing the activity, the magnitude of the problem in the CR has remained unrecognized. Research is urgently needed to examine this phenomenon. Czech nurses should be involved in this process.