• This record comes from PubMed

Analýza tabliet s obsahom zinku a medi v polykomponentných minerálnych výzivových doplnkoch
[Analysis of zinc- and copper-containing tablets in multicomponent mineral nutritional preparations]

. 2006 May ; 55 (3) : 131-5.

Language Slovak Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type English Abstract, Journal Article


PubMed 16838491

The aim of this study was to elaborate and optimize the working conditions for the identification and determination of zinc and copper present in the multicomponent mineral preparations Zinok Walmark and TrikrátSedem FeCuZn by a modern electrochemical analytical method--galvanostatic stripping chronopotentiometry, and a nuclear analytical method--X-ray fluorescence analysis. The proposed analytical methods were compared with each other and the obtained results concerning the quantity of determined elements were in good agreement.

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