• This record comes from PubMed

Vplyv exogénneho luteinizacného hormónu na parametre IVF/ICSI cyklov
[The impact of exogenous luteinizing hormone on IVF/ICSI cycles parameters]

. 2011 Sep ; 76 (4) : 268-73.

Language Slovak Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type English Abstract, Journal Article


PubMed 22026067

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of exogenous luteinizing hormone on IVF/ICSI success. DESIGN: Retrospective clinical study. SETTING: 2nd Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Medical Faculty and L. Pasteur University Hospital Kosice, Slovak Republic. METHODS: Individual parameters and clinical pregnancy rate of 232 IVF/ICSI cycles were compared in dependence on stimulation protocol (pure rFSH vs. rFSH and 75 IU rLH from S7). RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in IVF/ICSI success between individual groups and subgroups, but we demonstrated the increase in clinical pregnancy rate per ET in agonist cycles group with exogenous LH activity totally above 11% (27.6% vs. 38.6%), in patients under 35 years above 12% (30.4% vs. 42.6%) and in patients over 35 years above 14% (16.7% vs. 30.8%). In antagonist cycles group there was demonstrated the increase in clinical pregnancy rate only in women over 35 years - above 14% (13.3% vs. 30.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Despite of negative statistical analyses, from the clinical point of view we can strongly recommend the LH addition during COH, especially in agonist cycles and in older women.

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