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Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum at [Formula: see text] =13 [Formula: see text]with the ATLAS detector
- Atlas Collaboration
- Aaboud, M
- Aad, G
- Abbott, B
- Abdallah, J
- Abdinov, O
- Abeloos, B
- Aben, R
- AbouZeid, O S
- Abraham, N L
- Abramowicz, H
- Abreu, H
- Abreu, R
- Abulaiti, Y
- Acharya, B S
- Adachi, S
- Adamczyk, L
- Adams, D L
- Adelman, J
- Adomeit, S
- Adye, T
- Affolder, A A
- Agatonovic-Jovin, T
- Agricola, J
- Aguilar-Saavedra, J A
- Ahlen, S P
- Ahmadov, F
- Aielli, G
- Akerstedt, H
- Åkesson, T P A
- Akimov, A V
- Alberghi, G L
- Albert, J
- Albrand, S
- Alconada Verzini, M J
- Aleksa, M
- Aleksandrov, I N
- Alexa, C
- Alexander, G
- Alexopoulos, T
- Alhroob, M
- Aliev, M
- Alimonti, G
- Alison, J
- Alkire, S P
- Allbrooke, B M M
- Allen, B W
- Allport, P P
- Aloisio, A
- Alonso, A
- Alonso, F
- Alpigiani, C
- Alstaty, M
- Alvarez Gonzalez, B
- Álvarez Piqueras, D
- Alviggi, M G
- Amadio, B T
- Amako, K
- Amaral Coutinho, Y
- Amelung, C
- Amidei, D
- Amor Dos Santos, S P
- Amorim, A
- Amoroso, S
- Amundsen, G
- Anastopoulos, C
- Ancu, L S
- Andari, N
- Andeen, T
- Anders, C F
- Anders, G
- Anders, J K
- Anderson, K J
- Andreazza, A
- Andrei, V
- Angelidakis, S
- Angelozzi, I
- Anger, P
- Angerami, A
- Anghinolfi, F
- Anisenkov, A V
- Anjos, N
- Annovi, A
- Antonelli, M
- Antonov, A
- Anulli, F
- Aoki, M
- Aperio Bella, L
- Arabidze, G
- Arai, Y
- Araque, J P
- Arce, A T H
- Arduh, F A
- Arguin, J-F
- Argyropoulos, S
- Arik, M
- Armbruster, A J
- Armitage, L J
- Arnaez, O
- Arnold, H
- Arratia, M
- Arslan, O
- Artamonov, A
- Artoni, G
- Artz, S
- Asai, S
- Asbah, N
- Ashkenazi, A
- Åsman, B
- Asquith, L
- Assamagan, K
- Astalos, R
- Atkinson, M
- Atlay, N B
- Augsten, K
- Avolio, G
- Axen, B
- Ayoub, M K
- Azuelos, G
- Baak, M A
- Baas, A E
- Baca, M J
- Bachacou, H
- Bachas, K
- Backes, M
- Backhaus, M
- Bagiacchi, P
- Bagnaia, P
- Bai, Y
- Baines, J T
- Baker, O K
- Baldin, E M
- Balek, P
- Balestri, T
- Balli, F
- Balunas, W K
- Banas, E
- Banerjee, Sw
- Bannoura, A A E
- Barak, L
- Barberio, E L
- Barberis, D
- Barbero, M
- Barillari, T
- Barklow, T
- Barlow, N
- Barnes, S L
- Barnett, B M
- Barnett, R M
- Barnovska, Z
- Baroncelli, A
- Barone, G
- Barr, A J
- Barranco Navarro, L
- Barreiro, F
- Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, J
- Bartoldus, R
- Barton, A E
- Bartos, P
- Basalaev, A
- Bassalat, A
- Bates, R L
- Batista, S J
- Batley, J R
- Battaglia, M
- Bauce, M
- Bauer, F
- Bawa, H S
- Beacham, J B
- Beattie, M D
- Beau, T
- Beauchemin, P H
- Bechtle, P
- Beck, H P
- Becker, K
- Becker, M
- Beckingham, M
- Becot, C
- Beddall, A J
- Beddall, A
- Bednyakov, V A
- Bedognetti, M
- Bee, C P
- Beemster, L J
- Beermann, T A
- Begel, M
- Behr, J K
- Belanger-Champagne, C
- Bell, A S
- Bella, G
- Bellagamba, L
- Bellerive, A
- Bellomo, M
- Belotskiy, K
- Beltramello, O
- Belyaev, N L
- Benary, O
- Benchekroun, D
- Bender, M
- Bendtz, K
- Benekos, N
- Benhammou, Y
- Benhar Noccioli, E
- Benitez, J
- Benjamin, D P
- Bensinger, J R
- Bentvelsen, S
- Beresford, L
- Beretta, M
- Berge, D
- Bergeaas Kuutmann, E
- Berger, N
- Beringer, J
- Berlendis, S
- Bernard, N R
- Bernius, C
- Bernlochner, F U
- Berry, T
- Berta, P
- Bertella, C
- Bertoli, G
- Bertolucci, F
- Bertram, I A
- Bertsche, C
- Bertsche, D
- Besjes, G J
- Bessidskaia Bylund, O
- Bessner, M
- Besson, N
- Betancourt, C
- Bethke, S
- Bevan, A J
- Bhimji, W
- Bianchi, R M
- Bianchini, L
- Bianco, M
- Biebel, O
- Biedermann, D
- Bielski, R
- Biesuz, N V
- Biglietti, M
- Bilbao De Mendizabal, J
- Bilokon, H
- Bindi, M
- Binet, S
- Bingul, A
- Bini, C
- Biondi, S
- Bjergaard, D M
- Black, C W
- Black, J E
- Black, K M
- Blackburn, D
- Blair, R E
- Blanchard, J-B
- Blanco, J E
- Blazek, T
- Bloch, I
- Blocker, C
- Blum, W
- Blumenschein, U
- Blunier, S
- Bobbink, G J
- Bobrovnikov, V S
- Bocchetta, S S
- Bocci, A
- Bock, C
- Boehler, M
- Boerner, D
- Bogaerts, J A
- Bogavac, D
- Bogdanchikov, A G
- Bohm, C
- Boisvert, V
- Bokan, P
- Bold, T
- Boldyrev, A S
- Bomben, M
- Bona, M
- Boonekamp, M
- Borisov, A
- Borissov, G
- Bortfeldt, J
- Bortoletto, D
- Bortolotto, V
- Bos, K
- Boscherini, D
- Bosman, M
- Bossio Sola, J D
- Boudreau, J
- Bouffard, J
- Bouhova-Thacker, E V
- Boumediene, D
- Bourdarios, C
- Boutle, S K
- Boveia, A
- Boyd, J
- Boyko, I R
- Bracinik, J
- Brandt, A
- Brandt, G
- Brandt, O
- Bratzler, U
- Brau, B
- Brau, J E
- Braun, H M
- Breaden Madden, W D
- Brendlinger, K
- Brennan, A J
- Brenner, L
- Brenner, R
- Bressler, S
- Bristow, T M
- Britton, D
- Britzger, D
- Brochu, F M
- Brock, I
- Brock, R
- Brooijmans, G
- Brooks, T
- Brooks, W K
- Brosamer, J
- Brost, E
- Broughton, J H
- Bruckman de Renstrom, P A
- Bruncko, D
- Bruneliere, R
- Bruni, A
- Bruni, G
- Brunt, B H
- Bruschi, M
- Bruscino, N
- Bryant, P
- Bryngemark, L
- Buanes, T
- Buat, Q
- Buchholz, P
- Buckley, A G
- Budagov, I A
- Buehrer, F
- Bugge, M K
- Bulekov, O
- Bullock, D
- Burckhart, H
- Burdin, S
- Burgard, C D
- Burghgrave, B
- Burka, K
- Burke, S
- Burmeister, I
- Busato, E
- Büscher, D
- Büscher, V
- Bussey, P
- Butler, J M
- Buttar, C M
- Butterworth, J M
- Butti, P
- Buttinger, W
- Buzatu, A
- Buzykaev, A R
- Cabrera Urbán, S
- Caforio, D
- Cairo, V M
- Cakir, O
- Calace, N
- Calafiura, P
- Calandri, A
- Calderini, G
- Calfayan, P
- Caloba, L P
- Calvet, D
- Calvet, S
- Calvet, T P
- Camacho Toro, R
- Camarda, S
- Camarri, P
- Cameron, D
- Caminal Armadans, R
- Camincher, C
- Campana, S
- Campanelli, M
- Camplani, A
- Campoverde, A
- Canale, V
- Canepa, A
- Cano Bret, M
- Cantero, J
- Cantrill, R
- Cao, T
- Capeans Garrido, M D M
- Caprini, I
- Caprini, M
- Capua, M
- Caputo, R
- Carbone, R M
- Cardarelli, R
- Cardillo, F
- Carli, I
- Carli, T
- Carlino, G
- Carminati, L
- Caron, S
- Carquin, E
- Carrillo-Montoya, G D
- Carter, J R
- Carvalho, J
- Casadei, D
- Casado, M P
- Casolino, M
- Casper, D W
- Castaneda-Miranda, E
- Castelijn, R
- Castelli, A
- Castillo Gimenez, V
- Castro, N F
- Catinaccio, A
- Catmore, J R
- Cattai, A
- Caudron, J
- Cavaliere, V
- Cavallaro, E
- Cavalli, D
- Cavalli-Sforza, M
- Cavasinni, V
- Ceradini, F
- Cerda Alberich, L
- Cerio, B C
- Cerqueira, A S
- Cerri, A
- Cerrito, L
- Cerutti, F
- Cerv, M
- Cervelli, A
- Cetin, S A
- Chafaq, A
- Chakraborty, D
- Chan, S K
- Chan, Y L
- Chang, P
- Chapman, J D
- Charlton, D G
- Chatterjee, A
- Chau, C C
- Chavez Barajas, C A
- Che, S
- Cheatham, S
- Chegwidden, A
- Chekanov, S
- Chekulaev, S V
- Chelkov, G A
- Chelstowska, M A
- Chen, C
- Chen, H
- Chen, K
- Chen, S
- Chen, S
- Chen, X
- Chen, Y
- Cheng, H C
- Cheng, H J
- Cheng, Y
- Cheplakov, A
- Cheremushkina, E
- Cherkaoui El Moursli, R
- Chernyatin, V
- Cheu, E
- Chevalier, L
- Chiarella, V
- Chiarelli, G
- Chiodini, G
- Chisholm, A S
- Chitan, A
- Chizhov, M V
- Choi, K
- Chomont, A R
- Chouridou, S
- Chow, B K B
- Christodoulou, V
- Chromek-Burckhart, D
- Chudoba, J
- Chuinard, A J
- Chwastowski, J J
- Chytka, L
- Ciapetti, G
- Ciftci, A K
- Cinca, D
- Cindro, V
- Cioara, I A
- Ciocio, A
- Cirotto, F
- Citron, Z H
- Citterio, M
- Ciubancan, M
- Clark, A
- Clark, B L
- Clark, M R
- Clark, P J
- Clarke, R N
- Clement, C
- Coadou, Y
- Cobal, M
- Coccaro, A
- Cochran, J
- Coffey, L
- Colasurdo, L
- Cole, B
- Colijn, A P
- Collot, J
- Colombo, T
- Compostella, G
- Conde Muiño, P
- Coniavitis, E
- Connell, S H
- Connelly, I A
- Consorti, V
- Constantinescu, S
- Conti, G
- Conventi, F
- Cooke, M
- Cooper, B D
- Cooper-Sarkar, A M
- Cormier, K J R
- Cornelissen, T
- Corradi, M
- Corriveau, F
- Corso-Radu, A
- Cortes-Gonzalez, A
- Cortiana, G
- Costa, G
- Costa, M J
- Costanzo, D
- Cottin, G
- Cowan, G
- Cox, B E
- Cranmer, K
- Crawley, S J
- Cree, G
- Crépé-Renaudin, S
- Crescioli, F
- Cribbs, W A
- Crispin Ortuzar, M
- Cristinziani, M
- Croft, V
- Crosetti, G
- Cuhadar Donszelmann, T
- Cummings, J
- Curatolo, M
- Cúth, J
- Cuthbert, C
- Czirr, H
- Czodrowski, P
- D'amen, G
- D'Auria, S
- D'Onofrio, M
- Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa, M J
- Da Via, C
- Dabrowski, W
- Dado, T
- Dai, T
- Dale, O
- Dallaire, F
- Dallapiccola, C
- Dam, M
- Dandoy, J R
- Dang, N P
- Daniells, A C
- Dann, N S
- Danninger, M
- Dano Hoffmann, M
- Dao, V
- Darbo, G
- Darmora, S
- Dassoulas, J
- Dattagupta, A
- Davey, W
- David, C
- Davidek, T
- Davies, M
- Davison, P
- Dawe, E
- Dawson, I
- Daya-Ishmukhametova, R K
- De, K
- de Asmundis, R
- De Benedetti, A
- De Castro, S
- De Cecco, S
- De Groot, N
- de Jong, P
- De la Torre, H
- De Lorenzi, F
- De Maria, A
- De Pedis, D
- De Salvo, A
- De Sanctis, U
- De Santo, A
- De Vivie De Regie, J B
- Dearnaley, W J
- Debbe, R
- Debenedetti, C
- Dedovich, D V
- Dehghanian, N
- Deigaard, I
- Del Gaudio, M
- Del Peso, J
- Del Prete, T
- Delgove, D
- Deliot, F
- Delitzsch, C M
- Deliyergiyev, M
- Dell'Acqua, A
- Dell'Asta, L
- Dell'Orso, M
- Della Pietra, M
- Della Volpe, D
- Delmastro, M
- Delsart, P A
- Deluca, C
- DeMarco, D A
- Demers, S
- Demichev, M
- Demilly, A
- Denisov, S P
- Denysiuk, D
- Derendarz, D
- Derkaoui, J E
- Derue, F
- Dervan, P
- Desch, K
- Deterre, C
- Dette, K
- Deviveiros, P O
- Dewhurst, A
- Dhaliwal, S
- Di Ciaccio, A
- Di Ciaccio, L
- Di Clemente, W K
- Di Donato, C
- Di Girolamo, A
- Di Girolamo, B
- Di Micco, B
- Di Nardo, R
- Di Simone, A
- Di Sipio, R
- Di Valentino, D
- Diaconu, C
- Diamond, M
- Dias, F A
- Diaz, M A
- Diehl, E B
- Dietrich, J
- Diglio, S
- Dimitrievska, A
- Dingfelder, J
- Dita, P
- Dita, S
- Dittus, F
- Djama, F
- Djobava, T
- Djuvsland, J I
- do Vale, M A B
- Dobos, D
- Dobre, M
- Doglioni, C
- Dohmae, T
- Dolejsi, J
- Dolezal, Z
- Dolgoshein, B A
- Donadelli, M
- Donati, S
- Dondero, P
- Donini, J
- Dopke, J
- Doria, A
- Dova, M T
- Doyle, A T
- Drechsler, E
- Dris, M
- Du, Y
- Duarte-Campderros, J
- Duchovni, E
- Duckeck, G
- Ducu, O A
- Duda, D
- Dudarev, A
- Duffield, E M
- Duflot, L
- Duguid, L
- Dührssen, M
- Dumancic, M
- Dunford, M
- Duran Yildiz, H
- Düren, M
- Durglishvili, A
- Duschinger, D
- Dutta, B
- Dyndal, M
- Eckardt, C
- Ecker, K M
- Edgar, R C
- Edwards, N C
- Eifert, T
- Eigen, G
- Einsweiler, K
- Ekelof, T
- El Kacimi, M
- Ellajosyula, V
- Ellert, M
- Elles, S
- Ellinghaus, F
- Elliot, A A
- Ellis, N
- Elmsheuser, J
- Elsing, M
- Emeliyanov, D
- Enari, Y
- Endner, O C
- Endo, M
- Ennis, J S
- Erdmann, J
- Ereditato, A
- Ernis, G
- Ernst, J
- Ernst, M
- Errede, S
- Ertel, E
- Escalier, M
- Esch, H
- Escobar, C
- Esposito, B
- Etienvre, A I
- Etzion, E
- Evans, H
- Ezhilov, A
- Fabbri, F
- Fabbri, L
- Facini, G
- Fakhrutdinov, R M
- Falciano, S
- Falla, R J
- Faltova, J
- Fang, Y
- Fanti, M
- Farbin, A
- Farilla, A
- Farina, C
- Farooque, T
- Farrell, S
- Farrington, S M
- Farthouat, P
- Fassi, F
- Fassnacht, P
- Fassouliotis, D
- Faucci Giannelli, M
- Favareto, A
- Fawcett, W J
- Fayard, L
- Fedin, O L
- Fedorko, W
- Feigl, S
- Feligioni, L
- Feng, C
- Feng, E J
- Feng, H
- Fenyuk, A B
- Feremenga, L
- Fernandez Martinez, P
- Fernandez Perez, S
- Ferrando, J
- Ferrari, A
- Ferrari, P
- Ferrari, R
- Ferreira de Lima, D E
- Ferrer, A
- Ferrere, D
- Ferretti, C
- Ferretto Parodi, A
- Fiedler, F
- Filipčič, A
- Filipuzzi, M
- Filthaut, F
- Fincke-Keeler, M
- Finelli, K D
- Fiolhais, M C N
- Fiorini, L
- Firan, A
- Fischer, A
- Fischer, C
- Fischer, J
- Fisher, W C
- Flaschel, N
- Fleck, I
- Fleischmann, P
- Fletcher, G T
- Fletcher, R R M
- Flick, T
- Floderus, A
- Flores Castillo, L R
- Flowerdew, M J
- Forcolin, G T
- Formica, A
- Forti, A
- Foster, A G
- Fournier, D
- Fox, H
- Fracchia, S
- Francavilla, P
- Franchini, M
- Francis, D
- Franconi, L
- Franklin, M
- Frate, M
- Fraternali, M
- Freeborn, D
- Fressard-Batraneanu, S M
- Friedrich, F
- Froidevaux, D
- Frost, J A
- Fukunaga, C
- Fullana Torregrosa, E
- Fusayasu, T
- Fuster, J
- Gabaldon, C
- Gabizon, O
- Gabrielli, A
- Gabrielli, A
- Gach, G P
- Gadatsch, S
- Gadomski, S
- Gagliardi, G
- Gagnon, L G
- Gagnon, P
- Galea, C
- Galhardo, B
- Gallas, E J
- Gallop, B J
- Gallus, P
- Galster, G
- Gan, K K
- Gao, J
- Gao, Y
- Gao, Y S
- Garay Walls, F M
- García, C
- García Navarro, J E
- Garcia-Sciveres, M
- Gardner, R W
- Garelli, N
- Garonne, V
- Gascon Bravo, A
- Gatti, C
- Gaudiello, A
- Gaudio, G
- Gaur, B
- Gauthier, L
- Gavrilenko, I L
- Gay, C
- Gaycken, G
- Gazis, E N
- Gecse, Z
- Gee, C N P
- Geich-Gimbel, Ch
- Geisen, M
- Geisler, M P
- Gemme, C
- Genest, M H
- Geng, C
- Gentile, S
- George, S
- Gerbaudo, D
- Gershon, A
- Ghasemi, S
- Ghazlane, H
- Ghneimat, M
- Giacobbe, B
- Giagu, S
- Giannetti, P
- Gibbard, B
- Gibson, S M
- Gignac, M
- Gilchriese, M
- Gillam, T P S
- Gillberg, D
- Gilles, G
- Gingrich, D M
- Giokaris, N
- Giordani, M P
- Giorgi, F M
- Giorgi, F M
- Giraud, P F
- Giromini, P
- Giugni, D
- Giuli, F
- Giuliani, C
- Giulini, M
- Gjelsten, B K
- Gkaitatzis, S
- Gkialas, I
- Gkougkousis, E L
- Gladilin, L K
- Glasman, C
- Glatzer, J
- Glaysher, P C F
- Glazov, A
- Goblirsch-Kolb, M
- Godlewski, J
- Goldfarb, S
- Golling, T
- Golubkov, D
- Gomes, A
- Gonçalo, R
- Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa, J
- Gonella, G
- Gonella, L
- Gongadze, A
- González de la Hoz, S
- Gonzalez Parra, G
- Gonzalez-Sevilla, S
- Goossens, L
- Gorbounov, P A
- Gordon, H A
- Gorelov, I
- Gorini, B
- Gorini, E
- Gorišek, A
- Gornicki, E
- Goshaw, A T
- Gössling, C
- Gostkin, M I
- Goudet, C R
- Goujdami, D
- Goussiou, A G
- Govender, N
- Gozani, E
- Graber, L
- Grabowska-Bold, I
- Gradin, P O J
- Grafström, P
- Gramling, J
- Gramstad, E
- Grancagnolo, S
- Gratchev, V
- Gravila, P M
- Gray, H M
- Graziani, E
- Greenwood, Z D
- Grefe, C
- Gregersen, K
- Gregor, I M
- Grenier, P
- Grevtsov, K
- Griffiths, J
- Grillo, A A
- Grimm, K
- Grinstein, S
- Gris, Ph
- Grivaz, J-F
- Groh, S
- Grohs, J P
- Gross, E
- Grosse-Knetter, J
- Grossi, G C
- Grout, Z J
- Guan, L
- Guan, W
- Guenther, J
- Guescini, F
- Guest, D
- Gueta, O
- Guido, E
- Guillemin, T
- Guindon, S
- Gul, U
- Gumpert, C
- Guo, J
- Guo, Y
- Gupta, S
- Gustavino, G
- Gutierrez, P
- Gutierrez Ortiz, N G
- Gutschow, C
- Guyot, C
- Gwenlan, C
- Gwilliam, C B
- Haas, A
- Haber, C
- Hadavand, H K
- Haddad, N
- Hadef, A
- Haefner, P
- Hageböck, S
- Hajduk, Z
- Hakobyan, H
- Haleem, M
- Haley, J
- Halladjian, G
- Hallewell, G D
- Hamacher, K
- Hamal, P
- Hamano, K
- Hamilton, A
- Hamity, G N
- Hamnett, P G
- Han, L
- Hanagaki, K
- Hanawa, K
- Hance, M
- Haney, B
- Hanke, P
- Hanna, R
- Hansen, J B
- Hansen, J D
- Hansen, M C
- Hansen, P H
- Hara, K
- Hard, A S
- Harenberg, T
- Hariri, F
- Harkusha, S
- Harrington, R D
- Harrison, P F
- Hartjes, F
- Hartmann, N M
- Hasegawa, M
- Hasegawa, Y
- Hasib, A
- Hassani, S
- Haug, S
- Hauser, R
- Hauswald, L
- Havranek, M
- Hawkes, C M
- Hawkings, R J
- Hayden, D
- Hays, C P
- Hays, J M
- Hayward, H S
- Haywood, S J
- Head, S J
- Heck, T
- Hedberg, V
- Heelan, L
- Heim, S
- Heim, T
- Heinemann, B
- Heinrich, J J
- Heinrich, L
- Heinz, C
- Hejbal, J
- Helary, L
- Hellman, S
- Helsens, C
- Henderson, J
- Henderson, R C W
- Heng, Y
- Henkelmann, S
- Henriques Correia, A M
- Henrot-Versille, S
- Herbert, G H
- Hernández Jiménez, Y
- Herten, G
- Hertenberger, R
- Hervas, L
- Hesketh, G G
- Hessey, N P
- Hetherly, J W
- Hickling, R
- Higón-Rodriguez, E
- Hill, E
- Hill, J C
- Hiller, K H
- Hillier, S J
- Hinchliffe, I
- Hines, E
- Hinman, R R
- Hirose, M
- Hirschbuehl, D
- Hobbs, J
- Hod, N
- Hodgkinson, M C
- Hodgson, P
- Hoecker, A
- Hoeferkamp, M R
- Hoenig, F
- Hohn, D
- Holmes, T R
- Homann, M
- Hong, T M
- Hooberman, B H
- Hopkins, W H
- Horii, Y
- Horton, A J
- Hostachy, J-Y
- Hou, S
- Hoummada, A
- Howarth, J
- Hrabovsky, M
- Hristova, I
- Hrivnac, J
- Hryn'ova, T
- Hrynevich, A
- Hsu, C
- Hsu, P J
- Hsu, S-C
- Hu, D
- Hu, Q
- Huang, Y
- Hubacek, Z
- Hubaut, F
- Huegging, F
- Huffman, T B
- Hughes, E W
- Hughes, G
- Huhtinen, M
- Hülsing, T A
- Huo, P
- Huseynov, N
- Huston, J
- Huth, J
- Iacobucci, G
- Iakovidis, G
- Ibragimov, I
- Iconomidou-Fayard, L
- Ideal, E
- Idrissi, Z
- Iengo, P
- Igonkina, O
- Iizawa, T
- Ikegami, Y
- Ikeno, M
- Ilchenko, Y
- Iliadis, D
- Ilic, N
- Ince, T
- Introzzi, G
- Ioannou, P
- Iodice, M
- Iordanidou, K
- Ippolito, V
- Ishino, M
- Ishitsuka, M
- Ishmukhametov, R
- Issever, C
- Istin, S
- Ito, F
- Iturbe Ponce, J M
- Iuppa, R
- Iwanski, W
- Iwasaki, H
- Izen, J M
- Izzo, V
- Jabbar, S
- Jackson, B
- Jackson, M
- Jackson, P
- Jain, V
- Jakobi, K B
- Jakobs, K
- Jakobsen, S
- Jakoubek, T
- Jamin, D O
- Jana, D K
- Jansen, E
- Jansky, R
- Janssen, J
- Janus, M
- Jarlskog, G
- Javadov, N
- Javůrek, T
- Jeanneau, F
- Jeanty, L
- Jejelava, J
- Jeng, G-Y
- Jennens, D
- Jenni, P
- Jentzsch, J
- Jeske, C
- Jézéquel, S
- Ji, H
- Jia, J
- Jiang, H
- Jiang, Y
- Jiggins, S
- Jimenez Pena, J
- Jin, S
- Jinaru, A
- Jinnouchi, O
- Johansson, P
- Johns, K A
- Johnson, W J
- Jon-And, K
- Jones, G
- Jones, R W L
- Jones, S
- Jones, T J
- Jongmanns, J
- Jorge, P M
- Jovicevic, J
- Ju, X
- Juste Rozas, A
- Köhler, M K
- Kaczmarska, A
- Kado, M
- Kagan, H
- Kagan, M
- Kahn, S J
- Kajomovitz, E
- Kalderon, C W
- Kaluza, A
- Kama, S
- Kamenshchikov, A
- Kanaya, N
- Kaneti, S
- Kanjir, L
- Kantserov, V A
- Kanzaki, J
- Kaplan, B
- Kaplan, L S
- Kapliy, A
- Kar, D
- Karakostas, K
- Karamaoun, A
- Karastathis, N
- Kareem, M J
- Karentzos, E
- Karnevskiy, M
- Karpov, S N
- Karpova, Z M
- Karthik, K
- Kartvelishvili, V
- Karyukhin, A N
- Kasahara, K
- Kashif, L
- Kass, R D
- Kastanas, A
- Kataoka, Y
- Kato, C
- Katre, A
- Katzy, J
- Kawagoe, K
- Kawamoto, T
- Kawamura, G
- Kazama, S
- Kazanin, V F
- Keeler, R
- Kehoe, R
- Keller, J S
- Kempster, J J
- Kentaro, K
- Keoshkerian, H
- Kepka, O
- Kerševan, B P
- Kersten, S
- Keyes, R A
- Khalil-Zada, F
- Khanov, A
- Kharlamov, A G
- Khoo, T J
- Khovanskiy, V
- Khramov, E
- Khubua, J
- Kido, S
- Kim, H Y
- Kim, S H
- Kim, Y K
- Kimura, N
- Kind, O M
- King, B T
- King, M
- King, S B
- Kirk, J
- Kiryunin, A E
- Kishimoto, T
- Kisielewska, D
- Kiss, F
- Kiuchi, K
- Kivernyk, O
- Kladiva, E
- Klein, M H
- Klein, M
- Klein, U
- Kleinknecht, K
- Klimek, P
- Klimentov, A
- Klingenberg, R
- Klinger, J A
- Klioutchnikova, T
- Kluge, E-E
- Kluit, P
- Kluth, S
- Knapik, J
- Kneringer, E
- Knoops, E B F G
- Knue, A
- Kobayashi, A
- Kobayashi, D
- Kobayashi, T
- Kobel, M
- Kocian, M
- Kodys, P
- Koffas, T
- Koffeman, E
- Koi, T
- Kolanoski, H
- Kolb, M
- Koletsou, I
- Komar, A A
- Komori, Y
- Kondo, T
- Kondrashova, N
- Köneke, K
- König, A C
- Kono, T
- Konoplich, R
- Konstantinidis, N
- Kopeliansky, R
- Koperny, S
- Köpke, L
- Kopp, A K
- Korcyl, K
- Kordas, K
- Korn, A
- Korol, A A
- Korolkov, I
- Korolkova, E V
- Kortner, O
- Kortner, S
- Kosek, T
- Kostyukhin, V V
- Kotwal, A
- Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, A
- Kourkoumelis, C
- Kouskoura, V
- Kowalewska, A B
- Kowalewski, R
- Kowalski, T Z
- Kozakai, C
- Kozanecki, W
- Kozhin, A S
- Kramarenko, V A
- Kramberger, G
- Krasnopevtsev, D
- Krasny, M W
- Krasznahorkay, A
- Kraus, J K
- Kravchenko, A
- Kretz, M
- Kretzschmar, J
- Kreutzfeldt, K
- Krieger, P
- Krizka, K
- Kroeninger, K
- Kroha, H
- Kroll, J
- Kroseberg, J
- Krstic, J
- Kruchonak, U
- Krüger, H
- Krumnack, N
- Kruse, A
- Kruse, M C
- Kruskal, M
- Kubota, T
- Kucuk, H
- Kuday, S
- Kuechler, J T
- Kuehn, S
- Kugel, A
- Kuger, F
- Kuhl, A
- Kuhl, T
- Kukhtin, V
- Kukla, R
- Kulchitsky, Y
- Kuleshov, S
- Kuna, M
- Kunigo, T
- Kupco, A
- Kurashige, H
- Kurochkin, Y A
- Kus, V
- Kuwertz, E S
- Kuze, M
- Kvita, J
- Kwan, T
- Kyriazopoulos, D
- La Rosa, A
- La Rosa Navarro, J L
- La Rotonda, L
- Lacasta, C
- Lacava, F
- Lacey, J
- Lacker, H
- Lacour, D
- Lacuesta, V R
- Ladygin, E
- Lafaye, R
- Laforge, B
- Lagouri, T
- Lai, S
- Lammers, S
- Lampl, W
- Lançon, E
- Landgraf, U
- Landon, M P J
- Lang, V S
- Lange, J C
- Lankford, A J
- Lanni, F
- Lantzsch, K
- Lanza, A
- Laplace, S
- Lapoire, C
- Laporte, J F
- Lari, T
- Lasagni Manghi, F
- Lassnig, M
- Laurelli, P
- Lavrijsen, W
- Law, A T
- Laycock, P
- Lazovich, T
- Lazzaroni, M
- Le, B
- Le Dortz, O
- Le Guirriec, E
- Le Quilleuc, E P
- LeBlanc, M
- LeCompte, T
- Ledroit-Guillon, F
- Lee, C A
- Lee, S C
- Lee, L
- Lefebvre, G
- Lefebvre, M
- Legger, F
- Leggett, C
- Lehan, A
- Lehmann Miotto, G
- Lei, X
- Leight, W A
- Leisos, A
- Leister, A G
- Leite, M A L
- Leitner, R
- Lellouch, D
- Lemmer, B
- Leney, K J C
- Lenz, T
- Lenzi, B
- Leone, R
- Leone, S
- Leonidopoulos, C
- Leontsinis, S
- Lerner, G
- Leroy, C
- Lesage, A A J
- Lester, C G
- Levchenko, M
- Levêque, J
- Levin, D
- Levinson, L J
- Levy, M
- Lewis, D
- Leyko, A M
- Leyton, M
- Li, B
- Li, H
- Li, H L
- Li, L
- Li, L
- Li, Q
- Li, S
- Li, X
- Li, Y
- Liang, Z
- Liberti, B
- Liblong, A
- Lichard, P
- Lie, K
- Liebal, J
- Liebig, W
- Limosani, A
- Lin, S C
- Lin, T H
- Lindquist, B E
- Lionti, A E
- Lipeles, E
- Lipniacka, A
- Lisovyi, M
- Liss, T M
- Lister, A
- Litke, A M
- Liu, B
- Liu, D
- Liu, H
- Liu, H
- Liu, J
- Liu, J B
- Liu, K
- Liu, L
- Liu, M
- Liu, M
- Liu, Y L
- Liu, Y
- Livan, M
- Lleres, A
- Llorente Merino, J
- Lloyd, S L
- Lo Sterzo, F
- Lobodzinska, E
- Loch, P
- Lockman, W S
- Loebinger, F K
- Loevschall-Jensen, A E
- Loew, K M
- Loginov, A
- Lohse, T
- Lohwasser, K
- Lokajicek, M
- Long, B A
- Long, J D
- Long, R E
- Longo, L
- Looper, K A
- Lopes, L
- Lopez Mateos, D
- Lopez Paredes, B
- Lopez Paz, I
- Lopez Solis, A
- Lorenz, J
- Lorenzo Martinez, N
- Losada, M
- Lösel, P J
- Lou, X
- Lounis, A
- Love, J
- Love, P A
- Lu, H
- Lu, N
- Lubatti, H J
- Luci, C
- Lucotte, A
- Luedtke, C
- Luehring, F
- Lukas, W
- Luminari, L
- Lundberg, O
- Lund-Jensen, B
- Luzi, P M
- Lynn, D
- Lysak, R
- Lytken, E
- Lyubushkin, V
- Ma, H
- Ma, L L
- Ma, Y
- Maccarrone, G
- Macchiolo, A
- Macdonald, C M
- Maček, B
- Machado Miguens, J
- Madaffari, D
- Madar, R
- Maddocks, H J
- Mader, W F
- Madsen, A
- Maeda, J
- Maeland, S
- Maeno, T
- Maevskiy, A
- Magradze, E
- Mahlstedt, J
- Maiani, C
- Maidantchik, C
- Maier, A A
- Maier, T
- Maio, A
- Majewski, S
- Makida, Y
- Makovec, N
- Malaescu, B
- Malecki, Pa
- Maleev, V P
- Malek, F
- Mallik, U
- Malon, D
- Malone, C
- Maltezos, S
- Malyukov, S
- Mamuzic, J
- Mancini, G
- Mandelli, B
- Mandelli, L
- Mandić, I
- Maneira, J
- Manhaes de Andrade Filho, L
- Manjarres Ramos, J
- Mann, A
- Manousos, A
- Mansoulie, B
- Mansour, J D
- Mantifel, R
- Mantoani, M
- Manzoni, S
- Mapelli, L
- Marceca, G
- March, L
- Marchiori, G
- Marcisovsky, M
- Marjanovic, M
- Marley, D E
- Marroquim, F
- Marsden, S P
- Marshall, Z
- Marti-Garcia, S
- Martin, B
- Martin, T A
- Martin, V J
- Martin Dit Latour, B
- Martinez, M
- Martin-Haugh, S
- Martoiu, V S
- Martyniuk, A C
- Marx, M
- Marzin, A
- Masetti, L
- Mashimo, T
- Mashinistov, R
- Masik, J
- Maslennikov, A L
- Massa, I
- Massa, L
- Mastrandrea, P
- Mastroberardino, A
- Masubuchi, T
- Mättig, P
- Mattmann, J
- Maurer, J
- Maxfield, S J
- Maximov, D A
- Mazini, R
- Mazza, S M
- Mc Fadden, N C
- Mc Goldrick, G
- Mc Kee, S P
- McCarn, A
- McCarthy, R L
- McCarthy, T G
- McClymont, L I
- McDonald, E F
- McFarlane, K W
- Mcfayden, J A
- Mchedlidze, G
- McMahon, S J
- McPherson, R A
- Medinnis, M
- Meehan, S
- Mehlhase, S
- Mehta, A
- Meier, K
- Meineck, C
- Meirose, B
- Melini, D
- Mellado Garcia, B R
- Melo, M
- Meloni, F
- Mengarelli, A
- Menke, S
- Meoni, E
- Mergelmeyer, S
- Mermod, P
- Merola, L
- Meroni, C
- Merritt, F S
- Messina, A
- Metcalfe, J
- Mete, A S
- Meyer, C
- Meyer, C
- Meyer, J-P
- Meyer, J
- Meyer Zu Theenhausen, H
- Miano, F
- Middleton, R P
- Miglioranzi, S
- Mijović, L
- Mikenberg, G
- Mikestikova, M
- Mikuž, M
- Milesi, M
- Milic, A
- Miller, D W
- Mills, C
- Milov, A
- Milstead, D A
- Minaenko, A A
- Minami, Y
- Minashvili, I A
- Mincer, A I
- Mindur, B
- Mineev, M
- Ming, Y
- Mir, L M
- Mistry, K P
- Mitani, T
- Mitrevski, J
- Mitsou, V A
- Miucci, A
- Miyagawa, P S
- Mjörnmark, J U
- Moa, T
- Mochizuki, K
- Mohapatra, S
- Molander, S
- Moles-Valls, R
- Monden, R
- Mondragon, M C
- Mönig, K
- Monk, J
- Monnier, E
- Montalbano, A
- Montejo Berlingen, J
- Monticelli, F
- Monzani, S
- Moore, R W
- Morange, N
- Moreno, D
- Moreno Llácer, M
- Morettini, P
- Mori, D
- Mori, T
- Morii, M
- Morinaga, M
- Morisbak, V
- Moritz, S
- Morley, A K
- Mornacchi, G
- Morris, J D
- Mortensen, S S
- Morvaj, L
- Mosidze, M
- Moss, J
- Motohashi, K
- Mount, R
- Mountricha, E
- Mouraviev, S V
- Moyse, E J W
- Muanza, S
- Mudd, R D
- Mueller, F
- Mueller, J
- Mueller, R S P
- Mueller, T
- Muenstermann, D
- Mullen, P
- Mullier, G A
- Munoz Sanchez, F J
- Murillo Quijada, J A
- Murray, W J
- Musheghyan, H
- Muškinja, M
- Myagkov, A G
- Myska, M
- Nachman, B P
- Nackenhorst, O
- Nagai, K
- Nagai, R
- Nagano, K
- Nagasaka, Y
- Nagata, K
- Nagel, M
- Nagy, E
- Nairz, A M
- Nakahama, Y
- Nakamura, K
- Nakamura, T
- Nakano, I
- Namasivayam, H
- Naranjo Garcia, R F
- Narayan, R
- Narrias Villar, D I
- Naryshkin, I
- Naumann, T
- Navarro, G
- Nayyar, R
- Neal, H A
- Nechaeva, P Yu
- Neep, T J
- Nef, P D
- Negri, A
- Negrini, M
- Nektarijevic, S
- Nellist, C
- Nelson, A
- Nemecek, S
- Nemethy, P
- Nepomuceno, A A
- Nessi, M
- Neubauer, M S
- Neumann, M
- Neves, R M
- Nevski, P
- Newman, P R
- Nguyen, D H
- Nguyen Manh, T
- Nickerson, R B
- Nicolaidou, R
- Nielsen, J
- Nikiforov, A
- Nikolaenko, V
- Nikolic-Audit, I
- Nikolopoulos, K
- Nilsen, J K
- Nilsson, P
- Ninomiya, Y
- Nisati, A
- Nisius, R
- Nobe, T
- Nodulman, L
- Nomachi, M
- Nomidis, I
- Nooney, T
- Norberg, S
- Nordberg, M
- Norjoharuddeen, N
- Novgorodova, O
- Nowak, S
- Nozaki, M
- Nozka, L
- Ntekas, K
- Nurse, E
- Nuti, F
- O'grady, F
- O'Neil, D C
- O'Rourke, A A
- O'Shea, V
- Oakham, F G
- Oberlack, H
- Obermann, T
- Ocariz, J
- Ochi, A
- Ochoa, I
- Ochoa-Ricoux, J P
- Oda, S
- Odaka, S
- Ogren, H
- Oh, A
- Oh, S H
- Ohm, C C
- Ohman, H
- Oide, H
- Okawa, H
- Okumura, Y
- Okuyama, T
- Olariu, A
- Oleiro Seabra, L F
- Olivares Pino, S A
- Oliveira Damazio, D
- Olszewski, A
- Olszowska, J
- Onofre, A
- Onogi, K
- Onyisi, P U E
- Oreglia, M J
- Oren, Y
- Orestano, D
- Orlando, N
- Orr, R S
- Osculati, B
- Ospanov, R
- Otero Y Garzon, G
- Otono, H
- Ouchrif, M
- Ould-Saada, F
- Ouraou, A
- Oussoren, K P
- Ouyang, Q
- Owen, M
- Owen, R E
- Ozcan, V E
- Ozturk, N
- Pachal, K
- Pacheco Pages, A
- Padilla Aranda, C
- Pagáčová, M
- Pagan Griso, S
- Paige, F
- Pais, P
- Pajchel, K
- Palacino, G
- Palestini, S
- Palka, M
- Pallin, D
- Palma, A
- Panagiotopoulou, E St
- Pandini, C E
- Panduro Vazquez, J G
- Pani, P
- Panitkin, S
- Pantea, D
- Paolozzi, L
- Papadopoulou, Th D
- Papageorgiou, K
- Paramonov, A
- Paredes Hernandez, D
- Parker, A J
- Parker, M A
- Parker, K A
- Parodi, F
- Parsons, J A
- Parzefall, U
- Pascuzzi, V R
- Pasqualucci, E
- Passaggio, S
- Pastore, Fr
- Pásztor, G
- Pataraia, S
- Pater, J R
- Pauly, T
- Pearce, J
- Pearson, B
- Pedersen, L E
- Pedersen, M
- Pedraza Lopez, S
- Pedro, R
- Peleganchuk, S V
- Pelikan, D
- Penc, O
- Peng, C
- Peng, H
- Penwell, J
- Peralva, B S
- Perego, M M
- Perepelitsa, D V
- Perez Codina, E
- Perini, L
- Pernegger, H
- Perrella, S
- Peschke, R
- Peshekhonov, V D
- Peters, K
- Peters, R F Y
- Petersen, B A
- Petersen, T C
- Petit, E
- Petridis, A
- Petridou, C
- Petroff, P
- Petrolo, E
- Petrov, M
- Petrucci, F
- Pettersson, N E
- Peyaud, A
- Pezoa, R
- Phillips, P W
- Piacquadio, G
- Pianori, E
- Picazio, A
- Piccaro, E
- Piccinini, M
- Pickering, M A
- Piegaia, R
- Pilcher, J E
- Pilkington, A D
- Pin, A W J
- Pinamonti, M
- Pinfold, J L
- Pingel, A
- Pires, S
- Pirumov, H
- Pitt, M
- Plazak, L
- Pleier, M-A
- Pleskot, V
- Plotnikova, E
- Plucinski, P
- Pluth, D
- Poettgen, R
- Poggioli, L
- Pohl, D
- Polesello, G
- Poley, A
- Policicchio, A
- Polifka, R
- Polini, A
- Pollard, C S
- Polychronakos, V
- Pommès, K
- Pontecorvo, L
- Pope, B G
- Popeneciu, G A
- Popovic, D S
- Poppleton, A
- Pospisil, S
- Potamianos, K
- Potrap, I N
- Potter, C J
- Potter, C T
- Poulard, G
- Poveda, J
- Pozdnyakov, V
- Pozo Astigarraga, M E
- Pralavorio, P
- Pranko, A
- Prell, S
- Price, D
- Price, L E
- Primavera, M
- Prince, S
- Proissl, M
- Prokofiev, K
- Prokoshin, F
- Protopopescu, S
- Proudfoot, J
- Przybycien, M
- Puddu, D
- Purohit, M
- Puzo, P
- Qian, J
- Qin, G
- Qin, Y
- Quadt, A
- Quayle, W B
- Queitsch-Maitland, M
- Quilty, D
- Raddum, S
- Radeka, V
- Radescu, V
- Radhakrishnan, S K
- Radloff, P
- Rados, P
- Ragusa, F
- Rahal, G
- Raine, J A
- Rajagopalan, S
- Rammensee, M
- Rangel-Smith, C
- Ratti, M G
- Rauscher, F
- Rave, S
- Ravenscroft, T
- Ravinovich, I
- Raymond, M
- Read, A L
- Readioff, N P
- Reale, M
- Rebuzzi, D M
- Redelbach, A
- Redlinger, G
- Reece, R
- Reeves, K
- Rehnisch, L
- Reichert, J
- Reisin, H
- Rembser, C
- Ren, H
- Rescigno, M
- Resconi, S
- Rezanova, O L
- Reznicek, P
- Rezvani, R
- Richter, R
- Richter, S
- Richter-Was, E
- Ricken, O
- Ridel, M
- Rieck, P
- Riegel, C J
- Rieger, J
- Rifki, O
- Rijssenbeek, M
- Rimoldi, A
- Rimoldi, M
- Rinaldi, L
- Ristić, B
- Ritsch, E
- Riu, I
- Rizatdinova, F
- Rizvi, E
- Rizzi, C
- Robertson, S H
- Robichaud-Veronneau, A
- Robinson, D
- Robinson, J E M
- Robson, A
- Roda, C
- Rodina, Y
- Rodriguez Perez, A
- Rodriguez Rodriguez, D
- Roe, S
- Rogan, C S
- Røhne, O
- Romaniouk, A
- Romano, M
- Romano Saez, S M
- Romero Adam, E
- Rompotis, N
- Ronzani, M
- Roos, L
- Ros, E
- Rosati, S
- Rosbach, K
- Rose, P
- Rosenthal, O
- Rosien, N-A
- Rossetti, V
- Rossi, E
- Rossi, L P
- Rosten, J H N
- Rosten, R
- Rotaru, M
- Roth, I
- Rothberg, J
- Rousseau, D
- Royon, C R
- Rozanov, A
- Rozen, Y
- Ruan, X
- Rubbo, F
- Rudolph, M S
- Rühr, F
- Ruiz-Martinez, A
- Rurikova, Z
- Rusakovich, N A
- Ruschke, A
- Russell, H L
- Rutherfoord, J P
- Ruthmann, N
- Ryabov, Y F
- Rybar, M
- Rybkin, G
- Ryu, S
- Ryzhov, A
- Rzehorz, G F
- Saavedra, A F
- Sabato, G
- Sacerdoti, S
- Sadrozinski, H F-W
- Sadykov, R
- Safai Tehrani, F
- Saha, P
- Sahinsoy, M
- Saimpert, M
- Saito, T
- Sakamoto, H
- Sakurai, Y
- Salamanna, G
- Salamon, A
- Salazar Loyola, J E
- Salek, D
- Sales De Bruin, P H
- Salihagic, D
- Salnikov, A
- Salt, J
- Salvatore, D
- Salvatore, F
- Salvucci, A
- Salzburger, A
- Sammel, D
- Sampsonidis, D
- Sanchez, A
- Sánchez, J
- Sanchez Martinez, V
- Sandaker, H
- Sandbach, R L
- Sander, H G
- Sandhoff, M
- Sandoval, C
- Sandstroem, R
- Sankey, D P C
- Sannino, M
- Sansoni, A
- Santoni, C
- Santonico, R
- Santos, H
- Santoyo Castillo, I
- Sapp, K
- Sapronov, A
- Saraiva, J G
- Sarrazin, B
- Sasaki, O
- Sasaki, Y
- Sato, K
- Sauvage, G
- Sauvan, E
- Savage, G
- Savard, P
- Sawyer, C
- Sawyer, L
- Saxon, J
- Sbarra, C
- Sbrizzi, A
- Scanlon, T
- Scannicchio, D A
- Scarcella, M
- Scarfone, V
- Schaarschmidt, J
- Schacht, P
- Schachtner, B M
- Schaefer, D
- Schaefer, R
- Schaeffer, J
- Schaepe, S
- Schaetzel, S
- Schäfer, U
- Schaffer, A C
- Schaile, D
- Schamberger, R D
- Scharf, V
- Schegelsky, V A
- Scheirich, D
- Schernau, M
- Schiavi, C
- Schier, S
- Schillo, C
- Schioppa, M
- Schlenker, S
- Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K R
- Schmieden, K
- Schmitt, C
- Schmitt, S
- Schmitz, S
- Schneider, B
- Schnoor, U
- Schoeffel, L
- Schoening, A
- Schoenrock, B D
- Schopf, E
- Schott, M
- Schovancova, J
- Schramm, S
- Schreyer, M
- Schuh, N
- Schultens, M J
- Schultz-Coulon, H-C
- Schulz, H
- Schumacher, M
- Schumm, B A
- Schune, Ph
- Schwartzman, A
- Schwarz, T A
- Schwegler, Ph
- Schweiger, H
- Schwemling, Ph
- Schwienhorst, R
- Schwindling, J
- Schwindt, T
- Sciolla, G
- Scuri, F
- Scutti, F
- Searcy, J
- Seema, P
- Seidel, S C
- Seiden, A
- Seifert, F
- Seixas, J M
- Sekhniaidze, G
- Sekhon, K
- Sekula, S J
- Seliverstov, D M
- Semprini-Cesari, N
- Serfon, C
- Serin, L
- Serkin, L
- Sessa, M
- Seuster, R
- Severini, H
- Sfiligoj, T
- Sforza, F
- Sfyrla, A
- Shabalina, E
- Shaikh, N W
- Shan, L Y
- Shang, R
- Shank, J T
- Shapiro, M
- Shatalov, P B
- Shaw, K
- Shaw, S M
- Shcherbakova, A
- Shehu, C Y
- Sherwood, P
- Shi, L
- Shimizu, S
- Shimmin, C O
- Shimojima, M
- Shiyakova, M
- Shmeleva, A
- Shoaleh Saadi, D
- Shochet, M J
- Shojaii, S
- Shrestha, S
- Shulga, E
- Shupe, M A
- Sicho, P
- Sickles, A M
- Sidebo, P E
- Sidiropoulou, O
- Sidorov, D
- Sidoti, A
- Siegert, F
- Sijacki, Dj
- Silva, J
- Silverstein, S B
- Simak, V
- Simard, O
- Simic, Lj
- Simion, S
- Simioni, E
- Simmons, B
- Simon, D
- Simon, M
- Sinervo, P
- Sinev, N B
- Sioli, M
- Siragusa, G
- Sivoklokov, S Yu
- Sjölin, J
- Sjursen, T B
- Skinner, M B
- Skottowe, H P
- Skubic, P
- Slater, M
- Slavicek, T
- Slawinska, M
- Sliwa, K
- Slovak, R
- Smakhtin, V
- Smart, B H
- Smestad, L
- Smiesko, J
- Smirnov, S Yu
- Smirnov, Y
- Smirnova, L N
- Smirnova, O
- Smith, M N K
- Smith, R W
- Smizanska, M
- Smolek, K
- Snesarev, A A
- Snyder, S
- Sobie, R
- Socher, F
- Soffer, A
- Soh, D A
- Sokhrannyi, G
- Solans Sanchez, C A
- Solar, M
- Soldatov, E Yu
- Soldevila, U
- Solodkov, A A
- Soloshenko, A
- Solovyanov, O V
- Solovyev, V
- Sommer, P
- Son, H
- Song, H Y
- Sood, A
- Sopczak, A
- Sopko, V
- Sorin, V
- Sosa, D
- Sotiropoulou, C L
- Soualah, R
- Soukharev, A M
- South, D
- Sowden, B C
- Spagnolo, S
- Spalla, M
- Spangenberg, M
- Spanò, F
- Sperlich, D
- Spettel, F
- Spighi, R
- Spigo, G
- Spiller, L A
- Spousta, M
- Denis, R D St
- Stabile, A
- Stamen, R
- Stamm, S
- Stanecka, E
- Stanek, R W
- Stanescu, C
- Stanescu-Bellu, M
- Stanitzki, M M
- Stapnes, S
- Starchenko, E A
- Stark, G H
- Stark, J
- Staroba, P
- Starovoitov, P
- Stärz, S
- Staszewski, R
- Steinberg, P
- Stelzer, B
- Stelzer, H J
- Stelzer-Chilton, O
- Stenzel, H
- Stewart, G A
- Stillings, J A
- Stockton, M C
- Stoebe, M
- Stoicea, G
- Stolte, P
- Stonjek, S
- Stradling, A R
- Straessner, A
- Stramaglia, M E
- Strandberg, J
- Strandberg, S
- Strandlie, A
- Strauss, M
- Strizenec, P
- Ströhmer, R
- Strom, D M
- Stroynowski, R
- Strubig, A
- Stucci, S A
- Stugu, B
- Styles, N A
- Su, D
- Su, J
- Subramaniam, R
- Suchek, S
- Sugaya, Y
- Suk, M
- Sulin, V V
- Sultansoy, S
- Sumida, T
- Sun, S
- Sun, X
- Sundermann, J E
- Suruliz, K
- Susinno, G
- Sutton, M R
- Suzuki, S
- Svatos, M
- Swiatlowski, M
- Sykora, I
- Sykora, T
- Ta, D
- Taccini, C
- Tackmann, K
- Taenzer, J
- Taffard, A
- Tafirout, R
- Taiblum, N
- Takai, H
- Takashima, R
- Takeshita, T
- Takubo, Y
- Talby, M
- Talyshev, A A
- Tan, K G
- Tanaka, J
- Tanaka, R
- Tanaka, S
- Tannenwald, B B
- Tapia Araya, S
- Tapprogge, S
- Tarem, S
- Tartarelli, G F
- Tas, P
- Tasevsky, M
- Tashiro, T
- Tassi, E
- Tavares Delgado, A
- Tayalati, Y
- Taylor, A C
- Taylor, G N
- Taylor, P T E
- Taylor, W
- Teischinger, F A
- Teixeira-Dias, P
- Temming, K K
- Temple, D
- Ten Kate, H
- Teng, P K
- Teoh, J J
- Tepel, F
- Terada, S
- Terashi, K
- Terron, J
- Terzo, S
- Testa, M
- Teuscher, R J
- Theveneaux-Pelzer, T
- Thomas, J P
- Thomas-Wilsker, J
- Thompson, E N
- Thompson, P D
- Thompson, A S
- Thomsen, L A
- Thomson, E
- Thomson, M
- Tibbetts, M J
- Ticse Torres, R E
- Tikhomirov, V O
- Tikhonov, Yu A
- Timoshenko, S
- Tipton, P
- Tisserant, S
- Todome, K
- Todorov, T
- Todorova-Nova, S
- Tojo, J
- Tokár, S
- Tokushuku, K
- Tolley, E
- Tomlinson, L
- Tomoto, M
- Tompkins, L
- Toms, K
- Tong, B
- Torrence, E
- Torres, H
- Torró Pastor, E
- Toth, J
- Touchard, F
- Tovey, D R
- Trefzger, T
- Tricoli, A
- Trigger, I M
- Trincaz-Duvoid, S
- Tripiana, M F
- Trischuk, W
- Trocmé, B
- Trofymov, A
- Troncon, C
- Trottier-McDonald, M
- Trovatelli, M
- Truong, L
- Trzebinski, M
- Trzupek, A
- Tseng, J C-L
- Tsiareshka, P V
- Tsipolitis, G
- Tsirintanis, N
- Tsiskaridze, S
- Tsiskaridze, V
- Tskhadadze, E G
- Tsui, K M
- Tsukerman, I I
- Tsulaia, V
- Tsuno, S
- Tsybychev, D
- Tudorache, A
- Tudorache, V
- Tuna, A N
- Tupputi, S A
- Turchikhin, S
- Turecek, D
- Turgeman, D
- Turra, R
- Turvey, A J
- Tuts, P M
- Tyndel, M
- Ucchielli, G
- Ueda, I
- Ueno, R
- Ughetto, M
- Ukegawa, F
- Unal, G
- Undrus, A
- Unel, G
- Ungaro, F C
- Unno, Y
- Unverdorben, C
- Urban, J
- Urquijo, P
- Urrejola, P
- Usai, G
- Usanova, A
- Vacavant, L
- Vacek, V
- Vachon, B
- Valderanis, C
- Valdes Santurio, E
- Valencic, N
- Valentinetti, S
- Valero, A
- Valery, L
- Valkar, S
- Vallecorsa, S
- Valls Ferrer, J A
- Van Den Wollenberg, W
- Van Der Deijl, P C
- van der Geer, R
- van der Graaf, H
- van Eldik, N
- van Gemmeren, P
- Van Nieuwkoop, J
- van Vulpen, I
- van Woerden, M C
- Vanadia, M
- Vandelli, W
- Vanguri, R
- Vaniachine, A
- Vankov, P
- Vardanyan, G
- Vari, R
- Varnes, E W
- Varol, T
- Varouchas, D
- Vartapetian, A
- Varvell, K E
- Vasquez, J G
- Vazeille, F
- Vazquez Schroeder, T
- Veatch, J
- Veloce, L M
- Veloso, F
- Veneziano, S
- Ventura, A
- Venturi, M
- Venturi, N
- Venturini, A
- Vercesi, V
- Verducci, M
- Verkerke, W
- Vermeulen, J C
- Vest, A
- Vetterli, M C
- Viazlo, O
- Vichou, I
- Vickey, T
- Vickey Boeriu, O E
- Viehhauser, G H A
- Viel, S
- Vigani, L
- Vigne, R
- Villa, M
- Villaplana Perez, M
- Vilucchi, E
- Vincter, M G
- Vinogradov, V B
- Vittori, C
- Vivarelli, I
- Vlachos, S
- Vlasak, M
- Vogel, M
- Vokac, P
- Volpi, G
- Volpi, M
- von der Schmitt, H
- von Toerne, E
- Vorobel, V
- Vorobev, K
- Vos, M
- Voss, R
- Vossebeld, J H
- Vranjes, N
- Vranjes Milosavljevic, M
- Vrba, V
- Vreeswijk, M
- Vuillermet, R
- Vukotic, I
- Vykydal, Z
- Wagner, P
- Wagner, W
- Wahlberg, H
- Wahrmund, S
- Wakabayashi, J
- Walder, J
- Walker, R
- Walkowiak, W
- Wallangen, V
- Wang, C
- Wang, C
- Wang, F
- Wang, H
- Wang, H
- Wang, J
- Wang, J
- Wang, K
- Wang, R
- Wang, S M
- Wang, T
- Wang, T
- Wang, W
- Wang, X
- Wanotayaroj, C
- Warburton, A
- Ward, C P
- Wardrope, D R
- Washbrook, A
- Watkins, P M
- Watson, A T
- Watson, M F
- Watts, G
- Watts, S
- Waugh, B M
- Webb, S
- Weber, M S
- Weber, S W
- Webster, J S
- Weidberg, A R
- Weinert, B
- Weingarten, J
- Weiser, C
- Weits, H
- Wells, P S
- Wenaus, T
- Wengler, T
- Wenig, S
- Wermes, N
- Werner, M
- Werner, P
- Wessels, M
- Wetter, J
- Whalen, K
- Whallon, N L
- Wharton, A M
- White, A
- White, M J
- White, R
- Whiteson, D
- Wickens, F J
- Wiedenmann, W
- Wielers, M
- Wienemann, P
- Wiglesworth, C
- Wiik-Fuchs, L A M
- Wildauer, A
- Wilk, F
- Wilkens, H G
- Williams, H H
- Williams, S
- Willis, C
- Willocq, S
- Wilson, J A
- Wingerter-Seez, I
- Winklmeier, F
- Winston, O J
- Winter, B T
- Wittgen, M
- Wittkowski, J
- Wollstadt, S J
- Wolter, M W
- Wolters, H
- Wosiek, B K
- Wotschack, J
- Woudstra, M J
- Wozniak, K W
- Wu, M
- Wu, M
- Wu, S L
- Wu, X
- Wu, Y
- Wyatt, T R
- Wynne, B M
- Xella, S
- Xu, D
- Xu, L
- Yabsley, B
- Yacoob, S
- Yakabe, R
- Yamaguchi, D
- Yamaguchi, Y
- Yamamoto, A
- Yamamoto, S
- Yamanaka, T
- Yamauchi, K
- Yamazaki, Y
- Yan, Z
- Yang, H
- Yang, H
- Yang, Y
- Yang, Z
- Yao, W-M
- Yap, Y C
- Yasu, Y
- Yatsenko, E
- Yau Wong, K H
- Ye, J
- Ye, S
- Yeletskikh, I
- Yen, A L
- Yildirim, E
- Yorita, K
- Yoshida, R
- Yoshihara, K
- Young, C
- Young, C J S
- Youssef, S
- Yu, D R
- Yu, J
- Yu, J M
- Yu, J
- Yuan, L
- Yuen, S P Y
- Yusuff, I
- Zabinski, B
- Zaidan, R
- Zaitsev, A M
- Zakharchuk, N
- Zalieckas, J
- Zaman, A
- Zambito, S
- Zanello, L
- Zanzi, D
- Zeitnitz, C
- Zeman, M
- Zemla, A
- Zeng, J C
- Zeng, Q
- Zengel, K
- Zenin, O
- Ženiš, T
- Zerwas, D
- Zhang, D
- Zhang, F
- Zhang, G
- Zhang, H
- Zhang, J
- Zhang, L
- Zhang, R
- Zhang, R
- Zhang, X
- Zhang, Z
- Zhao, X
- Zhao, Y
- Zhao, Z
- Zhemchugov, A
- Zhong, J
- Zhou, B
- Zhou, C
- Zhou, L
- Zhou, L
- Zhou, M
- Zhou, N
- Zhu, C G
- Zhu, H
- Zhu, J
- Zhu, Y
- Zhuang, X
- Zhukov, K
- Zibell, A
- Zieminska, D
- Zimine, N I
- Zimmermann, C
- Zimmermann, S
- Zinonos, Z
- Zinser, M
- Ziolkowski, M
- Živković, L
- Zobernig, G
- Zoccoli, A
- Zur Nedden, M
- Zurzolo, G
- Zwalinski, L
Status PubMed-not-MEDLINE Jazyk angličtina Země Francie Médium print-electronic
Typ dokumentu časopisecké články
PubMed Central
PII: 4184
Knihovny.cz E-zdroje
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
A search for squarks and gluinos in final states containing hadronic jets, missing transverse momentum but no electrons or muons is presented. The data were recorded in 2015 by the ATLAS experiment in [Formula: see text] proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess above the Standard Model background expectation was observed in 3.2 [Formula: see text] of analyzed data. Results are interpreted within simplified models that assume R-parity is conserved and the neutralino is the lightest supersymmetric particle. An exclusion limit at the 95 % confidence level on the mass of the gluino is set at 1.51 [Formula: see text] for a simplified model incorporating only a gluino octet and the lightest neutralino, assuming the lightest neutralino is massless. For a simplified model involving the strong production of mass-degenerate first- and second-generation squarks, squark masses below 1.03 [Formula: see text] are excluded for a massless lightest neutralino. These limits substantially extend the region of supersymmetric parameter space excluded by previous measurements with the ATLAS detector.
2 Physikalisches Institut Georg August Universität Göttingen Germany
2 Physikalisches Institut Justus Liebig Universität Giessen Giessen Germany
B 1 Stepanov Institute of Physics National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Minsk Republic of Belarus
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS Novosibirsk Russia
Cavendish Laboratory University of Cambridge Cambridge UK
Center for High Energy Physics University of Oregon Eugene OR USA
Centre National de l'Energie des Sciences Techniques Nucleaires Rabat Morocco
Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa Lisbon Portugal
Centro de Investigaciones Universidad Antonio Narino Bogotá Colombia
CPPM Aix Marseille Université and CNRS IN2P3 Marseille France
Czech Technical University Prague Praha Czech Republic
D 5 Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics M 5 Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Russia
Departamento de Física Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago Chile
Departamento de Fisica Teorica C 15 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Madrid Spain
Departamento de Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos and CAFPE Universidad de Granada Granada Spain
Departamento de Física Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina
Departamento de Física Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Valparaiso Chile
Departamento de Fisica Universidade do Minho Braga Portugal
Department for Physics and Technology University of Bergen Bergen Norway
Department of Modern Physics University of Science and Technology of China Hefei Anhui China
Department of Particle Physics The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot Israel
Department of Physics and Astronomy Iowa State University Ames IA USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy Michigan State University East Lansing MI USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy Tufts University Medford MA USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy University College London London UK
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California Irvine Irvine CA USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Sheffield Sheffield UK
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Sussex Brighton UK
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Uppsala Uppsala Sweden
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Victoria Victoria BC Canada
Department of Physics and Astronomy York University Toronto ON Canada
Department of Physics Ankara University Ankara Turkey
Department of Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloníki Greece
Department of Physics Bogazici University Istanbul Turkey
Department of Physics Boston University Boston MA USA
Department of Physics Brandeis University Waltham MA USA
Department of Physics Carleton University Ottawa ON Canada
Department of Physics Duke University Durham NC USA
Department of Physics Engineering Gaziantep University Gaziantep Turkey
Department of Physics Hampton University Hampton VA USA
Department of Physics Humboldt University Berlin Germany
Department of Physics Indiana University Bloomington IN USA
Department of Physics Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana Ljubljana Slovenia
Department of Physics Kyushu University Fukuoka Japan
Department of Physics McGill University Montreal QC Canada
Department of Physics Nanjing University Nanjing Jiangsu China
Department of Physics New York University New York NY USA
Department of Physics Northern Illinois University DeKalb IL USA
Department of Physics Oklahoma State University Stillwater OK USA
Department of Physics Oxford University Oxford UK
Department of Physics Royal Holloway University of London Surrey UK
Department of Physics Shinshu University Nagano Japan
Department of Physics Simon Fraser University Burnaby BC Canada
Department of Physics Stockholm University Stockholm Sweden
Department of Physics Technion Israel Institute of Technology Haifa Israel
Department of Physics The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin NT Hong Kong
Department of Physics The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China
Department of Physics The University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI USA
Department of Physics The University of Texas at Arlington Arlington TX USA
Department of Physics The University of Texas at Austin Austin TX USA
Department of Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Japan
Department of Physics University of Adelaide Adelaide Australia
Department of Physics University of Alberta Edmonton AB Canada
Department of Physics University of Arizona Tucson AZ USA
Department of Physics University of British Columbia Vancouver BC Canada
Department of Physics University of Cape Town Cape Town South Africa
Department of Physics University of Coimbra Coimbra Portugal
Department of Physics University of Illinois Urbana IL USA
Department of Physics University of Johannesburg Johannesburg South Africa
Department of Physics University of Massachusetts Amherst MA USA
Department of Physics University of Oslo Oslo Norway
Department of Physics University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA USA
Department of Physics University of Toronto Toronto ON Canada
Department of Physics University of Warwick Coventry UK
Department of Physics University of Washington Seattle WA USA
Department of Physics University of Wisconsin Madison WI USA
Department of Physics Yale University New Haven CT USA
Departments of Physics and Astronomy and Chemistry Stony Brook University Stony Brook NY USA
DESY Hamburg and Zeuthen Germany
Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica e Ambiente Università di Udine Udine Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Università di Bologna Bologna Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica E Fermi Università di Pisa Pisa Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica Sapienza Università di Roma Rome Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica Università della Calabria Rende Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Genova Genoa Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Milano Milan Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Napoli Naples Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Pavia Pavia Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome Italy
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica Università del Salento Lecce Italy
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica Università Roma Tre Rome Italy
Division of Physics TOBB University of Economics and Technology Ankara Turkey
DSM IRFU Gif sur Yvette France
E Andronikashvili Institute of Physics Iv Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Tbilisi Georgia
Electrical Circuits Department Federal University of Juiz de Fora Juiz de Fora Brazil
Enrico Fermi Institute University of Chicago Chicago IL USA
Fachbereich Physik Universität Siegen Siegen Germany
Faculdade de Ciências Universidade de Lisboa Lisbon Portugal
Faculté des Sciences Semlalia Université Cadi Ayyad LPHEA Marrakech Marrakech Morocco
Faculté des Sciences Université Mohamed Premier and LPTPM Oujda Morocco
Faculté des Sciences Université Mohammed 5 Rabat Morocco
Faculty of Applied Information Science Hiroshima Institute of Technology Hiroshima Japan
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Bahcesehir University Istanbul Turkey
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Praha Czech Republic
Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics Comenius University Bratislava Slovak Republic
Faculty of Science Kyoto University Kyoto Japan
Faculty of Science Okayama University Okayama Japan
Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg Germany
Fakultät für Physik Ludwig Maximilians Universität München Munich Germany
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg Germany
Federal University of Sao Joao del Rei Sao Joao del Rei Brazil
Fysiska institutionen Lunds universitet Lund Sweden
Graduate School of Science and Kobayashi Maskawa Institute Nagoya University Nagoya Japan
Graduate School of Science and Technology Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo Japan
Graduate School of Science Kobe University Kobe Japan
Graduate School of Science Osaka University Osaka Japan
Group of Particle Physics University of Montreal Montreal QC Canada
High Energy Physics Division Argonne National Laboratory Argonne IL USA
High Energy Physics Institute Tbilisi State University Tbilisi Georgia
Homer L Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Oklahoma Norman OK USA
INFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Frascati Italy
INFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine Sezione di Trieste Udine Italy
INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Frascati Italy
INFN Sezione di Bologna Bologna Italy
INFN Sezione di Genova Genoa Italy
INFN Sezione di Lecce Lecce Italy
INFN Sezione di Milano Milan Italy
INFN Sezione di Napoli Naples Italy
INFN Sezione di Pavia Pavia Italy
INFN Sezione di Pisa Pisa Italy
INFN Sezione di Roma Rome Italy
INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata Rome Italy
INFN Sezione di Roma Tre Rome Italy
Institut für Astro und Teilchenphysik Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck Austria
Institut für Experimentelle Physik 4 Technische Universität Dortmund Dortmund Germany
Institut für Kern und Teilchenphysik Technische Universität Dresden Dresden Germany
Institut für Physik Universität Mainz Mainz Germany
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow Russia
Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences Krakow Poland
Institute of Physics Academia Sinica Taipei Taiwan
Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Praha Czech Republic
Institute of Physics Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences Baku Azerbaijan
Institute of Physics University of Belgrade Belgrade Serbia
Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular University of Valencia and CSIC Valencia Spain
Instituto de Física La Plata Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET La Plata Argentina
Instituto de Fisica Universidade de Sao Paulo São Paulo Brazil
Istanbul Aydin University Istanbul Turkey
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINR Dubna Dubna Russia
KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Tsukuba Japan
Kirchhoff Institut für Physik Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany
Kyoto University of Education Kyoto Japan
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas LIP Lisbon Portugal
Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology Harvard University Cambridge MA USA
LAL Univ Paris Sud CNRS IN2P3 Université Paris Saclay Orsay France
LAPP CNRS IN2P3 and Université Savoie Mont Blanc Annecy le Vieux France
Louisiana Tech University Ruston LA USA
Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics Jagiellonian University Krakow Poland
Max Planck Institut für Physik Munich Germany
Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science Nagasaki Japan
National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Bucharest Romania
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Moscow Russia
Nevis Laboratory Columbia University Irvington NY USA
Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen Kobenhavn Denmark
Ohio State University Columbus OH USA
Oliver Lodge Laboratory University of Liverpool Liverpool UK
P N Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia
Palacký University RCPTM Olomouc Czech Republic
Particle Physics Department Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Didcot UK
Physics Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton NY USA
Physics Department Lancaster University Lancaster UK
Physics Department National Technical University of Athens Zografou Greece
Physics Department Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden
Physics Department Southern Methodist University Dallas TX USA
Physics Department SUNY Albany Albany NY USA
Physics Department Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China
Physics Department University of Athens Athens Greece
Physics Department University of Texas at Dallas Richardson TX USA
Physics Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California Berkeley CA USA
Physikalisches Institut Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany
Physikalisches Institut University of Bonn Bonn Germany
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv Israel
Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz CA USA
School of Physics and Astronomy Queen Mary University of London London UK
School of Physics and Astronomy University of Birmingham Birmingham UK
School of Physics and Astronomy University of Manchester Manchester UK
School of Physics Shandong University Jinan Shandong China
School of Physics University of Melbourne Melbourne Victoria Australia
School of Physics University of Sydney Sydney Australia
School of Physics University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg South Africa
Section de Physique Université de Genève Geneva Switzerland
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Stanford CA USA
State Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics NRC KI Protvino Russia
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy University of Glasgow Glasgow UK
The Oskar Klein Centre Stockholm Sweden
Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE EE IF Rio de Janeiro Brazil
University of Iowa Iowa City IA USA
West University in Timisoara Timisoara Romania
Yerevan Physics Institute Yerevan Armenia
ZITI Institut für technische Informatik Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg Mannheim Germany
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