31P-NMR Metabolomics Revealed Species-Specific Use of Phosphorous in Trees of a French Guiana Rainforest
Language English Country Switzerland Media electronic
Document type Journal Article
Grant support
Synergy grant ERC-2013-SyG-610028 IMBALANCE-P
Synergy grant
PubMed Central
PII: molecules25173960
Knihovny.cz E-resources
- Keywords
- 31P-NMR metabolic profiling, Iceland, P-containing compounds, species-specific P-use niches, tropical lowland,
- MeSH
- Rainforest * MeSH
- Species Specificity MeSH
- Phosphorus metabolism MeSH
- Plant Leaves metabolism MeSH
- Metabolome * MeSH
- Metabolomics * MeSH
- Trees metabolism MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- French Guiana MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Phosphorus MeSH
Productivity of tropical lowland moist forests is often limited by availability and functional allocation of phosphorus (P) that drives competition among tree species and becomes a key factor in determining forestall community diversity. We used non-target 31P-NMR metabolic profiling to study the foliar P-metabolism of trees of a French Guiana rainforest. The objective was to test the hypotheses that P-use is species-specific, and that species diversity relates to species P-use and concentrations of P-containing compounds, including inorganic phosphates, orthophosphate monoesters and diesters, phosphonates and organic polyphosphates. We found that tree species explained the 59% of variance in 31P-NMR metabolite profiling of leaves. A principal component analysis showed that tree species were separated along PC 1 and PC 2 of detected P-containing compounds, which represented a continuum going from high concentrations of metabolites related to non-active P and P-storage, low total P concentrations and high N:P ratios, to high concentrations of P-containing metabolites related to energy and anabolic metabolism, high total P concentrations and low N:P ratios. These results highlight the species-specific use of P and the existence of species-specific P-use niches that are driven by the distinct species-specific position in a continuum in the P-allocation from P-storage compounds to P-containing molecules related to energy and anabolic metabolism.
Cirad UMR EcoFoG Campus Agronomique 97310 Kourou French Guiana
CREAF Cerdanyola del Vallès 08193 Catalonia Spain
CSIC Global Ecology Unit CREAF CSIC UAB Bellaterra 08193 Catalonia Spain
Department of Biology University of Antwerp BE 2610 Wilrijk Belgium
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