Art Therapy [arteterapie]


terapie uměním


Therapy, Art

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The use of art as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of neurological, mental, or behavioral disorders.

D001155 MeSH Browser
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E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E02 Therapeutics 2 573
E02.190.888.030 Acoustic Stimulation 242
E02.190.888.061 Aromatherapy 165
E02.190.888.124 Art Therapy 545
E02.190.888.249 Color Therapy 28
E02.190.888.374 Dance Therapy 58
E02.190.888.500 Music Therapy 297
E02.190.888.625 Play Therapy 105
E02.760 Patient Care 1 585
E02.760.169.063 Aftercare 573
E02.760.169.063.500 Rehabilitation 5 090
E02.760.169.063.500.067 Activities of Daily Living 811
E02.760.169.063.500.083 Animal Assisted Therapy 193
E02.760.169.063.500.100 Art Therapy 545
E02.760.169.063.500.169 Bibliotherapy 40
E02.760.169.063.500.185 Cardiac Rehabilitation 232
E02.760.169.063.500.200 Correction of Hearing Impairment 98
E02.760.169.063.500.230 Dance Therapy 58
E02.760.169.063.500.335 Early Ambulation 27
E02.760.169.063.500.387 Exercise Therapy 2 026
E02.760.169.063.500.440 Music Therapy 297
E02.760.169.063.500.477 Neurological Rehabilitation 129
E02.760.169.063.500.489 Occupational Therapy 612
E02.760.169.063.500.580 Recreation Therapy 6
E02.760.169.063.500.782 Rehabilitation, Vocational 255
E02.760.169.063.500.891 Telerehabilitation 38
E02.831 Rehabilitation 5 090
E02.831.100 Art Therapy 545
E02.831.169 Bibliotherapy 40
E02.831.185 Cardiac Rehabilitation 232
E02.831.230 Dance Therapy 58
E02.831.335 Early Ambulation 27
E02.831.440 Music Therapy 297
E02.831.489 Occupational Therapy 612
E02.831.580 Recreation Therapy 6
E02.831.891 Telerehabilitation 38

F Psychiatry and Psychology
F04.754 Psychotherapy 6 565
F04.754.035 Aromatherapy 165
F04.754.070 Art Therapy 545
F04.754.137 Behavior Therapy 544
F04.754.168 Bibliotherapy 40
F04.754.215 Color Therapy 28
F04.754.252 Crisis Intervention 665
F04.754.278 Dance Therapy 58
F04.754.286 Dignity Therapy
F04.754.339 Feedback, Sensory 31
F04.754.360 Gestalt Therapy 91
F04.754.424 Hypnosis 518
F04.754.528 Logotherapy 8
F04.754.549 Music Therapy 297
F04.754.570 Narrative Therapy 32
F04.754.664 Play Therapy 105
F04.754.709 Psychoanalytic Therapy 368
F04.754.738 Psychotherapy, Brief 58
F04.754.804 Reality Therapy 11
F04.754.834 Schema Therapy 4
F04.754.932 Therapeutic Alliance 15