Body Constitution [tělesná konstituce]

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The physical characteristics of the body, including the mode of performance of functions, the activity of metabolic processes, the manner and degree of reactions to stimuli, and power of resistance to the attack of pathogenic organisms.

D001824 MeSH Browser

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E01 Diagnosis 1 788
E01.370.600 Physical Examination 658
E01.370.600.024 Anthropometry 1 671
E01.370.600.050 Apgar Score 83
E01.370.600.060 Auscultation 79
E01.370.600.100 Blood Pressure Determination 1 476
E01.370.600.115 Body Constitution 195
E01.370.600.115.100 Body Weights and Measures 396
E01.370.600.115.275 Breast Density 6
E01.370.600.115.450 Physical Appearance, Body 14
E01.370.600.225 Facial Expression 115
E01.370.600.230 Facies 31
E01.370.600.250 Gait 436
E01.370.600.293 Gynecological Examination 83
E01.370.600.315 Heart Rate Determination 27
E01.370.600.337 Metabolic Equivalent 8
E01.370.600.425 Muscle Strength 387
E01.370.600.550 Neurologic Examination 607
E01.370.600.600 Palpation 163
E01.370.600.610 Percussion 45
E01.370.600.620 Pigmentation 145
E01.370.600.700 Range of Motion, Articular 428
E01.370.600.750 Self-Examination 61
E01.370.600.875 Vital Signs 15

G Phenomena and Processes
G07.100.049 Body Composition 528
G07.100.138 Breast Density 6
G07.100.250 Disease Susceptibility 289
G07.110 Body Temperature 488
G07.313 Fluid Shifts 21
G07.410 Homeostasis 735
G07.540 Longevity 354
G07.568 Movement 1 305
G07.700 Physiological Processes obsolete
G07.850 Thermosensing 44
G07.925 Virus Shedding 29