Communication [komunikace]

4 415

komunikace osobní
komunikační programy
osobní komunikace
personální komunikace
sociální komunikace


Communication Programs
Communications Personnel
Personal Communication
Social Communication

Persistent link

The exchange or transmission of ideas, attitudes, or beliefs between individuals or groups.

includes personal & technological communication; ANIMAL COMMUNICATION is also available
zahrnuje lidskou i technologickou komunikaci k dispozici je i KOMUNIKACE ZVÍŘAT
D003142 MeSH Browser

Allowable subheadings

history 8

F Psychiatry and Psychology
F01.145 Behavior 1 190
F01.145.015 Accident Proneness 15
F01.145.022 Adolescent Behavior 724
F01.145.113 Behavior, Animal 1 154
F01.145.126 Behavioral Symptoms 183
F01.145.179 Child Behavior 545
F01.145.209 Communication 4 415
F01.145.209.186 Cell Phone Use 11
F01.145.209.399 Language 667
F01.145.209.429 Literacy 15
F01.145.209.459 Narration 96
F01.145.209.520 Negotiating 112
F01.145.209.530 Nonverbal Communication 365
F01.145.209.719 Teach-Back Communication 3
F01.145.209.908 Verbal Behavior 217
F01.145.236 Consumer Behavior 97
F01.145.250 Criminal Behavior 71
F01.145.263 Dangerous Behavior 145
F01.145.317 Drinking Behavior 68
F01.145.367 Escape Reaction 41
F01.145.387 Exploratory Behavior 148
F01.145.407 Feeding Behavior 1 614
F01.145.466 Habits 62
F01.145.477 Harm Reduction 153
F01.145.488 Health Behavior 1 272
F01.145.493 Hoarding 4
F01.145.499 Illness Behavior 24
F01.145.510 Imitative Behavior 22
F01.145.527 Impulsive Behavior 75
F01.145.610 Marijuana Use 16
F01.145.632 Motor Activity 3 414
F01.145.677 Personal Satisfaction 230
F01.145.688 Reproductive Behavior 129
F01.145.722 Risk-Taking 84
F01.145.749 Sedentary Behavior 156
F01.145.775 Self Stimulation 14
F01.145.802 Sexual Behavior 1 905
F01.145.805 Smoking 4 180
F01.145.813 Social Behavior 774
F01.145.875 Spatial Behavior 146
F01.145.896 Stereotyped Behavior 63
F01.145.916 Sucking Behavior 31
F01.145.958 Tobacco Use 25

L Information Science
L01.100 Classification 922
L01.143 Communication 4 415
L01.143.024 Access to Information 211
L01.143.050 Advertising 597
L01.143.140 Blogging 18
L01.143.230 Communication Barriers 102
L01.143.256 Computer Literacy 50
L01.143.288 Data Visualization 14
L01.143.335 Disclosure 192
L01.143.350 Health Communication 81
L01.143.450 Information Literacy 39
L01.143.539 Internet Access 2
L01.143.580 Internet Use 16
L01.143.620 Negotiating 112
L01.143.790 Propaganda 46
L01.143.820 Reminder Systems 23
L01.143.910 Social Networking 64
L01.296 Data Display 122
L01.305 Data Science 4
L01.313 Informatics 319
L01.559 Language 667
L01.583 Library Science 145
L01.737 Publishing 671
L01.906 Systems Analysis 113