Medication Errors [medikační omyly]


chyby při užívání léků
chyby v medikaci
farmakoterapie - omyly
lékové chyby
medikace - omyly


Drug Use Error
Errors, Medication
High-Alert Drug Error
High-Alert Medication Error
LASA Medication Errors
Look-Alike Drug Name Errors
Look-Alike Sound-Alike Drug Errors
Look-Alike Sound-Alike Drug Substitution Errors
Look-Alike Sound-Alike Medication Errors
Lookalike Drug Name Errors
Lookalike Soundalike Drug Errors
Lookalike Soundalike Drug Substitution Errors
Lookalike Soundalike Medication Errors

Persistent link

Errors in prescribing, dispensing, or administering medication with the result that the patient fails to receive the correct drug or the indicated proper drug dosage.

D008508 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E02 Therapeutics 2 573
E02.319 Drug Therapy 10 511
E02.319.155 Chelation Therapy 101
E02.319.162 Chemoprevention 529
E02.319.164 Chemoradiotherapy 275
E02.319.170 Chemotherapy, Adjuvant 1 953
E02.319.243 Deprescriptions 25
E02.319.300 Drug Delivery Systems 693
E02.319.307 Drug Prescriptions 1 791
E02.319.309 Drug Tapering 15
E02.319.310 Drug Therapy, Combination 5 882
E02.319.341 Electrochemotherapy 4
E02.319.347 Enema 67
E02.319.353 Enzyme Therapy 504
E02.319.360 Fluid Therapy 452
E02.319.499 Induction Chemotherapy 197
E02.319.529 Medication Errors 274
E02.319.529.500 Medication Reconciliation 91
E02.319.529.750 Near Miss, Healthcare 9
E02.319.685 Photochemotherapy 487
E02.319.694 Pleurodesis 48
E02.319.698 Polypharmacy 258
E02.319.703 Premedication 391
E02.319.805 Sclerotherapy 307
E02.319.890 Self Administration 88
E02.319.900 Self Medication 445
E02.319.913 Thrombolytic Therapy 1 452

N Health Care
N02.421 Health Services 1 181
N02.421.450 Medical Errors 981
N02.421.450.280 Diagnostic Errors 1 123
N02.421.450.500 Medication Errors 274
N02.421.450.500.249 Inappropriate Prescribing 113
N02.421.450.500.500 Medication Reconciliation 91
N02.421.450.500.750 Near Miss, Healthcare 9
N02.421.450.550 Near Miss, Healthcare 9
N02.421.450.600 Observer Variation 138
N02.421.450.800 Radiotherapy Setup Errors 2