Noise [hluk]


hlukové znečištění
znečištění hlukem


Noise Pollution

Persistent link

Any sound which is unwanted or interferes with HEARING other sounds.

restrict to noise as a type of sound: do not use for "noise" as artifacts or interference with data in various techniques or electrical interference ( = ELECTRICITY); /adv eff: consider also HEARING LOSS, NOISE-INDUCED/
D009622 MeSH Browser

G Phenomena and Processes
G01.750 Radiation 224
G01.750.770.776 Sound 202
G01.750.770.776.567 Noise 764
G01.750.770.776.783 Phonons
G01.750.770.776.891 Ultrasonic Waves 11
G16.500.275 Environment 1 628
G16.500.275.058 Altitude 326
G16.500.275.063 Atmosphere 116
G16.500.275.066 Carbon Footprint 5
G16.500.275.067 Caves 43
G16.500.275.069 Cities 510
G16.500.275.071 Climate 679
G16.500.275.074 Confined Spaces 36
G16.500.275.157 Ecosystem 936
G16.500.275.260 Extreme Environments 3
G16.500.275.280 Fresh Water 402
G16.500.275.410 Ice 31
G16.500.275.505 Islands 43
G16.500.275.553 Natural Resources 6
G16.500.275.600 Noise 764
G16.500.275.640 Odorants 178
G16.500.275.683 Refugium 5
G16.500.275.725 Saline Waters 9
G16.500.275.815 Soil 728
G16.500.275.965 Wilderness

N Health Care
N06.230 Environment 1 628
N06.230.058 Altitude 326
N06.230.063 Carbon Footprint 5
N06.230.066 Caves 43
N06.230.069 Cities 510
N06.230.074 Confined Spaces 36
N06.230.100 Disasters 885
N06.230.124 Ecosystem 936
N06.230.145 Environment Design 151
N06.230.204 Environmental Policy 35
N06.230.206 Environmentalism 1
N06.230.208 Explosions 48
N06.230.216 Fires 308
N06.230.232 Fresh Water 402
N06.230.265 Greenhouse Effect 50
N06.230.278 Home Environment 4
N06.230.291 Ice 31
N06.230.295 Islands 43
N06.230.350 Natural Resources 6
N06.230.400 Noise 764
N06.230.400.500 Noise, Occupational 169
N06.230.400.550 Noise, Transportation 81
N06.230.480 Odorants 178
N06.230.520 Rain 40
N06.230.600 Soil 728
N06.230.650 Steam 68
N06.230.850 Water Movements 44
N06.850 Public Health 4 034
N06.850.460 Environmental Pollution 1 943
N06.850.460.100 Air Pollution 1 594
N06.850.460.150 Biofouling 21
N06.850.460.200 Body Burden 193
N06.850.460.350 Environmental Exposure 1 701
N06.850.460.400 Food Contamination 1 486
N06.850.460.505 Light Pollution 2
N06.850.460.610 Noise 764
N06.850.460.610.526 Noise, Occupational 169
N06.850.460.610.680 Noise, Transportation 81
N06.850.460.660 Petroleum Pollution 4
N06.850.460.685 Traffic-Related Pollution 2
N06.850.460.710 Waste Products 89
N06.850.460.790 Water Pollution 919