Psychiatry [psychiatrie]

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The medical science that deals with the origin, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders.

specialty only; do not confuse with MENTAL DISORDERS
D011570 MeSH Browser

F Psychiatry and Psychology
F04.096.080 Behavioral Medicine 122
F04.096.144 Behavioral Research 254
F04.096.208 Ethology 141
F04.096.276 Genetics, Behavioral 42
F04.096.462 Parapsychology 333
F04.096.544 Psychiatry 4 308
F04.096.544.065 Adolescent Psychiatry 143
F04.096.544.090 Biological Psychiatry 101
F04.096.544.193 Child Psychiatry 495
F04.096.544.215 Community Psychiatry 230
F04.096.544.275 Ethnopsychology 78
F04.096.544.335 Forensic Psychiatry 403
F04.096.544.380 Geriatric Psychiatry 300
F04.096.544.480 Military Psychiatry 14
F04.096.544.504 Neuropsychiatry 77
F04.096.544.528 Orthopsychiatry 6
F04.096.544.779 Psychoanalysis 900
F04.096.544.830 Psychosomatic Medicine 1 006
F04.096.586 Psycholinguistics 95
F04.096.628 Psychology 3 929
F04.096.670 Psychopathology 735
F04.096.712 Psychopharmacology 825
F04.096.753 Psychophysics 56
F04.096.795 Psychophysiology 894
F04.096.837 Sexology 335
F04.096.879 Social Sciences 232
F04.096.939 Sociobiology 51

H Disciplines and Occupations
H02.403 Medicine 6 025
H02.403.007 Addiction Medicine 121
H02.403.014 Adolescent Medicine 292
H02.403.029 Aerospace Medicine 423
H02.403.044 Allergy and Immunology 2 021
H02.403.066 Anesthesiology 1 275
H02.403.074 Bariatric Medicine 12
H02.403.090 Behavioral Medicine 122
H02.403.200 Clinical Medicine 1 685
H02.403.220 Community Medicine 171
H02.403.225 Dermatology 1 993
H02.403.230 Disaster Medicine 200
H02.403.250 Emergency Medicine 1 402
H02.403.330 Forensic Medicine 1 390
H02.403.340 General Practice 629
H02.403.350 Genetics, Medical 1 000
H02.403.352 Geography, Medical 23
H02.403.355 Geriatrics 2 220
H02.403.371 Global Health 698
H02.403.377 Hospital Medicine 8
H02.403.400 Integrative Medicine 24
H02.403.429 Internal Medicine 3 314
H02.403.500 Military Medicine 1 816
H02.403.530 Molecular Medicine 24
H02.403.560 Naval Medicine 34
H02.403.600 Neurology 2 636
H02.403.640 Osteopathic Medicine 24
H02.403.645 Palliative Medicine 140
H02.403.650 Pathology 2 111
H02.403.670 Pediatrics 5 402
H02.403.690 Psychiatry 4 308
H02.403.690.080 Adolescent Psychiatry 143
H02.403.690.100 Biological Psychiatry 101
H02.403.690.130 Child Psychiatry 495
H02.403.690.150 Community Psychiatry 230
H02.403.690.208 Forensic Psychiatry 403
H02.403.690.260 Geriatric Psychiatry 300
H02.403.690.508 Military Psychiatry 14
H02.403.690.754 Neuropsychiatry 77
H02.403.720 Public Health 4 034
H02.403.740 Radiology 1 346
H02.403.763 Reproductive Medicine 413
H02.403.800 Social Medicine 857
H02.403.830 Sports Medicine 1 609
H02.403.840 Telemedicine 883
H02.403.850 Travel Medicine 96
H02.403.879 Tropical Medicine 469
H02.403.894 Vaccinology 14
H02.403.909 Venereology 575
H02.403.959 Wilderness Medicine 5