Venoms [živočišné jedy]


jedy živočišné



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Poisonous animal secretions forming fluid mixtures of many different enzymes, toxins, and other substances. These substances are produced in specialized glands and secreted through specialized delivery systems (nematocysts, spines, fangs, etc.) for disabling prey or predator.

general or unspecified only: prefer specifics; coordinate with the animal producing the venom but many specific precoordinated venom terms are available (AMPHIBIAN VENOMS; ARTHROPOD VENOMS; SNAKE VENOMS & its indentions, etc.)
D014688 MeSH Browser

A Anatomy
A12.200.087 Bile 337
A12.200.147 Cerumen 18
A12.200.194 Colostrum 119
A12.200.250 Dander 3
A12.200.307 Gastric Juice 271
A12.200.455 Milk 1 018
A12.200.467 Milk, Human 813
A12.200.503 Mucus 102
A12.200.567 Pancreatic Juice 72
A12.200.666 Saliva 529
A12.200.702 Sebum 9
A12.200.732 Semen 263
A12.200.769 Smegma
A12.200.808 Sputum 322
A12.200.849 Sweat 108
A12.200.882 Tears 129
A12.200.935 Venoms 104
A12.200.946 Vernix Caseosa 13

D Chemicals and Drugs
D20.050 Acid Rain 11
D20.080 Ambergris
D20.147 Biofuels 80
D20.280 Colloids 183
D20.345 Fossil Fuels 37
D20.538 Lignin 135
D20.601 Manure 42
D20.721 Soil 728
D20.749 Tars 66
D20.777 Tissue Extracts 210
D20.888 Venoms 104
D20.888.033 Amphibian Venoms 10
D20.888.065 Arthropod Venoms 29
D20.888.230 Cnidarian Venoms 6
D20.888.300 Exenatide 64
D20.888.370 Fish Venoms 8
D20.888.590 Mollusk Venoms 4
D20.888.850 Snake Venoms 66
D20.944 Waste Products 89
D23.946.123 Bacterial Toxins 374
D23.946.330 Enterotoxins 194
D23.946.350 Exotoxins 33
D23.946.412 Hypoglycins 1
D23.946.580 Marine Toxins 45
D23.946.587 Mycotoxins 364
D23.946.618 Phytoalexins 1
D23.946.649 Picrotoxin 26
D23.946.710 Uremic Toxins 4
D23.946.833 Venoms 104
D23.946.833.033 Amphibian Venoms 10
D23.946.833.065 Arthropod Venoms 29
D23.946.833.230 Cnidarian Venoms 6
D23.946.833.300 Exenatide 64
D23.946.833.370 Fish Venoms 8
D23.946.833.590 Mollusk Venoms 4
D23.946.833.850 Snake Venoms 66
D23.946.896 Virulence Factors 232