Refusal to Treat [odmítnutí poskytnout terapii]
- Terms
lékař - odmítnutí terapie
neposkytnutí terapie
odmítnutí lékaře poskytnout léčbu
odmítnutí pacienta
odmítnutí poskytnout léčbu
Patient Abandonment
Physician Refusal to Treat
Refusal of the health professional to initiate or continue treatment of a patient or group of patients. The refusal can be based on any reason. The concept is differentiated from PATIENT REFUSAL OF TREATMENT see TREATMENT REFUSAL which originates with the patient and not the health professional.
- Annotation
- refusal of a health professional to treat a patient: do not confuse with PATIENT REFUSAL OF TREATMENT see TREATMENT REFUSAL
- odmítnutí zdravotnického pracovníka ošetřit pacienta: nepleť s deskriptorem ODMÍTNUTÍ TERAPIE PACIENTEM
- D016079 MeSH Browser
- M0024559
- Previous indexing
- Attitude of Health Personnel (1968-1990); Continuity of Patient Care (1975-1990); Physician-Patient Relations (1966-1990)
- History note
- 91
- Public note
- 91
Allowable subheadings