Advance Directives [pacientova přání ohledně budoucí terapie]


dokument o přáních pacienta
Odysseova smlouva
plná moc k rozhodování podle přání pacienta
zástupné rozhodování za pacienta


Health Care Power of Attorney
Healthcare Power of Attorney
Medical Power of Attorney
Psychiatric Wills
Ulysses Contracts

Persistent link

Declarations by patients, made in advance of a situation in which they may be incompetent to decide about their own care, stating their treatment preferences or authorizing a third party to make decisions for them. (Bioethics Thesaurus)

D016223 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Right to Die (1987-1990); Wills (1966-1990)
History note
Public note

I Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena
I01.880 Sociology 777
I01.880.604 Social Control, Formal 127
I01.880.604.583 Jurisprudence 1 542
I01.880.604.583.020 Advance Directives 187
I01.880.604.583.020.500 Living Wills 105
I01.880.604.583.050 Compensation and Redress 311
I01.880.604.583.080 Confidentiality 462
I01.880.604.583.090 Contracts 280
I01.880.604.583.100 Criminal Law 761
I01.880.604.583.133 Deportation
I01.880.604.583.166 Duty to Recontact 1
I01.880.604.583.232 Expert Testimony 575
I01.880.604.583.310 Forensic Psychiatry 403
I01.880.604.583.427 Informed Consent 869
I01.880.604.583.458 Intellectual Property 39
I01.880.604.583.466 International Law 31
I01.880.604.583.474 Judicial Role 373
I01.880.604.583.482 Legal Services 31
I01.880.604.583.490 Liability, Legal 1 012
I01.880.604.583.524 Malpractice 157
I01.880.604.583.527 Mandatory Reporting 236
I01.880.604.583.530 Mental Competency 163
I01.880.604.583.594 Ownership 100
I01.880.604.583.659 Presumed Consent 19
I01.880.604.583.789 Resuscitation Orders 209
I01.880.604.583.858 Supreme Court Decisions 1
I01.880.604.583.927 Wills 9
I01.880.604.583.963 Wrongful Life 281

N Health Care
N03.706.535 Jurisprudence 1 542
N03.706.535.020 Advance Directives 187
N03.706.535.020.500 Living Wills 105
N03.706.535.125 Compensation and Redress 311
N03.706.535.230 Confidentiality 462
N03.706.535.241 Contracts 280
N03.706.535.247 Duty to Recontact 1
N03.706.535.253 Expert Testimony 575
N03.706.535.351 Forensic Psychiatry 403
N03.706.535.489 Informed Consent 869
N03.706.535.518 Intellectual Property 39
N03.706.535.533 International Law 31
N03.706.535.547 Liability, Legal 1 012
N03.706.535.606 Malpractice 157
N03.706.535.615 Mandatory Reporting 236
N03.706.535.625 Mental Competency 163
N03.706.535.664 Presumed Consent 19
N03.706.535.704 Resuscitation Orders 209
N03.706.535.803 Wrongful Life 281
N04.590.233 Comprehensive Health Care 1 016
N04.590.233.624 Patient Care Planning 197
N04.590.233.624.124 Advance Care Planning 56
N04.590.233.624.124.050 Advance Directives 187
N04.590.233.624.124.050.500 Living Wills 105