Ribonuclease H [ribonukleasa H]


endoribonukleasa H
endoribonukleáza H
ribonukleasa H z telecího brzlíku
ribonukleáza H
ribonukleáza H z telecího brzlíku
RNasa H
RNáza H


Endoribonuclease H
Ribonuclease H, Calf Thymus
RNAase H
RNase H

Persistent link   https://www.medvik.cz/link/D016914

A ribonuclease that specifically cleaves the RNA moiety of RNA:DNA hybrids. It has been isolated from a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms as well as RETROVIRUSES.

D016914 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Endonucleases (1973-1982); Endoribonucleases (1983-1991); Ribonucleases (1973-1982)
History note
2008, 1992-1993 (1973)
Public note
2008, 1992-1993; see RIBONUCLEASE H, CALF THYMUS 1994-2007; ENDORIBONUCLEASE H was indexed under ENDORIBONUCLEASES 1983-1991 and under ENDONUCLEASES & RIBONUCLEASES 1973-1982

D Chemicals and Drugs
D08.811 Enzymes 1 547
D08.811.277 Hydrolases 475
D08.811.277.352 Esterases 207
D08.811.277.352.355 Endonucleases 87
D08.811.277.352.355.350 Endoribonucleases 24
D08.811.277.352.355.350.500 Micrococcal Nuclease 3
D08.811.277.352.355.350.700 Ribonuclease H 8
D08.811.277.352.355.350.700.500 Ribonuclease H, Human Immunodeficiency Virus
D08.811.277.352.355.350.715 Ribonuclease, Pancreatic 21
D08.811.277.352.355.350.725 Ribonuclease T1 2
D08.811.277.352.355.350.810 RNA-Induced Silencing Complex 3
D08.811.277.352.700 Ribonucleases 138
D08.811.277.352.700.350 Endoribonucleases 24
D08.811.277.352.700.350.262 Eosinophil Cationic Protein 12
D08.811.277.352.700.350.381 Eosinophil-Derived Neurotoxin
D08.811.277.352.700.350.500 Micrococcal Nuclease 3
D08.811.277.352.700.350.700 Ribonuclease H 8
D08.811.277.352.700.350.700.500 Ribonuclease H, Human Immunodeficiency Virus
D08.811.277.352.700.350.707 Ribonuclease III 18
D08.811.277.352.700.350.711 Ribonuclease P 1
D08.811.277.352.700.350.715 Ribonuclease, Pancreatic 21
D08.811.277.352.700.350.725 Ribonuclease T1 2
D08.811.277.352.700.350.810 RNA-Induced Silencing Complex 3