Evidence-Based Medicine [medicína založená na důkazech]

1 915

léčba založená na důkazech
lékařství založené na důkazech


Medicine, Evidence-Based

Persistent link   https://www.medvik.cz/link/D019317

An approach of practicing medicine with the goal to improve and evaluate patient care. It requires the judicious integration of best research evidence with the patient's values to make decisions about medical care. This method is to help physicians make proper diagnosis, devise best testing plan, choose best treatment and methods of disease prevention, as well as develop guidelines for large groups of patients with the same disease. (from JAMA 296 (9), 2006)

D019317 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

H Disciplines and Occupations
H02.249.750 Evidence-Based Medicine 1 915
H02.249.875 Evidence-Based Nursing 126
H02.403 Medicine 6 025
H02.403.200 Clinical Medicine 1 685
H02.403.200.400 Evidence-Based Medicine 1 915
H02.403.200.550 Genomic Medicine 2
H02.403.200.700 Precision Medicine 912

N Health Care
N04.590.374 Delivery of Health Care 4 841
N04.590.374.034 After-Hours Care 99
N04.590.374.052 Culturally Competent Care 22
N04.590.374.070 Delegation, Professional 6
N04.590.374.178 Digital Health 8
N04.590.374.214 Evidence-Based Medicine 1 915
N04.590.374.268 Gender-Affirming Care 1
N04.590.374.285 Health Care Reform 1 966
N04.590.374.380 Healthcare Disparities 67
N04.590.374.395 Learning Health System 1
N04.590.374.410 Managed Care Programs 451
N04.590.374.434 Physician Engagement
N04.590.374.505 Practice Patterns, Dentists' 152
N04.590.374.553 Practice Patterns, Nurses' 118
N04.590.374.600 Product Line Management 9
N04.590.374.675 Quaternary Prevention 5
N04.590.374.700 Safety-net Providers 4
N04.590.374.800 Telemedicine 883
N04.590.374.900 Uncompensated Care 15
N04.590.374.950 Value-Based Health Care 1
N05.300.049 After-Hours Care 99
N05.300.125 Attitude to Death 364
N05.300.150 Attitude to Health 803
N05.300.291 Digital Health 8
N05.300.319 Evidence-Based Medicine 1 915
N05.300.375 Health Care Costs 2 118
N05.300.380 Health Care Reform 1 966
N05.300.385 Health Expenditures 483
N05.300.400 Health Priorities 181
N05.300.420 Health Resources 347
N05.300.515 Medical Tourism 32
N05.300.537 Needs Assessment 184
N05.300.565 Overdiagnosis 1
N05.300.745 Secondary Care 13
N05.300.787 Tertiary Healthcare 22
N05.300.830 Uncompensated Care 15