Glasgow Outcome Scale [Glasgowská stupnice následků]


Glasgow outcome scale
Glasgowská výstupní škála

Persistent link

A scale that assesses the outcome of serious craniocerebral injuries, based on the level of regained social functioning.

D023261 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Glasgow Coma Scale (1990-2000); Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care) (1981-1989)
History note
2001; use GLASGOW COMA SCALE 1990-2000
Public note
2001; see GLASGOW COMA SCALE 1990-2000

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E05.318.308 Data Collection 1 293
E05.318.308.940 Records 474
E05.318.308.940.968 Medical Records 507
E05.318.308.940.968.875 Trauma Severity Indices 77
E05.318.308.940.968.875.125 Abbreviated Injury Scale 6
E05.318.308.940.968.875.250 Glasgow Coma Scale 89
E05.318.308.940.968.875.260 Glasgow Outcome Scale 42
E05.318.308.940.968.875.500 Injury Severity Score 126
E05.944.500 Glasgow Coma Scale 89
E05.944.600 Injury Severity Score 126

N Health Care
N04.452.859 Records 474
N04.452.859.564 Medical Records 507
N04.452.859.564.800 Trauma Severity Indices 77
N04.452.859.564.800.125 Abbreviated Injury Scale 6
N04.452.859.564.800.250 Glasgow Coma Scale 89
N04.452.859.564.800.260 Glasgow Outcome Scale 42
N04.452.859.564.800.500 Injury Severity Score 126
N05.715.360.300 Data Collection 1 293
N05.715.360.300.715 Records 474
N05.715.360.300.715.500 Medical Records 507
N05.715.360.300.715.500.800 Trauma Severity Indices 77
N05.715.360.300.715.500.800.100 Abbreviated Injury Scale 6
N05.715.360.300.715.500.800.325 Glasgow Coma Scale 89
N05.715.360.300.715.500.800.335 Glasgow Outcome Scale 42
N05.715.360.300.715.500.800.400 Injury Severity Score 126