práva pacientů [Patient Rights]
- Termíny
práva pacienta
právo na léčbu
právo pacienta
Patient's Rights
Patients' Rights
Right to Treatment
Fundamental claims of patients, as expressed in statutes, declarations, or generally accepted moral principles. (Bioethics Thesaurus) The term is used for discussions of patient rights as a group of many rights, as in a hospital's posting of a list of patient rights.
- Anotace
- general or unspecified; prefer specifics
- D028701 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0016036
- Předchozí užití
- Patient Advocacy (1974-2001)
- Historická pozn.
- 2002; use PATIENT ADVOCACY 1978-2001; for RIGHT TO TREATMENT use PATIENT ADVOCACY 1978-2001
- Veřejná pozn.
- 2002; for PATIENT ADVOCACY 1978-2001; for RIGHT TO TREATMENT see PATIENT ADVOCACY 1978-2001
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