důstojnost lidského života [Personhood]
- Termíny
důstojnost člověka
The state or condition of being a human individual accorded moral and/or legal rights. Criteria to be used to determine this status are subject to debate, and range from the requirement of simply being a human organism to such requirements as that the individual be self-aware and capable of rational thought and moral agency.
- Anotace
- do not confuse with INDIVIDUALITY
- nepleť s deskriptorem INDIVIDUALITA
- D028723 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0011233
- Předchozí užití
- Individuality (1974-2001)
- Historická pozn.
- 2002; use INDIVIDUALITY 1995-2001
- Veřejná pozn.
- 2002; see INDIVIDUALITY 1995-2001