The objective of the article is to present an item analysis of selected subtests of the Czech version of the WJ IV COG battery from a group of Romani children, ages 7-11. The research sample consisted of 400 school-aged Romani children from the Czech Republic who were selected by quota sampling. A partial comparative sample for the analysis was the Czech population collected as norms of the Czech edition of © Propsyco (n = 936). The Woodcock-Johnson IV COG was used as a research tool. Statistical analysis was performed in Winstep software using Differential Item Functioning; differences between groups were expressed in logits and tested via the Rasch-Welch T-test. It was discovered that higher item difficulty was noted in the verbal subtests, although variability in item difficulty was found across all subtests. The analysis of individual items makes it possible to discover which tasks are most culturally influenced.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- etnicita MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- psychometrie MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- Romové * MeSH
- zdroje elektrické energie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Přehledový článek je představením a rozborem 4. revize Woodcock -Johnsonova testu (WJ IV). Cílem práce je nastínění diagnostických možností vyplývajících z baterie WJ IV, jež patří mezi nejlépe zpracované testy komplexně postihující kognitivní schopnosti, a která vychází z CHC teorie inteligence (Cattell -Horn -Carroll). Článek prezentuje výchozí teoretický základ struktury inteligenčních schopností a zabývá se uplatněním aktuální revize tohoto nástroje při testování klientů a bližšími možnostmi interpretace výsledků. Dílčím cílem článku je seznámení čtenáře s podobou aktuální testové baterie, jednotlivými testovanými schopnostmi a popisem využívaných úloh. Praktické zhodnocení vychází ze zkušeností získaných během dílčího sběru dat pro jeho standardizaci do českého prostředí a z rešerše aplikačních podkladů. Čtvrtá revize Woodcock -Johnsonova testu kognitivních schopností vychází z propracovaného psychometrického postupu umožňujíc přesné a rychlé testování i podrobnou interpretaci získaných informací, což ji staví mezi vhodné nástroje rozšiřující portfolio inteligenčních testů v českém prostředí. Je uplatnitelný jako základní baterie pro testování inteligence (g -faktoru) a umožňuje též separátní využití subtestů jako doplňující zkoušky dílčích kognitivních schopností.
Problem: Although many methods and tools of pedagogical-psychological diagnostics have been developed in the Czech environment, the entral role is still represented by international instruments, standardized in the Czech environment. The second (WJ – International Edition) and third (WJ III) revisions are widely used and are among the most commonly used tools in the Czech Republic. In connection with the fact that the Czech standardization of the fourth edition (WJ IV) has been finalized, it is important to introduce the scientific public to the foundations of the structure of intelligence abilities used within this tool and to the possibilities of its application. Goal and methods: This overview paper is focused on the Woodcock-Johnson cognitive ability tests, whose previous revisions are among the most commonly used cognitive tests in the Czech environment. Specifically, it focuses on presenting and analyzing the 4th revision of the Woodcock-Johnson tests of cognitive abilities (WJ IV), whose previous revision is one of the fundamental tools used not only in school diagnostics. The objective of the paper is to outline the diagnostic possibilities originating from the WJ IV battery, which is based on CHC (Cattell-Horn-Carroll) theory of intelligence. The latest revision brings many changes to the theoretical background, which is why the article introduces the current form of the fourth revision of the Woodcock-Johnson Test. The first part of this text focuses on the theoretical basics of the Woodcock-Johnson test itself and its factors, as well as on the possibilities of its application when testing intelligence capabilities, and also when evaluating individual dimensions and the results. The second part of the article fundamentally introduces the possibilities of using the test when practising psychodiagnostics. It also introduces the use of subtests and individual option of interpreting. The evaluation is also based on practical experience gained from partial data collection for the standardization of the tool into the Czech environment and from researching the application documents. Discussion: The article is therefore later on more closely focused on the fourth revi sion of this tool and introduces the readers to the content of this battery, on individual testing abilities, and on describing the used tasks. The Woodcock-Johnson test is one of the most well-prepared tests and focuses on cognitive abilities in a comprehensive manner. It is based on a well-researched psychometric approach and enables quick and exact testing, as well as detailed interpretation of obtained information. The advantage of the testing tool is the wide variety of different approaches to interpretation, including the qualitative information, the level of development, the level of skill and the relative placement in the group. A very appropriate use of this tool is to apply it in pedagogical-psychological consulting, where it can help to solve premature start of chooling. It can also help clients with specific educational needs and other target groups. It is also applicable as a fundamental battery for testing intelligence (the g-factor) and in the case of using standalone subtests also as an additional measure of partial cognitive abilities.
The development of effective photosensitizers is particularly attractive for photodynamic therapy of cancer. Three novel porphyrin photosensitizers functionalized with phosphinic groups were synthesized and their physicochemical, photophysical, and photobiological properties were collected. Phosphinic acid groups (R1R2POOH) attached to the porphyrin moiety (R1) contain different R2 substituents (methyl, isopropyl, phenyl in this study). The presence of phosphinic groups does not influence absorption and photophysical properties of the porphyrin units, including the O2(1Δg) productivity. In vitro studies show that these porphyrins accumulate in cancer cells, are inherently nontoxic, however, exhibit high phototoxicity upon irradiation with visible light with their phototoxic efficacy tuned by R2 substituents on the phosphorus centre. Thus, phosphinatophenylporphyrin with isopropyl substituents has the strongest photodynamic efficacy due to the most efficient cellular uptake. We demonstrate that these porphyrins are attractive candidates for photodynamic applications since their photodynamic efficacy can be easily tuned by the R2 substituent.