Fontány a další městské vodní prvky sice nejsou určeny přímo ke koupání, ale řada z nich svým charakterem k přímému kontaktu s vodou vybízí. Jednotlivé objekty jsou však navrhovány s různou mírou erudovanosti v problematice hygieny vody a tedy i s odlišnou technologií úpravy, recirkulací nebo návody k obsluze. V loňském roce bylo vydáno Metodické doporučení pro bezpečný provoz interaktivních městských vodních prvků, vodních hřišť a vodních parků, které je nezávazné a vzniklo jako pomůcka pro provozování a kontrolu těchto objektů za účelem zvýšení bezpečnosti a omezení možných zdravotních rizik souvisejících s jejich užíváním. Toto metodické doporučení vzniklo především na základě našich výsledků, jejichž shrnutí zde uvádíme. Hlavní hygienická rizika při kontaktu osob s vodou ve fontánách a dalších vodních prvcích souvisejí především s mikrobiálním znečištěním (střevní patogeny s fekálně orálním přenosem či mikroby, u nichž jsou potenciální rizika spojena se stykem s kůží a hlavně se sliznicemi). Z neinfekčních rizik je třeba upozornit na kluzké biofilmy u fontán s vodotrysky (nebezpečí uklouznutí a následného zranění) a na možnost výskytu vedlejších produktů dezinfekce – sliznice a dýchací cesty dráždící trichloramin či z karcinogenního účinku podezřelé trihalogenmetany u nadměrně chlorovaných vodních prvků.
Fountains and other urban water features are not designed for bathing, but many of them encourage direct contact with the water. Individual objects, however, are designed with varying degrees of erudition in water hygiene and therefore also with different modification of treatment technologies, water recirculation and operating instructions. Methodological Guidelines for the Safe Operation of Interactive Urban Water Features, Water Playgrounds and Water Parks was issued last year. It is not mandatory, but it was created as guidance to increase safety and possibly reduce health risks related to their use. The Guidelines were created primarily on the basis of our results, the assessment is summarized here. The key hygiene risks when people come into contact with water in fountains and other water features are mainly related to microbial pollution (intestinal pathogens with fecal-oral transmission or microbes with potential risks associated with contact with the skin and mainly with mucous membranes). Among the non-infectious risks, the attention should be drawn to slippery biofilms in fountains with water jets (danger of slipping and subsequent injury) and to the possibility of the occurrence of disinfection by-products - trichloramine, which irritates the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, or trihalogenmethane, suspected of having a carcinogenic effect, in excessively chlorinated water elements.
- Klíčová slova
- městské vodní prvky,
- MeSH
- kvalita vody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pitná voda * mikrobiologie MeSH
- znečištění vody analýza MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
OBJECTIVES: The use of alternative water sources such as rainwater or greywater (i.e., wastewater excluding water from toilets) for non-potable purposes may save water but, on the other hand, can also pose health risks to users. The main health risks come from microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa). This work aims to analyse especially microbiological quality of rainwater and greywater used inside buildings in detail and to expand the existing knowledge about the potential health risks associated with these alternative water sources. It also considers methodological problems during E. coli and coliform bacteria detection. The final objective is to discuss requirements and appropriate indicators for monitoring recycled water quality. METHODS: We examined 30 buildings with non-potable water systems in the Czech Republic and analysed a total of 137 samples of rainwater and 120 samples of greywater. From these 30 buildings, eleven, 5 of which used rainwater and 6 of which used greywater, were sampled regularly for 1-2 years for basic chemical parameters, various faecal indicators, C. perfringens, Legionella spp. and P. aeruginosa. Occasionally, samples were analysed also for the presence of environmental mycobacteria, amoebas, viruses, and selected pathogens. RESULTS: Nearly three quarters of rainwater samples contained the faecal indicators E. coli or enterococci, or both, and in samples from several buildings also Clostridium perfringens was repeatedly detected. Untreated and treated rainwater were in respect to microbiological quality similar, suggesting that treatment processes were not very efficient. In greywater samples, beside faecal indicators, also P. aeruginosa and thermotolerant amoebas were repeatedly detected. Treatment technologies used for greywater were more efficient than those for rainwater systems. CONCLUSION: Based on the results we evaluated appropriate indicators for monitoring recycled water quality and drafted the first Czech regulation for non-potable water.
- MeSH
- Escherichia coli * MeSH
- feces MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Článek popisuje zdroje šedé vody a její kvalitu po stránce fyzikální, chemické a mikrobiologické. Popisuje způsoby nepitného užití vyčištěné šedé vody v budovách a s nimi spojené expoziční cesty nákazy. Charakterizuje možná zdravotní rizika při ingesci, inhalaci a dermálním kontaktu. Závěrem jsou diskutována potřebná opatření k ochraně veřejného zdraví, která v ČR dosud chybí. Jako nejvhodnější se jeví kombinace požadavků na kvalitu vyčištěné vody pro různé způsoby užití s požadavky na účinnost technologie čištění ve smyslu logaritmické redukce referenčních patogenů a doporučení uživatelům ohledně bezpečného chování při užití této vody.
The paper describes the sources of greywater and its physical, chemical, and microbiological quality. The list of different non-potable uses of treated greywater in buildings and related exposure pathways of infections are provided. Possible health risks stemmed from ingestion, inhalation or dermal contact are characterised. Finally, required measures needed to protect public health, which have been missing in Czechia so far, are discussed. A combination of water quality standards for different ways of use, requirements for log reduction of reference pathogens of treatment technologies, and recommendations for end-users on safety behaviour seems to be the most efficient approach.
- Klíčová slova
- šedá voda, recyklace vody,
- MeSH
- čištění vody MeSH
- environmentální zdraví MeSH
- hodnocení rizik MeSH
- kvalita vody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- odpadní voda * analýza toxicita MeSH
- recyklace MeSH
- zásobování vodou MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
Článek reaguje na rychle rostoucí trend využití srážkové vody v budovách a upozorňuje na související zdravotní rizika a na legislativní mezeru v jejich regulaci. Jsou popsány hlavní patogeny, které se v České republice mohou ve srážkové vodě vyskytnout, a chemické kontaminanty ze sběrných ploch. Dále jsou uvedeny hlavní způsoby využití čištěné srážkové vody pro nepitné, užitkové účely v budovách a z nich vyplývající expoziční cesty nákazy, jakož i technická opatření ke zmírnění těchto rizik.
This paper responds to a quickly growing trend of rainwater use in buildings and draws attention to related health risks and legislative gaps in its regulation. The key pathogens that may occur in rainwater in the Czech Republic are described, as well as, chemical contaminants from roofs and collection surfaces. The main ways of non-potable use of rainwater in buildings are also listed including the related exposure pathways of infections and technical measures available for reduction of the health risks.
Rozvoj některých biologických a molekulárně biologických metod umožnil pohlédnout na přírodní i technické ekosystémy v širším kontextu. A tak je možné zkoumat nejen jedince, ale též celé skupiny mikroorganismů (bakterie, viry, houby a kvasinky) vyskytující se v určitém prostředí (např. ve vodě, v půdě, v lidském střevě), tedy tzv. mikrobiom, a také zjišťovat, jak se různé mikrobiomy ovlivňují, i zda a jak jsou si svým složením podobné. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je shrnout poznatky o mikrobiomu pitné vody a mikrobiomu střev a najít možné paralely a vztahy mezi těmito dvěma systémy. Závěrem je diskutována otázka, zda nové globální přístupy mohou být využitelné i pro sledování kvality pitné, případně recyklované vody.
The development of modern biological and molecular biological methods made it possible to look at natural or technical ecosystems in a broader context. Therefore, it is possible to study not only a single microorganism but also the entire group of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts) present in a certain ecosystem (e.g. in water, soil, or human gut), the so called microbiome, and also how different microbiomes influence each other and whether they are similar in their composition. The aim of this paper is to summarize the knowledge about the drinking water microbiome and intestinal microbiome and to find possible parallels and relationships between these two systems. Finally, the issue whether new global approaches could be used for monitoring drinking water or reclaimed water quality is discussed.
The modern, risk-based approach requires that only those pollutants which are likely to be present in a given water supply should be monitored in drinking water. From this perspective, defining an adequate approach to the monitoring of pesticides in areas with intensive agriculture is currently one of the greatest issues of regulation. This article shows the development and detailed results of pesticide monitoring in drinking water in the Czech Republic (CR). More than 4000 water supply zones serving around a 9.5 million population are routinely monitored, with nearly 250 thousand analyses of over 200 different pesticides and their metabolites being performed every year, with a non-compliance rate of ca. 0.3%. In 2017, pesticides accounted for most derogations in the CR, concerning a total of 64 water supply systems serving more than a 250 thousand population. A representative survey targeting 21 selected chemicals showed that 75% of water supply systems contained up to 11 pesticides per sample. The most commonly found were metabolites of the herbicides used to protect oilseed rape, maize, and sugar beet: acetochlor ESA, alachlor ESA, metazachlor OA, and chloridazon-desphenyl. The health risk assessment did not reveal any risks from these chemicals, even at the highest levels detected or in the most abundant mixtures, to the most vulnerable population (infants). Nevertheless, the increased presence of pesticides undermines the public's trust in drinking water safety.
- MeSH
- chemické látky znečišťující vodu * analýza MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- monitorování životního prostředí MeSH
- pesticidy * analýza MeSH
- pitná voda * analýza MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
The first large-scale assessment of pharmaceuticals in drinking water in the Czech Republic (CR) focused on the detection of five substances. Samples were collected from public water systems supplying 5.3 million people, 50.5% of the Czech population. In the initial survey of tap water from 92 major supply zones using mostly surface water, no pharmaceutical exceeded the limit of quantification (LOQ = 0.5 ng/L). In a second survey, samples were collected from the outlet of 23 water treatment plants (WTPs) considered of high risk because they use surface waters influenced by wastewater. Ibuprofen was the most frequently found pharmaceutical (19 samples), followed by carbamazepine (12), naproxen (8), and diclofenac (3); concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 20.7 ng/L, with medians below 6 ng/L. Concentrations of 17α-ethinylestradiol were below the LOQ. A follow-up survey included tap and outlet samples from eight of the 23 WTPs with the highest concentrations. Pharmaceuticals were quantified in only three tap water samples. Regarding risks to consumers, these results suggest that a relatively small population (<10%) in the CR is exposed to quantifiable concentrations of pharmaceuticals in tap water and that an extremely high margin of safety (several thousand-fold to several million-fold) is associated with these exposures.
- MeSH
- chemické látky znečišťující vodu chemie MeSH
- léčivé přípravky chemie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pitná voda chemie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
The aim of this study was GC-MS screening of drin¬king water supplies for the presence of traces of pharmaceuticals. The target analytes were naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, carbamazepine and 17α-ethynylestradiol. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) was used for for their preconcetration. Derivatization of target analytes in the eluted extracts was performed using N-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide. Limits of quantification were less than 0.5 ng/L for naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, carbamazepine and less than 2.0 ng/L for ??α-ethynyl¬estradiol. The presence of target pharmaceuticals in drin¬king water in the Czech Republic is very rare; their concentrations range on the ng/L level.