AIMS: The determinants and relevance of right ventricular (RV) mechanical dyssynchrony in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) are poorly understood. We hypothesized that increased afterload may adversely affect the synchrony of RV contraction. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 148 patients with HFrEF and 36 controls underwent echocardiography, right heart catheterization, and gated single-photon emission computed tomography to measure RV chamber volumes and mechanical dyssynchrony (phase standard deviation of systolic displacement timing). Exams were repeated after preload (N = 135) and afterload (N = 15) modulation. Patients with HFrEF showed higher RV dyssynchrony compared with controls (40.6 ± 17.5° vs. 27.8 ± 9.1°, P < 0.001). The magnitude of RV dyssynchrony in HFrEF correlated with larger RV and left ventricular (LV) volumes, lower RV ejection fraction (RVEF) and LV ejection fraction, reduced intrinsic contractility, increased heart rate, higher pulmonary artery (PA) load, and impaired RV-PA coupling (all P ≤ 0.01). Low RVEF was the strongest predictor of RV dyssynchrony. Left bundle branch block (BBB) was associated with greater RV dyssynchrony than right BBB, regardless of QRS duration. RV afterload reduction by sildenafil improved RV dyssynchrony (P = 0.004), whereas preload change with passive leg raise had modest effect. Patients in the highest tertiles of RV dyssynchrony had an increased risk of adverse clinical events compared with those in the lower tertile [T2/T3 vs. T1: hazard ratio 1.98 (95% confidence interval 1.20-3.24), P = 0.007]. CONCLUSIONS: RV dyssynchrony is associated with RV remodelling, dysfunction, adverse haemodynamics, and greater risk for adverse clinical events. RV dyssynchrony is mitigated by acute RV afterload reduction and could be a potential therapeutic target to improve RV performance in HFrEF.
Závěrečná zpráva o řešení grantu Agentury pro zdravotnický výzkum MZ ČR
Atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial tachycardia (AT), including type I atrial flutter, are frequently observed in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH). Catheter ablation of AF / AT has been established as an effective treatment option in selected patients. However, little is known about the efficacy and safety of this approach in patients with PH. It has also been shown that considerable proportion of patients with PH after acutely successful catheter ablation suffer from the recurrence of clinical or newly manifested arrhythmia. We propose a prospective study to compare two ablation strategies in a randomized fashion: radiofrequency catheter ablation targeting only the clinical arrhythmia versus more extensive substrate-based catheter ablation.
Fibrilace síní (AF) a síňové tachykardie (AT), včetně flutteru síní I. typu, se často vyskytují u nemocných s plicní hypertenzí (PH). Katetrizační ablace AF / AT je zavedenou a efektivní metodou léčby arytmií u selektovaných pacientů. Není plně známo, jaká je bezpečnost a efekt této metody u pacientů s PH. Dosavadní zkušenosti navíc ukazují, že významné množství pacientů s PH, má přítomnu rekurenci arytmie či nově vzniklou tachykardii i přes původně úspěšnou katetrizační ablaci. Navrhujeme prospektivní multicentrickou randomizovanou studii srovnávající dvě ablační strategie: radiofrekvenční katetrizační ablaci cílenou na klinickou arytmii versus extenzivní substrát modifikující ablaci.
- MeSH
- diferenciální diagnóza MeSH
- diuretika terapeutické užití MeSH
- echokardiografie MeSH
- hyperemie etiologie MeSH
- kardiorenální syndrom etiologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- plicní hypertenze * diagnóza etiologie terapie MeSH
- srdeční katetrizace metody MeSH
- srdeční selhání * komplikace MeSH
- transplantace srdce MeSH
- zátěžový test metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Introduction: Phosphodiesterase-5a inhibition (PDE5i) leads to favorable changes in pulmonary hemodynamic and cardiac output (CO) in patients with advanced heart failure (HF) and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). The hemodynamic response to PDE5i could be heterogeneous and the clinical variables associated with these changes are scarcely investigated. Materials and Methods: Of 260 patients with advanced HFrEF referred for advanced therapies [cardiac transplant/left ventricular assist device (LVAD)], 55 had pulmonary hypertension (PH) and fulfilled the criteria for the PDE5i vasoreactivity test. Right heart catheterization (RHC) was performed as a part of clinical evaluation before and after 20-mg intravenous sildenafil. Absolute and relative changes in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were evaluated to assess hemodynamic response to PDE5i. Clinical, biochemical, and hemodynamic factors associated with PVR changes were identified. Results: Sildenafil administration reduced PVR (- 45.3%) and transpulmonary gradient (TPG; - 34.8%) and increased CO (+ 13.6%). Relative change analysis showed a negative moderate association between baseline plasma potassium and changes in PVR (r = - 0.48; p = 0.001) and TPG (r = - 0.43; p = 0.005) after PDE5i. Aldosterone concentration shows a direct moderate association with PVR changes after PDE5i. A significant moderate association was also demonstrated between CO improvement and the severity of mitral (r = 0.42; p = 0.002) and tricuspid (r = 0.39; p = 0.004) regurgitation. Conclusion: We identified plasma potassium, plasma aldosterone level, and atrioventricular valve regurgitations as potential cofounders of hemodynamic response to acute administration of PDE5i. Whether modulation of potassium levels could enhance pulmonary vasoreactivity in advanced HFrEF deserves further research.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
BACKGROUND: Phosphodiesterase-5A inhibitors (PDE5i) are sometimes used in patients with advanced heart failure with reduced ejection fraction before heart transplant or left ventricular assist device implantation to decrease right ventricular (RV) afterload and mitigate the risk of right heart failure. Conflicting evidence exists regarding the impact of these drugs on RV contractility. The aim of this study was to explore the acute effects of PDE5i on ventricular-vascular coupling and load-independent RV contractility. METHODS: Twenty-two patients underwent right heart catheterization and gated equilibrium blood pool single photon emission computed tomography, before and after 20 mg intravenous sildenafil. Single photon emission computed tomography and right heart catheterization-derived data were used to calculate RV loading and contractility. RESULTS: PDE5i induced a decrease in the right atrial pressure (-43%), pulmonary artery (PA) mean pressure (-26%), and PA wedge pressure (PAWP; -23%), with favorable reductions in pulmonary vascular resistance (-41%) and PA elastance (-40%), and increased cardiac output (+13%) (all P < 0.01). The RV ejection fraction increased with sildenafil (+20%), with no change of RV contractility (P = 0.74), indicating that the improvement in the RV ejection fraction was related to enhanced RV-PA coupling (r = 0.59, P = 0.004) by a decrease in the ventricular load. RV diastolic compliance increased with sildenafil. The decrease in the PAWP correlated with RV end-diastolic volume decrease; no relationship was observed with the change in LV transmural pressure, suggesting decreased pericardial constraint. CONCLUSIONS: Acute PDE5i administration has profound RV afterload-reducing effects, improves the RVEF, decreases RV volumes, and decreases the PAWP, predominantly through relief of pericardial constraint, without effects on RV chamber contractility. These findings support further study of PDE5i in protection of RV function in advanced heart failure with reduced ejection fraction who are at risk of RV failure.
Tako-tsubo kardiomyopatie patří mezi neklasifikované kardiomyopatie, která při své typické manifestaci imituje akutní koronární syndrom. Její diagnóza je stanovena per exclusionem po vyloučení ischemie myokardu nebo myokarditidy/feochromocytomu. Nicméně v některých atypických případech může být její pravděpodobná diagnóza stanovena až retrospektivně, jak uvidíme na následujícím případu včetně kritického pohledu na diagnosticko-terapeutický postup.
Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy is unclassified cardiomyopathy, which typically imitates acute coronary syndrome. It is diagnosed per exclusionem in the absence of significant coronary disease or myocarditis/pheochromocytoma. however, sometimes presentation of the Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy is atypical and the diagnosis can be assessed retrospectively as in a presented case including critical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic process.
- MeSH
- kardiomyopatie * diagnóza patofyziologie terapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- myokarditida * diagnóza patofyziologie terapie MeSH
- perikarditida * diagnóza patofyziologie terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH