American Academy of Pediatrics 1 American College of Physicians 1 American Society of Breast Surgeons 1 American Society of Internal Medicine 1 Association for Surgical Education 1 Association of Veterans Administration Surge... 1 Association of Women Surgeons 1 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie 1 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie 1 Midwest Surgical Association 1 North Pacific Surgical Association (Spojené ... 1 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin 1 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie 1 Southwestern Surgical Congress 1 Transplantation Society 1
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- Obor
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- Jazyk
- Místo
Elsevier 3 Cahners Publishing Company 2 Lippincott Williams and Wil... 2 American Academy of Pediatrics 1 American College of Physicians 1 American College of Physici... 1 EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteve... 1 Harper & Row 1 Institute for Scientific In... 1 Lippincott 1 Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1 Paul B. Hoeber 1 Quanrant HealthCom 1 Saunders 1 Schwabe 1 Springer 1 Thomas 1 W.B. Saunders 1 Williams and Wilkins 1
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Knihovny.cz ISSN
domovská stránka časopisu
- MeSH
- klinické lékařství MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Lékařské vědy. Lékařství
- NLK Obory
- lékařství
Knihovny.cz ISSN
domovská stránka časopisu
Foot and ankle injuries in sports.
SuplementControversies in total hip replacement.
SuplementMalalignment and realignment of the lower extremity.
Suplement SuplementOrthopedic management of gunshot wounds.
SuplementControversies in foot and ankle trauma.
Suplement SuplementArthroscopy of the upper extremity.
Suplement SuplementPeripheral nerve compressions of the upper extremity.
SuplementPediatric orthopedic oncology.
SuplementOccupational disorder management.
SuplementPathologic fractures in metabolic bone disease.
Suplement SuplementOperative management of children's fractures.
SuplementNonunion and malunion of fractures.
SuplementLimb salvage in the treatment of musculoskeletal tumors.
SuplementCauses and cure of low back pain and sciatica.
SuplementRadiographic imaging in orthopedics.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementShoulder arthroscopy and related surgery.
Suplement SuplementComplications of total hip arthoplasty.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementTrauma to the adult pelvis and hip.
SuplementMusculoskeletal imaging update.
SuplementMusculoskeletal imaging update.
SuplementManagement of bone loss during revision hip or knee replacement.
Suplement Suplement SuplementElbow trauma and reconstruction.
SuplementPeriprosthetic fractures after major joint replacement.
SuplementDisorders of the pediatric and adolescent spine.
SuplementBone grafting and bone graft substitutes.
SuplementManagement of proximal and distal humerus fractures.
SuplementConservative management of shoulder injuries.
SuplementTissue engineering in orthopedic surgery.
SuplementOrthopedic management of metastatic disease.
Suplement SuplementAdvanced techniques in the management of wrist trauma.
SuplementRepair of athletic shoulder injuries.
SuplementInstability after major joint replacement.
SuplementTreatment of complex fractures.
Suplement SuplementManagement of acute athletic trauma.
SuplementAnterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
SuplementAnterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
SuplementSports injuries in school-age athletes.
SuplementAdvanced shoulder arthroscopy.
SuplementMinimally invasive joint reconstruction.
SuplementOsteonecrosis of the human skeleton.
Suplement SuplementAcrylic bone cement in the new millenium.
SuplementRevisiting surface arthroplasty of the hip. ISBN 1-4160-2745-9
SuplementSymposium on current pediatric problems.
SuplementSymposium on amputation surgery and prosthetics.
SuplementSymposium on metabolic bone disease.
SuplementProceedings of the American Orthopaedic Foot Society, Inc.
SuplementInterposition and implant arthroplasty.
Suplement SuplementPractical surgery of the hand.
SuplementProceedings of the American Orthopaedic Foot Society, Inc..
SuplementSymposium on tendon transfers in the upper extremity.
SuplementSymposium on fractures of the hip - part I.
SuplementSymposium on fractures of the hip - part II.
SuplementSymposium on the lumbar spine.
SuplementSymposium on surgery of the shoulder.
SuplementSymposium on rheumatoid arthritis.
SuplementSymposium on infections in orthopedics.
SuplementSymposium on ski trauma and skiing safety.
SuplementSymposium on birth defects and the orthopedic surgeon.
SuplementSymposium on fractures and other injuries in children.
SuplementSymposium on the lumbar spine - II.
SuplementSymposium on replantation and reconstructive microsurgery.
SuplementSymposium on injuries in sports.
SuplementSymposium on tumors on the musculoskeletal system.
SuplementSymposium on pediatric orthopedics.
SuplementSymposium on special problems in orthopedic rehabilitation.
SuplementSymposium on care of the critically ill orthopedic patient.
SuplementSymposium on the upper cervical spine.
SuplementSymposium on disorders of the knee joint.
SuplementSymposium on the role of the laboratory in orthopedic practice.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on scoliosis and related spinal disorders.
SuplementSymposium on disorders of the shoulder.
SuplementSymposium on problems and solutions in the management of fractures.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on orthopedic surgery in the mentally retarded.
SuplementSymposium on peripheral nerve injuries.
SuplementSymposium on the osteoporoses.
SuplementSymposium on management of upper limb amputations.
SuplementSymposium on total knee arthroplasty.
SuplementSymposium on office orthopedic practice.
SuplementSymposium on surface replacement arthroplasty of the hip.
SuplementSymposium on metabolic bone disease.
SuplementSymposium on musculoskeletal sepsis.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on electrically induced osteogenesis.
SuplementSymposium on rehabilitation after reconstructive hand surgery.
SuplementSymposium on evaluation and care of lumbar spine problems.
SuplementSymposium on special considerations in sports medicine.
SuplementSymposium on orthopedic radiology.
SuplementSymposium on arthroscopic knee surgery.
SuplementSymposium on pitfalls in foot surgery.
Suplement SuplementSurgical reconstruction of the arthritic knee II.
SuplementSurgical reconstruction of the arthritic knee I.
Suplement SuplementLong-term results of cemented joint replacement.
Suplement Suplement SuplementThe pediatric lower extremity.
SuplementManagement of shoulder problems.
Suplement Suplement SuplementUse of computers in orthopedics.
SuplementControversies in hand surgery.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium on idiopathic osteonecrosis.
SuplementSymposium on computed tomography.
SuplementSymposium on the anterior cruciate ligament, part II.
SuplementSymposium on the anterior cruciate ligament, part I.
SuplementNonfusion technology in spinal surgery. ISBN 1-4160-2746-7
Suplementtreatment of unicompartmental arthritis of the knee. ISBN 1-4160-2747-5
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- MeSH
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American Society of Transplant Physicians (ASTP).
SuplementRedefining expectations in transplantation.
Suplement SuplementRedefining expectations in transplantation.
SuplementRedefining expectations in transplantation.
SuplementPosttransplant cardiovascular risk.
SuplementAST fifth annual winter symposium.
SuplementRedefining expectations in transplantation.
Suplement SuplementBeaune Seminar in Transplant Research.... Hagerstown : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, [2002]-.
SuplementPatient management by Neoral C2 monitoring.
Suplement9th Congress of the International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Association.
SuplementLiving-donor liver transplantation.
Suplement Suplement Předcházející- MeSH
- transplantace MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- transplantologie
Knihovny.cz ISSN
domovská stránka časopisu
Quality assessment in womens health care. MED00014847.
SuplementSurgical diseases in pregnancy.
Suplement SuplementRecurrent abortion. MED00016376.
SuplementThe Role of the obstetrician-gynaecologist in diagnosing and treating breast disease.
SuplementPrimary care in ob/gyn. MED00018107.
SuplementControversies in gynecologic endoscopy. MED00018325.
SuplementDiagnosis and treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. MED00019087.
Suplement SuplementClinical use of progestins and androgens.
SuplementPulmonary diseases in pregnancy.
SuplementVaginal ultrasonography for the practicing clinician.
Suplement SuplementNew applications of mifepristone (RU 486).
SuplementThe Placenta in clinical practice.
Suplement SuplementImmunologic disturbances in pregnancy.
SuplementControversies in fetal drug therapy.
Suplement Suplement SuplementPremature rupture of membranes.
Suplement SuplementNew diagnostic techniques in gynecologic oncology.
SuplementIntrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) - macrosomia.
Suplement Suplement SuplementScreening for genetic disorders.
Suplement SuplementThyroid diseases in pregnancy.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementUmbilical blood acid-base analyses.
Suplement Suplement SuplementManaged care and the obstetrician/gynecologist.
SuplementPsychosocial obstetrics and gynecology.
Suplement SuplementThe Changing status of hysterectomy.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementEthical dilemmas in obstetrics.
Suplement SuplementAmbulatory obstetric management.
Suplement SuplementPremature rupture of the membranes.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementPlatelet disorders in pregnancy.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementCervical ripening and labor induction.
Suplementcritique of new gynecologic surgical procedures.
SuplementClinical problem of preterm labor.
SuplementContemporary management of infertility.
SuplementAntiphospoholid antibodies and reproductive problems.
SuplementContraception for the 21st century.
Suplement SuplementGynekologic surgery and oncology updates.
SuplementAlternative medicine in obstetrics.
Suplement Suplement Suplementcritique of fetal surveillance tests.
Suplement SuplementWhat's new in reproductive endocrinology?.
Suplement Suplement SuplementNew genetics for clinical practice.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementNeurologic disorders in pregnancy.
SuplementManagement of abnormal uterine bleeding.
Suplement SuplementParental voices in maternal - fetal surgery.
Suplement Suplement- MeSH
- gynekologie MeSH
- porodnictví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Gynekologie. Porodnictví
- NLK Obory
- gynekologie a porodnictví
- gynekologie a porodnictví
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- MeSH
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- Konspekt
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- NLK Obory
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ACP Journal Club. Philadelphia : American College of Physicians, 1993.
SuplementACP Journal Club. Philadelphia : American College of Physicians, 1992.
SuplementACP Journal Club. Hamilton : American College of Physicians, 1991.
PředcházejícíAnnals of clinical medicine. Baltimore : American College of Physicians, 1922-1927. ISSN 0095-9944 Knihovny.cz
- MeSH
- vnitřní lékařství MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- vnitřní lékařství
Knihovny.cz ISSN
domovská stránka časopisu
Laparoscopy for the general surgeon.
Suplement Suplement SuplementPain control in the perioperative period.
SuplementEndovascular and minimally invasive vascular surgery.
SuplementAcute and chronic pancreatitis.
Suplement SuplementTrauma care in the new millennium.
SuplementSurgical anatomy and embryology.
SuplementMultidisciplinary approach to cancer.
SuplementCritical care of the trauma patient.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSentinel lymph nodes in human solid cancer.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium on colon and rectal surgery.
SuplementSymposium on critical illness.
SuplementSymposium on orthopedic surgery.
SuplementSymposium on esophageal surgery.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium on pediatric surgery.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementGastrointestinal and hepatobiliary malignancies.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementNonmalignant gastrointestinal disease.
Suplement SuplementSurgical treatment of lung carcinoma.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on diagnostic and interventional radiology for surgical problems.
SuplementSymposium on surgical stapling techniques.
SuplementSymposium on wound management.
SuplementSymposium on complications of common procedures.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium on surgical practices at the Lahey Clinic.
SuplementSymposium on surgical practices at the Lahey Clinic.
SuplementSymposium on latest advances in cardiac surgery.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on pediatric surgery.
SuplementTechniques of colorectal surgery.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSurgical options in heart failure.
Suplement Suplementupdate in surgeon performed ultrasound.
SuplementEndovascular management of vascular disease.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSurgical palliative care. ISBN 1-4160-2791-2
SuplementEsophageal surgery. ISBN 1-4160-2792-0
SuplementSymposium on urologic surgery.
SuplementSymposium on surgical endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract.
SuplementSymposium on surgical health care delivery.
SuplementSymposium on selected problems in venous and arterial disease.
SuplementSymposium on surgery in the medically compromised patient.
SuplementSymposium on surgical nutrition.
SuplementSymposium on biliary tract disease.
SuplementSymposium on pediatric surgery.
SuplementSymposium on adjuvant treatment of cancer.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on practical surgery of the hand.
SuplementSymposium on plastic surgery for general surgeons.
SuplementSymposium on head and neck surgery II.
SuplementSymposium on head and neck surgery I.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium on peptic ulcer disease.
SuplementSymposium on surgery at the Lahey clinic.
SuplementSymposium on response to infection and injury.
SuplementSymposium on response to infection and injury.
SuplementSymposium on pediatric surgery.
SuplementSymposium on gastrointestinal surgery.
SuplementSymposium on endocrine surgery.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on surgery of the biliary tree.
SuplementSymposium on surgery of the chest.
SuplementSymposium on personal preferences in surgery.
SuplementSymposium on surgical techniques.
SuplementSymposium on head and neck surgery.
SuplementSymposium on surgical infections.
SuplementSymposium on operative nerve injuries and their repair.
SuplementSymposium on advances in small hospital care.
SuplementSymposium on surgical aspects of immunology.
SuplementSymposium on endocrine surgery.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on personal perspectives in surgery.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on colon and anorectal surgery.
SuplementSymposium on gynecologic cancer.
SuplementSymposium on organ transplantation.
SuplementSymposium on complications of general surgery.
SuplementSymposium on cardiac and renal surgery.
SuplementSymposium on acid-peptic disease.
SuplementSymposium on diseases of the colon and anorectum.
SuplementSymposium on nonpenetrating thoracoabdominal injuries.
SuplementSymposium on unexpected presentations of surgical disease.
SuplementSymposium on surgical emergencies.
SuplementSymposium on surgery of hernia.
SuplementSymposium on gastrointestinal surgery.
SuplementSymposium on cosmetic surgery.
SuplementSymposium on recent advances in surgery.
SuplementSymposium on liver, spleen, and pancreas.
SuplementSymposium on respiratory care in surgery.
SuplementSymposium on complex surgical problems.
SuplementSymposium on noncardiac thoracic surgery.
SuplementSymposium on modern techniques in surgery at the Lahey Clinic II.
SuplementSymposium on modern techniques in surgery at the Lahey Clinic I.
SuplementSymposium on surgical infections.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on new methods of treatment of gastrointestinal disease.
SuplementSymposium on peripheral vascular surgery.
SuplementSymposium on recent developments in anesthesia.
SuplementSymposium on surgical practice at the University of Chicago Clinics.
SuplementSymposium on surgical infections and antibiotics.
SuplementSymposium on surgical techniques.
SuplementSymposium on surgery of the liver, spleen, and pancreas.
SuplementSymposium on a physiologic approach to critical care.
SuplementSymposium on new skills in surgery.
SuplementSymposium on surgical anatomy and embryology.
SuplementSymposium on pulmonary in surgery.
SuplementSymposium on surgical oncology.
SuplementBariatric surgery. ISBN 1-4160-2793-9
SuplementGastric surgery. ISBN 1-4160-2794-7
Suplement Suplement81 sv.
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Knihovny.cz ISSN
domovská stránka časopisu
Blutdruck, Blutfette, Rauchgewohnheiten und Körpergewicht in der Schweiz.
SuplementJahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Radiologie.
SuplementAssemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Pédiatrie.
Suplement SuplementDiagnostische Untersuchungsmethoden gastrointestinaler Motilitätsstörungen in der Praxis.
Suplement SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Radiologie.
Suplement Suplement62. Jahrestagung der schweizerischen Gesellschaft für innere Medizin.
SuplementStellunghamen der Schweizerischen Diabetes-Gesellschaft 1994.
Suplement87. Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Pédiatrie.
SuplementSchweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementAssemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie.
Suplement82. Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Radiologie Médicale.
Suplement88. Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Pédiatrie en association avec la Société.
Suplement Suplement Suplement75 Jahre Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin.
Suplementméningites de l adulte a Geneve.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Radiologie.
SuplementEuropean Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
SuplementEuropean Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
Suplement SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Hämatologie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Radiologie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Infektiologie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Hämatologie.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie.
SuplementVersammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Infektologie.
Suplement83. Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Radiologie Médicale.
Suplement Suplement60. Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Gastroentérologie et d'Hépatologie.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementJahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Reanimation.
SuplementJahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie.
Suplement Suplement84. Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Radiologie Médicale.
Suplement90. assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Pédiatrie.
Suplement SuplementJahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie.
Suplement61. Jahresversammlung der schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementJahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Reanimation.
Suplement Suplement Suplement85. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Radiologie.
Suplement91. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie.
SuplementJahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Infektiologie.
SuplementJahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie.
SuplementKomplementärmedizin in der Krankenversicherung.
Suplement SuplementJahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Reanimation.
Suplement67. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin.
Suplement Suplement86e Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Radiologie Médicale.
SuplementJahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie.
Suplement92. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie.
Suplement59. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie.
Suplement Suplement SuplementJahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Reanimation.
Suplement31. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie.
SuplementConsensus über die Behandlung der Adipositas in der Schweiz 1999.
Suplement68. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin.
Suplement Suplement87. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Radiologie.
Suplement Suplement60. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementJahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Reanimation.
Suplement32. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie.
Suplement SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin.
Suplement SuplementBeiträge zum 50jährigen Bestehen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie.
SuplementNeue Aspekte der akuten infektiösen Diarrhöe.
Suplementkoronare Herzkrankheit in den Praxis.
Suplement50 ans de lutte contre la silicose en Suisse.
SuplementAdvances in the prophylaxis and treatment of infections in immunocompromised patients.
Suplement SuplementSchweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. Supplementum. Basel : Schwabe, 1976-2000. ISSN 0250-5525
Suplement SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie : Gemeinsame Jahrestagung. Basel : Schwabe, 1990.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie : Gemeinsame Jahrestagung. Basel : Schwabe, 1991.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie : Davos, 18.-20. April 1991. Basel : Schwabe, 1991.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin : Jahresversammlung. Basel : Schwabe, 1991.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie : Jahresversammlung. Basel : Schwabe, 1991.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie : Gemeinsame Jahrestagung. Basel : Schwabe, 1992.
SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie : Gemeinsame Jahrestagung. Basel : Schwabe, 1993.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSociété Suisse de Médecine Interne : assemblée annuelle. Basel : Schwabe, 1995.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSwiss Society of Pneumology : Basel, March 28-30, 1996. Basel [etc.] : Schwabe, 1996.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie : Lugano, 27.-29.April 1989. Basel : Schwabe, 1989.
NásledujícíSwiss medical weekly. Basel : EMH Swiss Medical Publishers, 2001-. ISSN 1424-7860
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