- MeSH
- Mental Competency standards psychology legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Forms and Records Control * methods utilization legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Informed Consent * standards legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Human Rights legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Civil Rights MeSH
- Treatment Refusal * ethics psychology legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Police legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Societies, Medical ethics standards legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Emergency Medicine methods standards legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Legal Guardians legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Proxy psychology legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Health Status MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Keywords
- DentCross,
- MeSH
- Medical Records Systems, Computerized MeSH
- Electronic Health Records * organization & administration MeSH
- Forms and Records Control methods MeSH
- Medical Informatics MeSH
- Speech Recognition Software MeSH
- Information Storage and Retrieval methods MeSH
- Dentistry MeSH
- Dental Records * MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- MeSH
- Confidentiality legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Forms and Records Control methods organization & administration MeSH
- Occupational Health legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Civil Rights MeSH
- Work MeSH
- Accidents, Occupational prevention & control legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Accidents legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Computer Security MeSH
- Records MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Keywords
- vzájemná spolupráce,
- MeSH
- Medical Errors prevention & control MeSH
- Documentation MeSH
- Drug Therapy MeSH
- Forms and Records Control methods legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Hypertension complications MeSH
- Hypertensive Encephalopathy complications MeSH
- Hyperthyroidism complications MeSH
- Communication MeSH
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions MeSH
- Peptic Ulcer complications MeSH
- Consciousness Disorders diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Drug Overdose complications MeSH
- Patient Admission MeSH
- Patient Satisfaction legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Emergency Medical Services methods utilization MeSH
- Seizures diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Middle Aged MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
Cíl: Výzkumné zamerení dentální cásti Centra biomedicínské informatiky je zamereno na vývoj elektronické zdravotnické dokumentace (EHR) pro stomatologii. Úvod: Nejdríve byl zkonstruován elektronický zubní kríž DentCross, který graficky reprezentuje stomatologická data pacienta. Doplnen byl o hlasové ovládání systémem Automatic speech recognition (ASR) a modul pro syntézu hlasu (TTS). Metody: Cílem práce bylo i dosáhnout co nejvetší komplexnosti systému a jeho jistou automatizaci. Z tohoto duvodu byl doplnen o speciální záznamové medium pro onemocnení temporomandibulárního kloubu (TMD). Výsledky: Po zkušenostech se starší verzí byla znalostní báze (KB) pro TMD jinak strukturována. Bylo použito klasifikacní diagnostické schéma dle American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP). KB byla vytvorena v aplikaci MUDR KB Editor. Na techto základech byla vytvorena relacní databáze a samotná uživatelská záznamová aplikace v programech MUDR EHR a MUDRLite. Záver: Hlavní výhodou je ovšem stanovení pravdepodobné diagnózy onemocnení (AAOP delení) systémem (tzv. „custom“ komponentou) na základe typických dat zaznamenaných do elektronického formuláre pri vyšetrení. Pro realizaci samotné komponenty byl použit vývojový nástroj MS Visual Studio.NET 2003. Komponenta je naprogramovaná v jazyku C].
Background: The research goal of the Dental segment of the Centre of Biomedical Informatics is focused on the electronic health record (EHR) development for dentistry. Objectives: At the beginning there has been constructed an electronic dental cross "DentCross", which was representing patients dental data in the graphical form. It has been completed with the system of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) and voice synthesis module (TTS). Methods: The main goal of this work was to reach the high entirety of the system and its automatization. For this reason it has been completed with the special record medium for the temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Results: Concerning the experience with the old version the knowledge database (KB) for TMD has been structured differently. A classification diagnostic schema by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) has been used. The KB has been created in the MUDR KB Editor application. On this basis a relational database has been constructed and a user interface for data collection based on MUDR and MUDRLite EHR systems was developed. Conclusions: The main advantage of this system is determination of probable diagnosis of the disease (AAOP) by the system ("custom" component). It is based on the characteristic data, which have been recorded in the electronic form after the investigation. For the creation of the component of its alone MS Visual Studio.NET 2003 development tool has been used. The whole component is programmed in C] language.
- Keywords
- poruchy temporomandibulárního kloubu, DentCross, elektronická zdravotnická dokumentace, klasifikace AAOP, MUDR EHR, MUDRLite, MUDR KB Editor,
- MeSH
- Medical Records Systems, Computerized statistics & numerical data trends utilization MeSH
- Electronic Health Records statistics & numerical data trends utilization MeSH
- Financing, Organized MeSH
- Forms and Records Control methods statistics & numerical data utilization MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Oral Medicine methods statistics & numerical data trends MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- MeSH
- Medical Records classification standards legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Diagnostic Imaging MeSH
- Forms and Records Control methods standards MeSH
- Photography standards legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Quality of Health Care standards legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Delivery of Health Care standards MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- MeSH
- Medical Records standards legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Forms and Records Control methods organization & administration utilization MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Nursing Assessment methods organization & administration legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Forensic Medicine MeSH
- Emergency Medical Services methods organization & administration legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH