- MeSH
- Child MeSH
- Environmental Health MeSH
- Cats MeSH
- Larva Migrans, Visceral MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Eye Manifestations MeSH
- Parasites classification parasitology pathogenicity MeSH
- Dogs MeSH
- Toxocara canis MeSH
- Toxocara * classification parasitology pathogenicity MeSH
- Toxocariasis diagnosis classification physiopathology transmission therapy MeSH
- Zoonoses MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Child MeSH
- Cats MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Dogs MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- MeSH
- Larva anatomy & histology MeSH
- Toxocara anatomy & histology growth & development MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
BACKGROUND: Larval toxocarosis is a zoonosis caused by larvae of Toxocara canis and T. cati, a gastrointestinal nematode of canids and felids, respectively. Diagnosis is usually performed by ELISA IgG using Toxocara excretory-secretory products as an antigen. Due to laboriousness of isolation of the products and subsequent process of standardization of antigenic compounds, routine use of this method is limited and can produce inaccurate diagnostical results. The purpose of this study was to discover new specific antigenic proteins that could be used in routine serological methods of larval toxocarosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Toxocara excretory-secretory products were collected and separated by SDS-PAGE. Proteins from the gel were electro-transferred to a membrane and incubated with mouse sera. Antigenic proteins were analyzed using the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry approach. Selected proteins were prepared in recombinant form and tested with mice and human sera by ELISA and Western blot. RESULTS: A total of four recombinant protein antigens were prepared (rTc-TES-26, rTc-ASA, rTc-PDP, and rTc-ASP). They were analyzed by ELISA and Western blot using mice and human sera. For all sera, three of the four recombinant antigens correlated with Toxocara excretory-secretory products in ELISA analysis. By Western blot, the infection was confirmed in all experimentally infected mice and two out of seven human patients. CONCLUSION: Combination of the presented methods and analyses represents a possible method of effective identification of Toxocara protein antigens for the purpose of routine serodiagnosis.
Using a small animal imaging system, migratory activity of Toxocara canis larvae stained by carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) was observed post primary infection (PPI) and post reinfection (PR) of BALB/c mice. Each infection was performed with 1,000 larvae per mouse. Primary infections were performed with labeled larvae, while for challenge infections the reinfecting larvae were stained by CFSE. The worm burden in mouse organs was determined during a period from 6 h to 21 days and 4 months PPI and PR. In comparison with primary infections that led to the first larvae appearance in the brain after 60 h, greatly accelerated migration of the parasites administered 3 weeks PPI to the CNS and eyes of challenged mice was noted-in both organs the larvae appeared 6 h PR. In all challenged mice, reinfecting larvae prevailed in the resident parasite population. Preliminary experiments with Toxocara cati larvae also revealed early brain involvement in primarily infected mice. Staining of T. canis larvae by CFSE had no effect on the development of a humoral antibody response against T. canis excretory-secretory antigens. In ELISA, elevated levels of specific IgG and IgG1 were noted on day 14 PPI and the levels of antibodies increased till the end of experiment. Reinfection induced an increase in the levels of both antibodies. In terms of optical density, IgG1 antibodies gave higher values in all sera examined. In ELISA for IgG antibodies, an increase in the avidity index of around 50% was detected 1 month PPI; higher-avidity antibodies were also detected in sera of reinfected animals.
- MeSH
- Staining and Labeling MeSH
- Time Factors MeSH
- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay MeSH
- Central Nervous System Helminthiasis pathology MeSH
- Immunoglobulin G blood MeSH
- Larva pathogenicity MeSH
- Brain parasitology MeSH
- Mice, Inbred BALB C MeSH
- Mice MeSH
- Eye parasitology MeSH
- Eye Diseases parasitology pathology MeSH
- Parasite Load MeSH
- Antibodies, Helminth blood MeSH
- Toxocara canis pathogenicity MeSH
- Toxocariasis parasitology pathology MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Mice MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Postižení oka je jednou z klinických forem nákazy larvální toxokarózou, která vzniká působením migrujících larev zvířecích škrkavek, především Toxocara canis a Toxocara cati u paratenického hostitele - v našem pojednání u člověka. Symptomy očního postižení jsou různé, od alergických projevů, působených převážně metabolity uvolňovanými živými larvami nebo zbytky odumírajících a rozpadajících se larev, až po mechanické poškození očních tkání migrujícími larvami. Vzácně je v oku nalezena živá larva, která může být pozorována různě dlouhou dobu. Příčina a způsob očního postižení nejsou dosud zcela objasněny. Domněnka, že oční forma larvální toxokarózy vzniká v případě nákazy hostitele ojedinělými larvami, které nevytvoří dostatečně účinnou imunitu, čímž je umožněno larvám migrovat z viscerálních orgánů do oka, není dosud spolehlivě podložena. Oční forma vzniká i u lidí, infikovaných vysokým počtem larev. Obraz oční toxokarózy závisí na tom, kudy larvy vstupují do oka, zda retinálními či chorioidálními cévami. V publikaci jsou uvedeny hlavní klinické obrazy očního postižení. Kvalitní sérologická diagnostika s použitím rodově specifického larválního meta- bolického antigenu v ELISA reakci či Western blotu uchrání pacienta před zby- tečnou enukleací očního bulbu v případě diagnostických rozpaků a podezření na retinoblastom.Vyšetření očníchtekutin napřítomnost specifickýchtoxokarových protilátek podpoří výsledky sérologického vyšetření. Ne všichni oftalmologové však jsou ochotni provádět tento zákrok, zvláště u dětí, a proto počet případů, kdy jsmeměli možnost porovnat výsledky vyšetření séra a oční tekutiny je dosud velmi nízký. Rozlišení akutního postižení od chronického průběhu nákazy do značné míry umožní zjištění indexu avidity IgG imunoglobulinů.
The damage of the eye is one of the clinical syndromes of the Toxocara infection, caused by the migration activity of the Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati larvae. Ocular larva migrans (OLM) lesions mostly occur unilaterally and frequently are diagnosed as retinoblastoma. The typical symptoms of OLM are presented in our publication. The first signs of the ocular infection most often include diminished vision, leukocoria, red eye and strabismus. Inflammatory intraocular reaction, caused as a response to the antigens, released from dead or dying larvae is often diagnosed. The living larvae are observed very rarely. The reason and a way of the ocular invasion are still not sufficiently cleared. The supposition that the ocular syndrome is causedbymigration of single larvae, when the immunological response is light, was not reliably verified. Sometimes if the infection size was heavy, the eye can be invaded with systemic complications as well. The most common laboratory findings include an elevation of the immunoglobu- lins in the serum of the patient and the presence of Toxocara specific antibodies response in the vitreous and/or aqueous humor. An analysis of the humor in cases of presumptive OLMwas made only in 8 patients because not all oculists are ready to take this material, mainly in children. Highly sensitive assay - ELISA reaction with specific excretory - secretory antigen (TES) was used. For discrimination between chronic and recent infection the method of measuring IgG avidity was applied.
- MeSH
- Ascaris pathogenicity MeSH
- Larva MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Eye Diseases diagnosis drug therapy pathology MeSH
- Parasitic Diseases pathology MeSH
- Serologic Tests methods MeSH
- Toxocara pathogenicity MeSH
- Toxocariasis diagnosis drug therapy pathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
The nematodes Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) and Toxocara cati (Schrank, 1788) have been associated with worse human cognitive function in children and middle-aged adults. In this study, we sought to determine the association between Toxocara seropositivity and serointensity determined by detection of IgG antibodies against the Toxocara antigen recombinant Tc-CTL-1 and cognitive function in older adults, including approximately 1,350 observations from the 2013-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Mean fluorescence intensity was used to quantify IgG antibodies against the Toxocara recombinant Tc-CTL-1 antigen, and respondents were considered positive at values greater than 23.1. In adjusted models from sample sizes ranging from 1,274 to 1,288 depending on the individual cognitive task, we found that Toxocara seropositivity was associated with worse performance on the animal-fluency task (b = -1.245, 95% CI: -2.392 to -0.099, P< 0.05) and the digit-symbol coding task (b = -5.159, 95% CI: -8.337 to -1.980, P< 0.001). Toxocara serointensity assessed using log-transformed mean fluorescence intensity as a continuous variable was associated with worse performance on the digit-symbol coding task (b = -1.880, 95% CI: -2.976 to -0.783, P < 0.001). There were no significant associations with tasks assessing memory. Further, age modified the association between Toxocara and cognitive function, although sex, educational attainment, and income did not. These findings suggest that Toxocara might be associated with deficits in executive function and processing speed in older U.S. adults, although additional research is required to better describe cognitive function in older adults who are seropositive for Toxocara spp.
- MeSH
- Immunoglobulin G MeSH
- Cognition MeSH
- Toxocara MeSH
- Toxocariasis * complications diagnosis epidemiology MeSH
- Nutrition Surveys MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
V práci sa sledovala kontaminácia verejných priestranstiev najmä psím trusom v piatich okresoch Bratislavy. Z celkom 459 odobratých vzoriek trusu boli len dve od mačiek, ktoré boli pozitívne na Toxocara cati, ostatné boli od psov. Z nich na črevné parazity bolo pozitívnych 215 (46,8 %), v ktorých Toxocara canis zachytili v 86 (18,7 %) vzorkách a Toxocara cati v 2 (0,4 %). Okrem toho diagnostikovali z črevných helmintov Taenia sp., Dipylidium caninum, Ancylostoma sp., Capillaria sp., Trichuris vulpis a Strongyloides sp. Z nich sa ukázali epizooticky významnejšie najmä parazitické červy z rodov Ancylostoma, Taenia a Strongyloides. Z črevných protozoí významne najčastejšie zaznamenali rod Giardia, podstatne zriedkavejšie Isospora, Sarcocystis a Cryptosporidium. Nálezy Toxocara canis boli podľa okresov vyrovnané. V okresoch I až IV sa pohybovali v rozpätí od 18,6 % do 20,7 %. V piatom okrese, ktorý sa celý rozprestiera na druhej strane Dunaja išlo o najnižšiu 16,1% prevalenciu parazita. Nižšie nálezy sú v dôsledku samostatného epizootického procesu riekou oddelenej časti mesta. Výskyt parazitov v truse psov podľa ročných období naznačil možnosť sezónnych výkyvov. Tieto sa pohybovali od 40,5 % parazitologicky pozitívnych vzoriek trusu v zime do 50 % v jeseni. Prevalencia Toxocara canis sa medzi obdobím zimy (13,5 %) a jesene (23,5 %) zvýšila tiež o 10 %. Významne častejšie nálezy boli vo vzorkách čerstvého trusu.
Contamination of public open spaces with dog feces was monitored in five Bratislava districts. Only two of 459 fecal samples collected originated from cats and tested positive for Toxocara cati while the remaining samples were dog feces. Intestinal parasites were detected in 215 (46.8 %) samples, with Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati being recovered from 86 (18.7 %) and 2 (0.4 %) samples, respectively. Taenia sp., Dipilidium caninum, Ancylostoma sp., Capillaria sp., Trichuris vulpis and Strongyloides sp. were also among intestinal worms detected. Of these, parasitic helminths of the genera Ancylostoma, Taenia and Strongyloides appeared to be of epizootic importance. Giardia was the significantly most frequent genus among intestinal protozoans while Isospora, Sarcocystis and Cryptosporidium were considerably less common. Toxocara canis showed similar distribution in all districts monitored. The prevalence rates ranged from 18.6 % to 20.7 % in districts I to IV. The lowest prevalence rate of 16.1 % was found in district V situated on the other bank of the Danube, which can be explained by a particular epizootic process in the city district separated by the river. The detection rates of parasites from dog feces suggested a seasonal trend, ranging from 40.5 % in winter to 50 % in autumn. Toxocara canis also showed 10 % higher prevalence rates in autumn (23.5 %) compared to winter (13.5 %). Significantly higher rates of parasites were recovered from fresh dog feces.
- MeSH
- Feces parasitology MeSH
- Communicable Disease Control MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Environmental Microbiology MeSH
- Dog Diseases epidemiology MeSH
- Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic MeSH
- Toxocara canis parasitology MeSH
- Toxocariasis MeSH
- Urban Health MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Geographicals
- Slovakia MeSH
Two hundred sand samples from 50 children's sandboxes and 500 samples of dog faeces collected in 10 Prague housing developments were examined for the presence of parasites. Eggs of three helminth species were found in 28% of sandboxes and eggs and oocysts of 10 species of parasites were found in 10.4% of dog faeces. Toxocara canis occurred in 9 sandboxes and 3.2% of dog faeces, T. cati in 0.2% of dog faeces. The results from housing developments are compared with those from older estates.
- MeSH
- Housing MeSH
- Feces parasitology MeSH
- Nematoda isolation & purification MeSH
- Play and Playthings * MeSH
- Ovum MeSH
- Dogs parasitology MeSH
- Soil * MeSH
- Strongyloides isolation & purification MeSH
- Toxascaris isolation & purification MeSH
- Toxocara isolation & purification MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Dogs parasitology MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czechoslovakia MeSH