Over the last two decades, increased interest of scientists to study bone marrow adiposity (BMA) in relation to bone and adipose tissue physiology has expanded the number of publications using different sources of bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT). However, each source of BMAT has its limitations in the number of downstream analyses for which it can be used. Based on this increased scientific demand, the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society (BMAS) established a Biobanking Working Group to identify the challenges of biobanking for human BMA-related samples and to develop guidelines to advance establishment of biobanks for BMA research. BMA is a young, growing field with increased interest among many diverse scientific communities. These bring new perspectives and important biological questions on how to improve and build an international community with biobank databases that can be used and shared all over the world. However, to create internationally accessible biobanks, several practical and legislative issues must be addressed to create a general ethical protocol used in all institutes, to allow for exchange of biological material internationally. In this position paper, the BMAS Biobanking Working Group describes similarities and differences of patient information (PIF) and consent forms from different institutes and addresses a possibility to create uniform documents for BMA biobanking purposes. Further, based on discussion among Working Group members, we report an overview of the current isolation protocols for human bone marrow adipocytes (BMAds) and bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs, formerly mesenchymal), highlighting the specific points crucial for effective isolation. Although we remain far from a unified BMAd isolation protocol and PIF, we have summarized all of these important aspects, which are needed to build a BMA biobank. In conclusion, we believe that harmonizing isolation protocols and PIF globally will help to build international collaborations and improve the quality and interpretation of BMA research outcomes.
- MeSH
- Adiposity MeSH
- Biological Specimen Banks MeSH
- Bone Marrow * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Tissue Banks organization & administration MeSH
- Adipose Tissue * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural MeSH
- Guideline MeSH
- MeSH
- Preservation, Biological * MeSH
- Tissue Banks MeSH
- Publication type
- Periodical MeSH
- Conspectus
- Biologické vědy
- NML Fields
- biologie
Východiska: Archivace biologického materiálu v biobankách je v současné době zásadním krokem vedoucím k úspěchu výzkumných aktivit. Biobanky jsou zřizovány většinou k výzkumným účelům, protože umožňují shromáždění dostatečného množství materiálu pro analýzy nových nebo otestování již identifikovaných biomarkerů. Biobankování musí reagovat vždy na aktuální potřeby výzkumníků i kliniků, nejde o rigidní systém. Laboratorní analýzy monoklonálních gamapatií jsou založeny na separaci plazmatických buněk z kostní dřeně nemocných. Specifickým problémem je zpravidla nedostatek nádorové frakce buněk, což je dáno umístěním nádorových buněk v kostní dřeni v kombinaci s nízkou infiltrací. Jednou z výzev klinického výzkumu vyžadující změny nastavení v biobance je detekce zbytkového nádorového onemocnění v kostní dřeni, ale i z periferní krve tzv. tekutými biopsiemi. Cíl: Cílem této práce je přiblížit stávající stav v České republice a konkrétní případy jeho využití v hematoonkologii. Závěr: Obecným problémem při řešení řady výzkumných otázek je dostupnost kritického množství vzorků pro statistickou analýzu. Získání kritického množství vzorků biologického materiálu může být rychleji dosaženo spoluprácí biobank sdílejících jak metodické standardy, tak informace o dostupnosti vzorků pro výzkumné projekty.
Background: Archiving of biological materials in biobanks is considered to be the initial crucial part of research activities. Most often, biobanks are founded for research purposes since they allow collection of sufficient material for analysis of new or testing of previously identified biomarkers. Biobanking needs to quickly react to current needs of researchers as well as clinicians, it is not a rigid system. Laboratory analyses of monoclonal gammopathies are based on separation of plasma cells from bone marrow of patients. A specific problem is usually a lack of tumor cell fraction, which is due to location of tumor cell in bone marrow in combination with low infiltration. One of the challenges in clinical research is the necessity of changes in biobanking for samples allowing detection of minimal residual disease in the bone marrow but also from peripheral blood by the so-called liquid biopsies. Aim: The aim of this review is to show the importance of archiving biological material in the Czech Republic and to show concrete examples of its usage in hematooncology. Conclusion: A general problem in solving many research questions is the availability of a critical amount of specimens for statistical analysis. Obtaining critical amount of specimens of biological material can be quickly archived by cooperation of biobanks sharing both methodological standards and informations about the availability of samples for research projects.
- MeSH
- Biological Specimen Banks * history ethics utilization MeSH
- Biopsy utilization MeSH
- Bone Marrow pathology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Multiple Myeloma pathology MeSH
- Blood Specimen Collection MeSH
- Paraproteinemias MeSH
- Plasma Cells MeSH
- Flow Cytometry MeSH
- Cell Separation methods MeSH
- Bone Marrow Examination methods MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
- MeSH
- Biological Specimen Banks organization & administration MeSH
- Gene Library MeSH
- Publication type
- Congress MeSH
V tomto sdělení popisujeme národní infrastrukturu výzkumných biobank BBMRI_CZ. Infrastruktura byla založena Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy a stala se partnerem evropské infrastruktury biobank BBMRI. Infrastruktura je navržena jako síť biobank, které skladují vzorky získané od asociovaných zdravotnických institucí. Biobanky sestávají z dlouhodobého úložiště (různé typy tkání klasifikované podle diagnózy, peroperační sérum, genomová DNA, RNA) a krátkodobého úložiště (séra pacientů odebíraná v čase). Diskutujeme způsob práce infrastruktury, který musí odpovídat její distribuované povaze: získávání vzorků musí být doprovázeno extrakcí dat z nemocničních informačních systémů a tato data musejí být katalogizována v centrálním indexu pro potřeby vyhledávání. Jelikož BBMRI_CZ slouží pouze pro potřeby vědy a výzkumu, jsou data před uložením do indexu anonymizována. Index je poté k dispozici registrovaným výzkumným pracovníkům, kteří mohou o vybrané vzorky podat žádosti správcům biobank. Článek poskytuje přehled struktury dat uložených v indexu. Diskutujeme také monitorovací systém biobank, který je do BBMRI_CZ začleněn pro dohled nad dodržováním kvality uskladnění vzorků.
We introduce the national research biobanking infrastructure, BBMRI_CZ. The infrastructure has been founded by the Ministry of Education and became a partner of the European biobanking infrastructure BBMRI.eu. It is designed as a network of individual biobanks where each biobank stores samples obtained from associated healthcare providers. The biobanks comprise long term storage (various types of tissues classified by diagnosis, serum at surgery, genomic DNA and RNA) and short term storage (longitudinally sampled patient sera). We discuss the operation workflow of the infrastructure that needs to be the distributed system: transfer of the samples to the biobank needs to be accompanied by extraction of data from the hospital information systems and this data must be stored in a central index serving mainly for sample lookup. Since BBMRI_CZ is designed solely for research purposes, the data is anonymised prior to their integration into the central BBMRI_CZ index. The index is then available for registered researchers to seek for samples of interest and to request the samples from biobank managers. The paper provides an overview of the structure of data stored in the index. We also discuss monitoring system for the biobanks, incorporated to ensure quality of the stored samples.
- Keywords
- biobanka, výzkum rakoviny,
- MeSH
- Biological Specimen Banks * organization & administration MeSH
- Biomedical Research organization & administration MeSH
- Databases, Genetic MeSH
- Databases as Topic * organization & administration MeSH
- Interinstitutional Relations MeSH
- Pathology, Clinical * organization & administration MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Specimen Handling methods MeSH
- Database Management Systems MeSH
- Information Storage and Retrieval methods MeSH
- Research organization & administration MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Database MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
- MeSH
- Biological Specimen Banks * MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Africa MeSH
- Europe MeSH
- Middle East MeSH
AIMS: Some types of monoclonal gammopathies are typified by a very limited availability of aberrant cells. Modern research use high throughput technologies and an integrated approach for detailed characterisation of abnormal cells. This strategy requires relatively high amounts of starting material which cannot be obtained from every diagnosis without causing inconvenience to the patient. The aim of this methodological paper is to reflect our long experience with laboratory work and describe the best protocols for sample collection, sorting and further preprocessing in terms of the available number of cells and intended downstream application in monoclonal gammopathies research. Potential pitfalls are also discussed. METHODS: Comparison and optimisation of freezing and sorting protocols for plasma cells in monoclonal gammopathies, followed by testing of various nucleic acid isolation and amplification techniques to establish a guideline for sample processing in haemato-oncology research. RESULTS: We show the average numbers of aberrant cells that can be obtained from various monoclonal gammopathies (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance/light chain amyloidosis/multiple myeloma (MM)/MM circulating plasma cells/ minimal residual disease MM-10 123/22 846/305 501/68 641/4000 aberrant plasma cells of 48/30/10/16/37×106 bone marrow mononuclear cells) and the expected yield of nucleic acids provided from multiple isolation kits (DNA/RNA yield from 1 to 200×103 cells was 2.14-427/0.12-123 ng). CONCLUSIONS: Tested kits for parallel isolation deliver outputs comparable with kits specialised for just one type of molecule. We also present our positive experience with the whole genome amplification method, which can serve as a very powerful tool to gain complex information from a very small cell population.
- MeSH
- DNA isolation & purification MeSH
- Blood Preservation methods MeSH
- Blood Banking MeSH
- Blood Banks MeSH
- Cryopreservation methods MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Blood Specimen Collection methods MeSH
- Paraproteinemias blood MeSH
- Reagent Kits, Diagnostic MeSH
- RNA isolation & purification MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- MeSH
- Biological Specimen Banks ethics utilization legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Ethics Committees ethics utilization legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Congresses as Topic MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Donor Selection ethics methods legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Computer Security ethics legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Tissue and Organ Procurement ethics methods legislation & jurisprudence MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
Biobanky jsou v posledních dvaceti letech významným nástrojem a zdrojem biomedicínského výzkumu. Biobanky sbírají, shromažďují, skladují a poskytují biologický materiál a k němu příslušné informace a data. A jako takové slouží k výzkumu, přispívají k lepší prevenci nemocí, jejich diagnostice a léčbě, jsou neocenitelným zdrojem pro farmaceutický průmysl. Fungování biobank je založeno na široké mezinárodní spolupráci, protože v současné době již není v silách jedné instituce, jednoho státu splnit požadavky, které jsou na biobanky kladeny. Proto vznikly mezinárodní iniciativy, infrastruktury a společnosti, které koordinují a směřují celosvětový vývoj biobank. Mezi nejvýznamnější patří evropská infrastruktura BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure - European Research Infrastructure Consortium), a na bázi široké mezinárodní spolupráce společnosti ISBER (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories) a ESBB (European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking).
Last two decades are characterized with a great development of biobanks worldwide. Biobanks are repositories of biological material - biosamples and associated data. Biobanks collect, store, and distribute biological samples for scientific purposes. They contribute to the better and earlier diagnosis, treatment and follow up for many diseases worldwide. They are also an important source for pharmaceutical companies in research and development of new drugs. The real and full functioning of biobanks require wide international collaboration, and currently several international bodies like European infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure - European Research Infrastructure Consortium), globally ISBER (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories) and ESBB ESBB (European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking) coordinate the current and future strategies for biobanks' development.
- MeSH
- Biological Specimen Banks * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- International Cooperation MeSH
- Research MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH