Antila, Viljo.
Iron deficiency in the finnish population / by Viljo Antila.
Helsinki : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Fessel, W. J..
Clinical analysis of 142 cases with high molecular weight serum proteins / by W.J. Fessel.
Helsinki : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Tappura, Mirja.
Prognosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage : a study of 120 patients with unoperated intracranial arterial aneurysms and 267 patients without vascular lesions demonstrable in bilateral carotid angiograms / Mirja Tappura.
Helsinki : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Reichard, Hans.
Studies on ornithine carbamoyl transferase activity in blood serum : a methodologic, experimental and clinical investigation / by Hans Reichard.
Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Örndahl, G..
Myotonic human musculature : stimulation with depolarizing agents / G. Örndahl ... [et al.].
Göteborg : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Bengtsson, Ulla.
A comparative study of chronic non-obstructive pyelonephritis and renal papillary necrosis / by Ulla Bengtsson.
Göteborg : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Anttonen, V.-M..
The diagnostic value of unipolar precordial patterns of ventricular premature beats in myocardial infarction / by V.-M. Anttonen ... [et al.].
Vammala : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Blix, Sverre.
The effectiveness of activators in clot lysis, with special reference to fibrinolytic therapy : a new method for determination of preformed clot lysis / by Sverre Blix.
Oslo : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Hortling, H..
Endocrine treatment of metastasizing breast cancer / by H. Hortling ... [et al.].
Helsinki : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Mork, Torbjörn.
A comparative study of respiratory disease in England & Wales and Norway / by Torbjörn Mork.
Oslo : Norwegian Universities Press, 1962.
Humerfelt, Sigurd Bj..
An epidemiological study of high blood pressure : with special reference to the influence of blood pressure and age on cardiac signs and symptoms / by Sigurd Bj. Humerfelt.
Bergen : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Grimlund, Kurt.
Phenacetin and renal damage at a Swedish factory / by Kurt Grimlund.
Huskvarna : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Rörvik, Karl.
Apexcardiography, phonocardiography and ballistocardiography : their diagnostic and prognostic significance in coronary heart disease / by Karl Rörvik.
Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1963.
Thalme, Bertil.
A system of microliter methods suitable for routine clinical work / by Bertil Thalme.
Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Oslo City Hospital. Institute for Medical Statistics.
Mortality of peptic ulcer patients.
Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1963.
Ljungqvist, Arne.
The intrarenal arterial pattern in the normal and diseased human kidney : a micro-angiographic and histologic study / by Arne Ljungqvist.
Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Waldbott, G. L..
Acute fluoride intoxication / by G.L. Waldbott.
Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Enger, Erik.
Initial heparin therapy as a supplement to peroral anticoagulants in acute myocardial infarction / by Erik Enger, Alf Chr. Julsrud, Knut Kirkeby.
Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1963.
Berlin, Maths.
On estimating threshold limits for mercury in biological material / by Maths Berlin.
Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Belfrage, Sven.
Plasma protein pattern in course of acute infectious disease / by Sven Belfrage.
Lund : Berlingska Boktryckeriet, 1963.
Steiness, Ib.
Diabetic neuropathy : vibration sense and abnormal tendon reflexes in diabetics / by Ib Steiness.
Aarhus : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Vartiainen, Eero.
Die fetalen Erythrozyten : eine Untersuchung über die im Lauf der Fetalentwicklung auftretenden Wandlungen der Färbbarkeit und Frequenz der roten blutzellen, die auf qualitativen und quantitativen Änderungen des Hämoglobins beruhen / von Eero Vartiainen.
Helsinki : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Pelkonen, Risto.
Plasma vitamin A and E in the study of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in coronary heart disease / by Risto Pelkonen.
Helsinki : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1963.
Wolthuis, F. H..
Balance studies on protein metabolism in normal and uraemic men : effect of diet, bed rest and anabolic steroids / by F.H. Wolthuis.
Amsterdam : Scheltema and Holkema N.V., 1961.
Cramér, Kim.
Studies on human serum [Beta]-lipoproteins, including their protein moiety / by Kim Cramér.
Götteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Hellström, Richard.
Body build, muscular strength, and certain circulatory factors in military personnel / by Richard Hellström.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Edler, Inge.
Ultrasoundcardiography : Inge Edler: The use of ultrasound as a diagnostic aid, and its effects on biological tissues - Continuous recording of the movements of various heart-structures using an ultrasound.
Ystad : Bjurström and Co Boktryckeri, 1961.
Symposium on chemical and biological problems related to smoking (1960 : Stockholm).
Symposium on chemical and biological problems related to smoking : Stockholm, May 2-3, 1960 / editor L. Hjern.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Dotevall, Gerhard.
Gastric function in diabetes mellitus : a clinical and experimental study with special reference to gastric secretion of acid / by Gerhard Dotevall.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Studies on the cardiopulmonary function in sarcoidosis / edited by Nils Svanborg.
Stockholm : Svenska Tryckeriaktiebolaget, 1961.
Sandberg, Lars.
Studies on electrocardiographic changes during exercise tests / by Lars Sandberg.
Bottnaryd : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Gorbatow, Oleg.
Die Herzinfarktfrequenz : in einem Material der Bevölkerung von Helsinki während der Jahr 1945-1952 / von Oleg Gorbatow.
Helsinki : Helsingfors, 1961.
Seppälä, Kari.
Exfoliative cytology in gastric malignancy : with special reference to the diagnostic significance of nuclear size and mitotic frequency / by Kari Seppälä.
Helsinki : Weilin & Göös, 1961.
Hall, Paul.
On the prognosis and natural history of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease : a study based upon a 25-year material in a Swedish town served by a single hospital / Paul Hall.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Hedlund, Per.
Clinical and experimental studies on C-reactive protein (acute phase protein) / by Per Hedlund.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Heremans, J. F..
Studies on "abnormal" serum globulins (M-components) in myeloma, macroglobulinemia and related diseases / by J.F. Heremans ... [et al.].
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1961.
Malmborg, Robert O..
A clinical and hemodymanic analysis of factors limiting the cardiac performance in patients with coronary heart disease / by Robert O. Malmborg.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Korsgren, Magnus.
Conversion of atrial arrhythmias with DC shock : primary results and a follow-up investigation / by Magnus Korsgren ... [et al.].
Götteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Eriksson, Sten.
Studies in [alfa]1-antitrypsin deficiency / by Sten Eriksson.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Granath, Arne.
Mitral valvulotomy : a clinical and hemodynamic pre- and postoperative study / by Arne Granath.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Lever, A. F..
The vasa recta and countercurrent multiplication / by A.F. Lever.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Blomqvist, Gunnar.
The Frank Lead exercise electrocardiogram : a quantitative study based on averaging technic and digital computer analysis / by Gunnar Blomqvist.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Lyngsoe, Jens.
Seruminsulin : a review / by Jens Lyngsoe.
Aarhus : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Leonhardt, Tore.
Family studies in systemic lupus erythematosus / by Tore Leonhardt.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Arner, Bengt.
Phosphate disappearance from plasma and the renal handling of phosphate after intravenous loading in man / by Bengt Arner.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Pejme, Janne.
Infectious mononucleosis : a clinical and haemotological study of patients and contacts, and a comparison with healthy subjects / by Janne Pejme.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Strandell, Tore.
Circulatory studies on healthy old men : with special reference to the limitation of the maximal physical working capacity / by Tore Strandell.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Articles dedicated to Bertel von Bonsdorff on his 60th birthday by his former and present pupils.
Helsingfors : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Boström, Harry.
Cystinuria in Sweden : VII. clinical, histo-pathological, and medico-social aspects of the disease / by Harry Boström and Leif Hambraeus.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Forsberg, Sven Ake.
Pulmonary blood volume in man : a study using the double indicator techique in patients with cardiovascular disease / by Sven Ake Forsberg.
Götteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Stavem, Per.
The distribution of erythrocytes and reticulocytes in blood smears / by Per Stavem.
Bergen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Dymling, John-Fredrik.
Calcium kinetics in osteopenia and parathyroid disease / by John-Fredrik Dymling.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Sievers, Jan.
Myocardial infarction : clinical features and outcome in three thousand thirty-six cases / by Jan Sievers.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Denneberg, Torsten.
Clinical studies on kidney function with radioactive sodium diatrizoate (Hypaque(R)) / by Torsten Denneberg.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Kirkeby, Knut.
Blood lipids, lipoproteins, and proteins in vegetarians / by Knut Kirkeby.
Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1966.
Haemmerli, Urs Peter.
Jaundice during pregnancy : with special emphasis on recurrent jaundice during pregnancy and its differential diagnosis / by Urs Peter Haemmerli.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Brackenridge, C. J..
A Quantitative electrophoretic survey of serum protein fractions in health and disease / by C.J. Brackenridge and E.R. Csillag.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Berven, Hans.
Studies on the cardiopulmonary function in the post-infectious phase of "atypical" pneumonia / by Hans Berven.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Truedsson, Edbon.
Variation of arterial blood pressure with age, sex, anthroposomatological dimensions, plasma lipids in the fasting state and after fat ingestion / by Edbon Truedsson.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Frick, M. H..
Observations on hemodynamic factors and left heart performance in essential hypotension / by M.H. Frick.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Haemophilia in Sweden.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Magnusson, Gösta.
Kidney function studies with 131I-Tagged sodium ortho-iodohippurate / by Gösta Magnusson.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Lokander, Sven.
Sick absence in a Swedish company : a sociomedical study / by Sven Lokander.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Iron absorption studies. II.
Göteborg : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1962.
Nilsson, Sven E..
Genetic and constitutional aspects of diabetes mellitus / by Sven E. Nilsson.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Palva, Ilmari.
Vitamin B12 deficiency in fish tapeworm carriers : a clinical and laboratory study / by Ilmari Palva.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1962.
Nilsson, Sven E..
The Kristianstad survey : studies in a normal adult population for variation and correlation in some clinical, anthropometric, and laboratory values, especially the peroral glucose tolerance test. 1963-1964 / by Sven E. Nilsson ... [et al.].
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Weinfeld, Aleksander.
Storage iron in man / by Aleksander Weinfeld.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
International conference on sarcoidosis (3. : 1963 : Stockholm).
Third International conference on sarcoidosis : Stockholm, September 11-14, 1963 / [editor Sven Löfgren.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Angervall, Gunnar.
On the fat tolerance test / by Gunnar Angervall.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Melin, Hans.
An atrophic circumscribed skin lesion in the lower extremities of diabetics / by Hans Melin.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Leeuwen, A. M. van.
Net cation equivalency ("base binding power") of the plasma proteins : a study of ion-protein interaction in human plasma by means in vivo ultrafiltration and equilibrium dialysis / by A.M. van Leeuwen.
Amsterdam : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Dobias, Bohdan.
Specific and nonspecific immunity in Candida infections : exsperimental studies of the role of Candida cell constituents and review of literature / by Bohdan Dobias.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Nordström-Öhrberg, Gunvor.
Effect of digitalis glucosides on electrocardiogram and exercise test in healthy subjects / by Gunvor Nordström-Öhrberg.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Irnell, Lars.
A study of bronchial asthma : with special reference to its long-term consequences for respiratory and circulatory function and socio-medical condition / by Lars Irnell.
Uppsala : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Lindqvist, Bengt.
Experimental uraemic pulmonary oedema : including criteria for pulmonary oedema in anuric rabbits, the role of uraemia and overhydration, and a literary survey on the problems of uraemic pulmonary oedema (fluid-retention lung, etc.) / by Bengt Lindqvist.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Malmcrona, Raoul.
Haemodynamics in myocardial infarction / by Raoul Malmcrona.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1964.
Karppinen, Kari.
The electrophoretic mobility of red cells and platelets and the plasma viscosity in coronary heart disease / by Kari Karppinen.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Paasikivi, Juhani.
Long-term tolbutamide treatment after myocardial infarction : a clinical and biochemical study of 178 patients without overt diabetes / by Juhani Paasikivi.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Ek, Börje.
Studies on idiopathic non-tropical sprue : the familial occurrence of sprue / Börje Ek for manifestation of symptoms.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Sjöberg, Hans Erik.
Retention of orally administered 47calcium in man under normal and diseased conditions studied with a whole-body counter technique / by Hans Erik Sjöberg.
Orsa : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Höglund, Sverker.
Deficiency and absorption of iron in man / by Sverker Höglund.
Södertälje : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Studies on terbutaline, a new selective bronchodilating agent / edited by Sven Carlström.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Liljefors, Ingvar.
Coronary heart disease in male twins : hereditary and environmental factors in concordant and discordant pairs / by Ingvar Liljefors.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Sjögren, Andreas.
Left heart failure in acute myocardial infarction : a clinical, haemodynamic and therapeutic study / by Andreas Sjögren.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Vedin, Anders.
Mortality trends in Sweden 1951-1968 with special reference to cardiovascular causes of death / by J. Anders Vedin ... [et al.].
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Walan, Anders.
Studies on peptic ulcer disease : with special reference to the effect of l-hyoscyamine / by J. Anders Walan.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Mogensen, Lars.
Ventricular tachyarrhythmias and lignocaine prophylaxis in acute myocardial infarction : a clinical and therapeutic study / by Lars Mogensen.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Bruun, Johan N..
Post-operative wound infection : predisposing factors and the effect of a reduction in the dissemination of staphylococci / by Johan N. Bruun.
Bergen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Salokannel, Juhani.
Intrinsic factor in tapeworm anaemia / by Juhani Salokannel.
Oulu : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1970.
Siltanen, Pentti.
Atrial septal defect of secundum type in adults : clinical and haemodynamic studies of 129 cases before and after surgical correction under cardiopulmonary bypass / by Pentti Siltanen.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Arsine poisoning in metal refining plant : fourteen simultaneous cases / edited by Bent Nielsen.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Schröder, Gustav.
Circulatory adaptation at rest and during exercise in normal adults : a statistical evaluation of differences according to sex, age and body build / by Gustav Schröder.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Hofvander, Yngve.
Hematological investigations in Ethiopia : with special reference to a high iron intake / by Yngve Hofvander.
Uppsala : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Carlson, Lars A., 1928-.
The Stockholm prospective study. 1, The initial values for plasma lipids / by Lars A. Carlson and Sven Lindstedt.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Lindholm, Tore.
The influence of uraemia and electrolyte disturbances on muscle action potentials and motor nerve conduction in man / by Tore Lindholm.
Bottnaryd : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Cramér, Gun.
Early and late results of conversion of atrial fibrillation with quinidine : a clinial and hemodynamic study / by Gun Cramér.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Cronberg, Stig.
Investigations in haemorrhagic disorders with prolonged bleeding time but normal number of platelets : with special reference to platelet adhesiveness / by Stig Cronberg.
Malmö : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Forsström, Jorma.
Anemia in chronic pyelonephritis and in renal failure of analgesic abusers : with special reference to signs of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia / by Jorma Forsström.
Turku : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Furberg, Curt.
Effects of Beta-adrenergic blockade on ECG, physical working capacity and central circulation with special reference to autonomic imbalance / by Curt Furberg.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Wilhelmsen, Lars, 1932-.
Lung mechanics in rheumatics valvular disease / by Lars Wilhelmsen.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Ursing, Bo.
Clinical and immunoelectrophoretic studies on cerebrospinal fluid in virus meningoencephalitis and bacterial meningitis / by Bo Ursing.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Vikrot, Olle.
Individual plasma phospholipids : with special reference to the changes in pregnancy / by Olle Vikrot.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Wetterfors, Jarl.
Albumin : investigations into the metabolism, distribution, and transfer of albumin under normal and certain pathological conditions, with special reference to the gastro-intestinal tract / by Jarl Wetterfors.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Solberg, Claus Ola.
A study oc carriers of staphylococcus aureus : with special regard to quantitative bacterial estimations / by Claus Ola Solberg.
Bergen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Reinikainen, M..
Experience in the use of direct current countershock in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias / by M. Reinikainen ... [et al.].
Tampere : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Enger, Erik.
Long-term anticoagulant therapy in patients with cerebral infarction : a controlled clinical study / by Erik Enger and Svein Boyesen.
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Wester, P. O. (Per Olov).
Trace elements in heart tissue : studies with neutron activation analysis / by P.O. Wester.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1965.
Wahlberg, Fredrik.
Intravenous glucose tolerance in myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and intermittent claudication / by Fredrik Wahlberg in collaboration with Lars A. Carlson (chapter VII).
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Strandberg, Olle.
Anemia in rheumatoid arthritis / by Olle Strandberg.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Lundman, Torbjörn.
Smoking in relation to coronary heart disease and lung function in twins : a co-twin control study / by Torbjörn Lundman.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Somer, Timo.
The viscosity of blood, plasma and serum in dys- and paraproteinemias / by Timo Somer.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Reinikainen, M..
On cardiac arrhythmias during anaesthesia and surgery / by M. Reinikainen and P. Pöntinen.
Tampere : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Sannerstedt, Rune.
Hemodynamic response to exercise in patients with arterial hypertension / by Rune Sannerstedt.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Studies on oral iron therapy.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Keys, Ancel.
Epidemiological studies related to coronary heart disease : characteristics of men aged 40-59 in seven countries / by Ancel Keys ... [et al.].
Tampere : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Gustafson, Arne.
Ultrasoundcardiography in mitral stenosis : with particular reference to the relationship to hemodynamic and surgical findings / by Arne Gustafson.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Hallén, Jan.
Discrete gammaglobulin (M-)components in serum : clinical study of 150 subjects without myelomatosis / by Jan Hällén.
Malmö : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Gullberg, Ragnhild.
Gastric macromolecules with special reference to intrinsic factor : a methodologic, experimental and clinical investigation / by Ragnhild Gullberg.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Smallpox outbreak and vaccination problems in Stockholm, Sweden 1963 / editors Justus Ström and Bo Zetterberg.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Orinius, Erik.
Pre-excitation : studies on criteria, prognosis and heredity / by Erik Orinius.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Leren, Paul.
The effect of plasma cholesterol lowering diet in male survivors of myocardial infarction : a controlled clinical trial / by Paul Leren.
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Moberg, Anders.
Anastomoses between extracardiac vessels and coronary arteries / by Anders Moberg.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Ohlsén, Paul.
Endocrine and exocrine pancreatic function in pancreatitis / by Paul Ohlsén.
Orsa : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1968.
Romo, Matti.
Factors related to sudden death in acute ischaemic heart disease : a community study in Helsinki / by Matti Romo.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Bjernulf, Arne.
Haemodynamic aspects of physical training after myocardial infarction / by Arne Bjernulf.
Uppsala : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1973.
Bengtsson, Calle.
Ischaemic heart disease in women : a study based a randomized population sample of women and women with myocardial infarction in Göteborg, Sweden / by Calle Bengtsson ... [et al.].
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1973.
Hansson, Lennart, 1940-2002.
Beta-adrenergic blockade in essential hypertension : effects of propranolol on hemodynamic parameters and plasma renin activity / by Lennart Hansson.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1973.
Sanne, Harald.
Exercise tolerance and physical training of non-selected patients after myocardial infarction / by Harald Sanne ... [et al.].
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1973.
Belfrage, Per.
Prolonged administration of ethanol to young, healthy volunteers : effects on biochemical, morphological and neurophysiological parameters / by Per Belfrage ... [et al.].
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1973.
Aro, Anti.
Serum lipids and lipoproteins in first degree relatives of young survivors of myocardial infarction / by Antti Aro.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1973.
Kallio, Veikko.
Fat loading test in males with diabetic heredity : as compared to controls, diabetics and coronary patients / by Veikko Kallio.
Turku : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Paloheimo, Jouko A..
Obstructive arteritis of Takayasu's type : clinical, roentgenological and laboratory studies on 36 patients / by Jouko A. Paloheimo.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Nilsson, Sven E..
The Kristianstadt survey II : studies in a representative adult diabetic population with special reference to comparision with an adequate control group / by Sven E. Nilsson ... [et al.].
Kristianstad : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Tibblin, Gösta.
High blood pressure in men aged 50 : a population study of men born in 1913 / by Gösta Tibblin.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Current trends in diabetes mellitus : in honour of Niels. B. Krarup.
Copenhagen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Grönberg, Albert.
Diabetes in Sweden : a clinico-statistical epidemiological and genetic study of hospital patients and death certificates / by Albert Grönberg, Tage Larsson and Jan Jung.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Berg, Walter.
Plasminogen and urokinase determination based on the lysis time method : purification of the substrates - kinetic and methodological studies / by Walter Berg.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Larsson, Olle.
Studies of small vessels in patients with diabetes : a clinical, histological and immunohistochemical study of diabetic and non-diabetic subjects with special reference to the occurrence of various plasma proteins in the dermal vessel walls / by Olle Larsson.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Lund-Johansen, Per.
Hemodynamics in early essential hypertension / by Per Lund-Johansen.
Bergen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Persson, P. Sigvard.
Cytodiagnosis of thyroiditis : a comparative study of cytological, histological, immunological and clinical findings in thyroiditis, particularly in diffuse lymphoid thyroiditis / by P. Sigvard Persson.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Bleifeld, Walter.
Überlenebszeit und Abbau menschlicher Thrombozyten / von Walter Bleifeld.
Aachen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Studies on the pathogenesis of post-traumatic fat embolism.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Symposium on systemic therapy other than substitution the rapy (1968 : Fredensborg).
Glucocorticoids in internal medicine : a Symposium on systemic therapy other than substitution therapy / redigenda curavit Ib Lorenzen.
Copenhagen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Toivanen, Auli.
Throat Streptococci in rheumatoid arthritis / by Auli Toivanen.
Turku : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Selroos, Olof.
The frequency, clinical picture and prognosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis in Finland / by Olof Selroos.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Edhag, Olof.
Long-term cardiac pacing : experience of fixed-rate pacing with an endocardial electrode in 260 patients / by Olof Edhag.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Fritz, Hans.
Assessment of subnormal urinary glucose as an indicator of bacteriuria in population studies : an investigation of 3,911 subjects between the ages of four and sixty-five years / by Hans Fritz, Lennart Köhler and Bengt Scherstén.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Amery, Antoon, 1933-.
Single-blind randomised multicentre trial comparing heparin and streptokinase treatment in recent myocardial infarction / by A. Amery ... [et al.].
Leuven : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1969.
Fürst, Eskil.
On chromophobe pituitary adenoma : a review of 131 cases / by Eskil Fürst.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Johansson, Bengt W..
Complete heart block : a clinical, hemodynamic and pharmacological study in patients with and without an artificial pacemaker / by Bengt W. Johansson.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Ekwall, Bertil.
Method for evaluating indications for rehabilitation in chronic hemiplegia / by Bertil Ekwall.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Circulatory studies during exercise with particular reference to diabetics.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Nilsson, Inga Marie, 1923-1999.
Epsilon-aminocaproic acid (E-ACA) as a therapeutic agent based on 5 year's clinical experience / by Inga Marie Nilsson, Lennart Andersson and Sven Erik Björkman.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Örsten, Ake.
Asymetry of renal function : with special reference to chronic pyelonephritis / by Ake Örsten.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Gustafson, Anders.
Studies on human serum very-low-density-lipoproteins / by Anders Gustafson.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
In honour of Jan Waldenström : dedicated papers on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, April 17, 1966.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1966.
Johansson, Stig-Arne.
Platelets, coagulation factors and 5-hydroxytryptamine in sensitization, anaphylaxis and burn injuries : effect of heparin and possible relation to intravascular coagulation / by Stig-Arne Johansson.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
In honour of Torgny Sjöstrand : dedicated papers on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, March 11, 1967.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Holma, Bo.
Lung clearance of mono- and di-disperse aerosols determined by profile scanning and whole-body counting : a study on normal and SO(2) exposed rabbits / by Bo Holma.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Bjurulf, Per.
On epidemiologic methods for recording ischaemic heart disease / by Per Bjurulf, Torsten Garlind and Nils H. Sternby.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Heikkilä, Juhani.
Mitral incompetence as a complication of acute myocardial infarction / by Juhani Hiekkilä.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Hedberg, Helge.
Studies on synovial fluid in arthritis / by Helge Hedberg.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1967.
Säwe, Urbain.
Early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction with special reference to the diagnosis of the intermediate coronary syndrome : a clinical study / by Urbain Säwe.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Hansteen, Viggo.
Vasodilator drugs in the treatment of peripheral arterial insufficiency / by Viggo Hansteen and Einar Lorentsen.
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Hagerup, Leif M..
Coronary heart disease risk factors in men and women : from the population study in Glostrup, Denmark / by Leif M. Hagerup.
Copenhagen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Hägg, Erik.
On the pathogenesis of glomerular lesions in the alloxan diabetic rat : a light microscopic, immunofluorescent and ultrastructural study, including the effects of insulin treatment and immunosuppression / by Erik Hägg.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Michaelson, Gunnar.
Percutaneous puncture of the renal pelvis, intrapelvic pressure and the concentrating capacity of the kidney in hydronephrosis / by Gunnar Michaelson.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Erhardt, Leif R., 1941-.
Clinical and pathological observations in different types of acute myocardial infarction : a study of 84 patients deceased after treatment in a coronary care unit / by Leif R. Erhardt.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Stakeberg, Hakan.
Substrate incorporation into lipids and proteins in human liver slices : an experimental study with special reference to dyslipoproteinemic conditions / by Hakan Stakeberg.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Lundbergh, Per.
Hepatic circulation in hepatitis A : a study to young males at rest and during and after supine leg exercise / by Per Lundbergh.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Rössner, Stephan.
Studies on an intravenous fat tolerance test : methodological, experimental and clinical experiences with intralipid(R) / by Stephan Rössner.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
The effect of the [Beta]-adrenergic blocker alprenolol in hypertension / edited by Gillis Johnsson.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Grottum, Kjell A..
Immunological hereditary nephropathy / Kjell A. Grottum ... [et al.].
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Veltkamp, J. J..
Hemophilia in the Netherlands : results of a survey on the medical, genetic and social situation of the Dutch hemophiliacs / by J.J. Veltkamp ... [et al.].
Uppsala : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Nielsen, Viggo Kamp.
The peripheral nerve function in chronic renal failure : a survey / by Viggo Kamp Nielsen.
Copenhagen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Laitinen, Ossi.
Clinical applications of urinary hydroxyproline determination / by Ossi Laitinen.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Leren, Paul.
The Oslo study : cardiovascular disease in middle-aged and young Oslo men / by P. Leren ... [et al.].
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1975.
Vedin, Anders.
Chronic alprenolol treatment of patients with acute mzocardial infarction after discharge from hospital : effects on mortality and morbidity / by Anders Vedin, Claes Wilhelmsson and Lars Werkö.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1975.
Diabetic microangiopathy : its development based on new knowledge on capillary-tissue oxygen delivery and its possible prophylaxis / edited by Jorn Ditzel and Jacob E. Poulsen.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1975.
Cournand, André.
Cardiac catheterization : development of the technique, its contributions to expertimental medicine, and its initial applications in man / by André Cournand.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1975.
Olsson, Anders G..
Studies in asymptomatic primary hyperlipidaemia. I., Types of hyperlipoproteinaemias and serum lipoprotein concentrations, compositions and interrelations / by Anders G. Olsson and Lars A. Carlson.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1975.
Olsson, Anders G..
Studies in asymptomatic primary hyperlipidaemia, Clinical, biochemical and physiological investigations / by Anders G. Olsson.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1975.
Ahlmén, Jarl.
Incidence of chronic renal insufficiency : a study of the incidence and pattern of renal insufficiency in adults during 1966-1971 in Gothenburg / by Jarl Ahlmén.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1975.
Thorstrand, Curt.
Cardiovascular effects of poisoning by hypnotic and tricyclic antidepressant drugs / by Curt Thorstrand.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1975.
ISBN 91-7222-129-1
Rasmussen, Knut, 1938-.
Evaluation of vectorcardiographic criteria in different kinds of right ventricular overload / by Knut Rasmussen.
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1975.
Morphological and biochemical effects of orally administered rapeseed oil on rat myocardium / edited by Bengt Engfeldt.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1975.
Henning, Rune.
Swedish co-operative CCU study : a study of 2008 patients with acute myocardial infarction from twelfe Swedish hospitals with coronary care unit / by Rune Henning and Torbjörn Lundman.
[Stockholm] : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1975.
Karlöf, Ingvar.
Haemodynamic studies at rest and during exercise in patients treated with artificial pacemaker / by Ingvar Karlöf.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Blohmé, Göran.
Intravenous glucose tolerance and early insulin response : studies on a random sample of women aged 50 and in patients with diabetes mellitus / by Göran Blohmé in collaboration with Ragnhild Arvidsson-Lenner,.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Myrhed, Marten.
Alcohol consumption in relation to factors associated with ischemic heart disease : a co-twin control study / by Marten Myrhed.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Lenggenhager, K..
Neues über die Wirkungsweise der menschlichen Kohlenmonoxidvergiftung und über die Sauerstoff-Bindungsfähigkeit menschlicher Erythrozyten : neues klinisches Frühsymptom der Co-Vergiftung / von K. Lenggenhager.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1974.
Rydén, Lars, 1940-.
Evaluation of a new antiarrhythmic drug : studies on N, N-bis (phenylcarbamoylmethyl) dimethylammonium chloride / by Lars Rydén.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Dahlén, Gösta.
The pre-beta[1] lipoprotein phenomenon in relation to serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, the Lp(a) lipoprotein and coronary heart disease / by Gösta Dahlén.
Boden : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Osterby, Ruth.
Early phases in the development of diabetic glomerulopathy : a quantitative electron microscopic study / by Ruth Osterby.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1974.
Symposium on preventive medicine : rationale for the use of drugs and vaccines / [edited by Sune Rosell].
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1974].
Nyquist, Olof.
Shock complicating acute myocardial infarction : a clinical, hemodynamic and therapeutic study / by Olof Nyquist.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Trell, Erik.
Studies on pulmonary hypertension : observations in a heart catheterization material, Pulmonary hypertension in congenital shunt defect / by Erik Trell.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Trell, Erik.
Primary and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension : clinical and pathoanatomic observations / by Erik Trell and Clas Lindström.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Hamrin, Bengt.
Polymyalgia arteritica / by Bengt Hamrin.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Rosenqvist, Urban.
Adrenergic receptor response in hypothyroidism : an in vitro study on human adipose tissue and rabbit aorta / by Urban Rosenqvist.
Orsa : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Dahlén, G..
Studies on an extra Pre-beta lipoprotein fraction / by G. Dahlén ... [et al.].
Boden : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Vuopala, Unto.
Resumption of work after myocardial infarction in Northern Finland / by Unto Vuopala.
Oulu : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Arstila, Matti.
Pulse-conducted triangular exercise-ECG test : a feed-back system regulating work during exercise / by Matti Arstila.
Turku : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Stress and distress in response to psychosocial stimuli : laboratory and real life studies on sympathoadrenomedullary and related reactions / edited by Lennart Levi.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Helmers, Claes.
Short and long-term prognostic indices in acute myocardial infarction : a study of 606 patients initially treated in a coronary care unit / by Claes Helmers.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1973.
Gabriel, Senefro K..
Respiratory and circulatory investigations in obstructive and restrictive lung disease / by Senefro K. Gabriel.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Sjöström, Lars.
Adult human adipose tissue cellularity and metabolism : with special reference to obesity and fatty acid synthesis de Novo / by Lars Sjöström.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Larsen, Rolf A..
Family studies in systemic lupus erythematosus / by Rolf A. Larsen.
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Clinical and metabolic aspects of fructose (symposium) (1972 : Helsinki).
Clinical and metabolic aspects of fructose : papers presented at a symposium in Helsinki, January 20-22, 1972 / edited by Esko A. Nikkilä, Jussi K. Huttunen.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Christensen, Niels Juel.
Diabetic angiopathy and neuropathy : a review with special reference to circulation in the extremities / by Niels Juel Christensen.
Arhus : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Vilppula, Anni.
Muscular disorders in some collagen diseases : a clinical, electromyographic and biopsy study / Anni Vilppula.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Auvinen, Samuli.
Evaluation of serum enzyme tests in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction / by Samuli Auvinen.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Enghoff, Ebba.
Aortic incompetence : clinical, haemodynamic and angiocardiographic evaluation / by Ebba Enghoff.
Uppsala : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Isacsson, Sven-Olof.
Venous occlusion plethysmography in 55-year old men : a population study in Malmö, Sweden / by Sven-Olof Isacsson.
Malmö : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1972.
Nitter-Hauge, Sigurd.
Pulmonary gaseous exchange after exercise of short duration in men with myocardial infarction / by Sigurd Nitter-Hauge.
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Straub, Paul Werner.
Chronic intravascular coagulation : clinical spectrum and diagnostic criteria, with special emphasis on metabolism, distribution and localization of I(131)-fibrinogen / by Paul Werner Straub.
Zürich : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Round-the-table conference on normal and modified platelet aggregation : Leuven - Brussels, September 25th - 26th, 1970 / edited by J. Vermylen, G. de Gaetano and M. Verstraete.
Leuven : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Wikland, Bo.
Medically unattended fatal cases of ischaemic heart disease in a defined population : incidence during one year in Stockholm, with particular reference to prevalence of certain previously diagnosed disorders, some characteristics of the last attack, and postmortem findings / by Bo Wikland.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Twin registries in the study of chronic disease : with particular reference to the relation of smoking to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Vellar, Odd D..
Physical performance and hematological parameters : with special reference to hemoglobin and maximal oxygen uptake / by Odd D. Velar and Lars Hermansen.
Oslo : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Riekkinen, Heikki.
Frank, Cube and tetrahedron VCG and conventional ECG in ventricular overload : correlations between selected QRS amplitude measurements and hemodynamic parameters / by Heikki Riekkinen.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Lundquist, Alf.
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the liver : applications in clinical diagnosis and investigation / by Alf Lundquist.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Hofvendahl, Stefan.
Influence of treatment in a coronary care unit on prognosis in acute myocardial infarction : a controlled study in 271 cases / by Stefan Hofvendahl.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1971.
Lyngborg, Kjeld.
Mitral regurgitation : description of a method for quantitative determination of regurgitant flow, with hemodynamic and clinical correlations / by Kjeld Lyngborg.
Copenhagen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
ISBN 87-7437-537-7
Experimental and clinical aspects on preservation of the ischemic myocardium / edited by Ake Hjalmarson and Lars Werkö.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Lithner, Folke.
Lesions of the legs in diabetics : and in patients with familial amyloidosis and polyneuropathy / by Folke Lithner.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Andersson, Rune.
Familial amyloidosis with polyneuropathy : a clinical study based on patients living in Northern Sweden / by Rune Andersson.
Umea : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Walldius, Göran.
Fatty acid incorporation into human adipose tissue (FIAT) in hypertriglyceridaemia : [methodological, clinical and experimental studies] / by Göran Walldius.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Friman, Göran.
Effects of acute infectious disease on circulatory function / by Göran Friman.
Uppsala : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Jameson, Sten.
Effects of zinc deficiency in human reproduction / by Sten Jameson.
Linköping : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Rausing, Alf.
Lymphatic leukemia and malignant lymphoma in the adult : a clinicopathologic study of their interrelationship / by Alf Rausing.
Malmö : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Review of papers about long-term cardiac pacing from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden presented at a symposium at Örenäs 22-24 August 1974 / edited by Olof Edhag, Jorgen Meibom, Hans Schüller.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1976.
Juustila, Heikki.
Medical, occupational and smoking characteristics related to ischemic heart disease in men and women : field survey of age group 40-59 in a rural population at Haapavesi, Northern Finland / Heikki Juustila.
Oulu : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
Faergeman, Ole.
Metabolism of plasma lipoproteins / Ole Faergeman.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
ISBN 87-7437-605-5
Non-invasive detection of critical coronary lesions potentially associated with sudden death : symposium Göteborg, 19th September, 1977 / edited by Ed Varnauskas.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
Björnsson, Ottó J..
Survey of serum lipid levels in Icelandic men aged 34-61 years : an epidemiological and statistical evaluation / by Ottó J. Björnsson ... [et al.].
Reykjavík : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
Andersson, Ave.
Management of hypertension : clinical and hemodynamic studies with special reference to patients refractory to treatment / by Ove Andersson.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
Faire, Ulf de.
Ischaemic heart disease in death discordant twins : a study on 205 male and female pairs / by Ulf de Faire.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1974.
Linc, Lars-Eric.
Renal function in hypercalcemia : a clinical and experimental study / by Lars-Eric Lins.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1979.
Ström, Stellan.
Myocardial enzyme release in coronary bypass and valve replacement surgery : clinical studies with special reference to the serum activity of creatine kinase MB isoenzyme / by Stellan Ström.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1979.
Leijd, Barbro.
Metabolism of plasma and biliary lipids in hyperlipoproteinaemia / by Barbro Leijd.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1979.
Svensson, Anders.
Hypertension in pregnancy : long-term effects on blood pressure in mothers and children / by Anders Svensson.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
ISBN 91-7222-821-0
Bluhm, Gösta.
Pacemaker infections : a clinical study with special reference to prophylactic use of some isoxazolyl penicillins / by Gösta Bluhm.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
ISBN 91-7222-896-2
Lepäntalo, Mauri.
Beta blockade and intermittent claudication / by Mauri Lepäntalo.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
ISBN 951-99633-4-0
Samuelsson, Ola.
Hypertension in middle-aged men : management, morbidity and prognostic factors during long-term hypertensive care / by Ola Samuelsson.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
ISBN 91-7222-915-2
Alcohol and disease : proceedings of the first Acta Medica Scandinavica international symposium / edited by Niels Tygstrup and Rolf Olsson.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
Schulman, Sam.
Studies on the medical treatment of deep vein thrombosis / by Sam Schulman.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
ISBN 91-7222-873-3
Lapidus, Leif.
Ischaemic heart disease, stroke and total mortality in women : results from a prospective population study in Gothenburg, Sweden / by Leif Lapidus.
Gothenburg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
ISBN 91-7222-907-1
Konu, Vilho.
Myocardial infarction in the elderly : a clinical and epidemiological study with a one-year follow-up / by Vilho Konu.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1977.
Persson, Gunnar.
Cardiovascular complications in diabetics and subjects with reduced glucose tolerance / by Gunnar Persson.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
Basle hypertension symposium : proceedings of a symposium held at Sandoz, AG, Basle, December 13th and 14th, 1976 / edited by Hans Dunér.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1977.
Dawids, S..
A new paralel plate dialyser.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1977.
Angelin, Bo.
Cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in normo - and hyperlipoproteinaemia / by Bo Angelin.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
Clinical pharmacology of Beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents / chairman Nils Svedmyr.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1977.
Larsson, Sven.
Long-term treatment with Beta(2)-adrenostimulants in asthma : side effects, selectivity, tolerance, and routes of administration / by Sven Larsson.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
The gerontological and geriatric population study in Göteborg, Sweden.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1977.
Eggertsen, Robert.
Beta-adrenoceptor blockade and vasodilatation in essential hypertension : hemodynamic studies at rest and during exposure to stress / by Robert Eggertsen.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1984.
ISBN 91-7222-766-4
Wennerblom, Bertil.
Early mortality from ischaemic heart disease and the effect of mobile coronary care / by Bertil Wennerblom.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1982.
ISBN 91-7222-509-2
Norberck, Hans Erik.
Serum lipoproteins in chronic renal failure / by Hans Erik Norbeck.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1981.
Kaukola, Sirkka.
The diagonal ear-lobe crease, a physical sign associated with coronary heart disease / by Sirkka Kaukola.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1978.
Jensson, Olafur.
Studies on four hereditary blood disorders in Iceland / by Olafur Jensson.
Reykjavík : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1978.
Torstila, Illkka.
The plasma kinin system in acute myocardial infarction / by Ilkka Torstila.
Helsinki : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1978.
ISBN 951-99161-0-5
Scandinavian congress of internal medicine (36. : 1978 : Oslo).
Abstracts of papers presented at the XXXVI Scandinavian congress of internal medicine : June 1-3, 1978, Oslo, Norway / edited by P. Teisberg and E. Gjone.
[Oslo : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1978.
New aids in diagnosing acute myocardial infarction / edited by Bengt W. Johansson.
[Malmö : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1978.
Nordic hypertension meeting (9. : 1978 : Ustaoset).
The Ustaoset hypertension meeting 1978 : report from the 9th Nordic hypertension meeting in Ustaoset, Norway, April 13-14, 1978 / edited by Per Lund-Johansen.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1978.
Symposium on echocardiography (1977 : Lund).
Proceedings of symposium on echocardiography : Lund, Sweden, May 13-14, 1977 / edited by Arne Gustafson and Stig Persson.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1978.
Negative consequences of blood pressure reduction : proceedings of a symposium at Foresta, Stockholm, Sweden, on June 2, 1978 / edited by Lennart Hansson and Matts Henning.
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1978.
Hemoglobin fortification of food and prevention of iron deficiency with heme iron / by Peter Reizenstein.
Lund : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1980.
Essential fatty acids in chronic alcoholism / by Christer Alling ... [et al.].
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1979.
Application and evaluation of automated arrhythmia monitoring in the coronary care unit / by Johan Hulting.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1979.
Hypertension control in Scandinavia : proceedings of a Dumex symposium held in Copenhagen, November 4th-5th, 1977 / edited by Bent Harvald and Kjeld Ryttig.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1979.
Lauridis Korsgaard Christensen : 60 years.
Copenhagen : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1979.
William-Olsson, Tom.
Alfa-glucosidase inhibition in obesity / by Rom William-Olsson.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1985.
Otterstad, Jan Erik.
Long-term results after operative treatment of isolated ventricular septal defect in adolescents and adults / by Jan Erik Otterstad ... [et al.].
[Stockholm : Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv, 1986.
Held, Peter, 1951-.
Central haemodynamics in acute myocardial infarction : natural history, relation to enzyme release and effects of metoprolol / by Peter Held.
Göteborg : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1986.
ISBN 91-7900-048-7
Physical activity in health and disease : proceedings of the second Acta Medica Scandinavica international symposium / edited by P.O. Astrand and Gunnar Grimby.
[Stockholm] : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1986.
Sigfússon, Nikulás.
Hypertension in middle-agend men : the effect of repeated screening and referral to community physicians on hypertension control / by Nikulás Sigfússon.
Reykjavík : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1986.
Kjellstrand, Carl Magnus.
Giving life - giving death : ethical problems of high-technology medicine / by C.M. Kjellstrand.
Stockholm : [Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv], 1988.
ISBN 91-7900-400-8
Hlavní publikace suplementu
Acta medica Scandinavica.
Stockholm : Almqvist and Wiksell International, 1919-1988.
ISSN 0001-6101
Journal of internal medicine. Supplement.
Oxford : Blackwell Science, 1989-.
ISSN 0955-7873