British Medical Association 3 Slovensko 2 Slovensko. Ministerstvo zdravotníctva 2 Slovenská postgraduálna akadémia medicíny 2 American Academy of Neurology 1 American College of Cardiology 1 American Society of Breast Surgeons 1 Association for Surgical Education 1 Association of Veterans Administration Surge... 1 Association of Women Surgeons 1 Berufsverband Deutscher Internisten 1 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie 1 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie 1 Inštitút pre ďalšie vzdelávanie pracovníkov ... 1 Midwest Surgical Association 1 North Pacific Surgical Association (Spojené ... 1 Psychiatrická spoločnosť SLS 1 Psychiatrická spoločnosť SLS. Sekcia alkohol... 1 Slovenská gerontologická a geriatrická spolo... 1 Slovenská pneumologická a ftizeologická spol... 1
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British Medical Association 2 Cahners Publishing Company 2 Elsevier 2 Springer 2 AEPress 1 Advanstar Communications 1 BMJ Publishing Group 1 Bonus C.C.S 1 Geriatrické centrum 1 Herba 1 Lekárska fakulta Univerzity... 1 Liečreh Gúth 1 Lippincott Williams and Wil... 1 Obzor 1 Osveta 1 Paul B. Hoeber 1 Povereníctvo zdravotníctva 1 SAP - Slovak Academic Press 1 Slovenská gerontologická a ... 1 Slovenská zdravotnícka univ... 1
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- MeSH
- alkoholismus MeSH
- poruchy spojené s užíváním psychoaktivních látek MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Hygiena. Lidské zdraví
- NLK Obory
- adiktologie
Knihovny.cz ISSN
Knihovny.cz ČNB
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Studia pneumologica et phtiseologica cechoslovaca. Praha : Avicenum, 1970-1992. ISSN 0371-2222
Hlavní publikace- MeSH
- nemoci dýchací soustavy MeSH
- plicní nemoci MeSH
- pneumologie MeSH
- tuberkulóza MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- pneumologie a ftizeologie
Knihovny.cz ISSN
- MeSH
- alergologie a imunologie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- alergologie a imunologie
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British medical journal. Br Med J : British Medical Association, 1857-1980. ISSN 0007-1447
Předcházející Jiné propojeníBMJ. British medical journal. London, 1988-. ISSN 0959-535X Knihovny.cz
Jiné propojeníBMJ. British medical journal, Clinical research edition. London, 1988-1994. ISSN 0959-8138 Knihovny.cz
Jiné propojeníBMJ. British medical journal, Practice observed edition. London, 1988-. ISSN 0959-8154 Knihovny.cz
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Knihovny.cz ISSN
British medical journal. Br Med J : British Medical Association, 1857-1980. ISSN 0007-1447
NásledujícíBMJ. British medical journal, International edition. London : The Association, 1988-. ISSN 0959-8146
NásledujícíBMJ : British medical journal. London : British Medical Association, 1988-. ISSN 0959-8138
Jiné propojeníBritish medical journal, Practice observed edition. London, 1981-1988. ISSN 0267-0631 Knihovny.cz
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Knihovny.cz ISSN
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Rehabilitácia amputovaných / V. Lánik, V. Lániková, E. Duda. Bratislava : Obzor, 1974.
Suplement SuplementVčasná depistáž skolióz / V. Lánik, H. Urbánková, M. Sojáková. Bratislava : Obzor, 1980.
SuplementHodnocení pohybové soustavy / F. Véle, D. Jandová. Bratislava : Obzor, 1975.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSauna / Miloš Matej, Miroslav Palát. Bratislava : Obzor, 1983.
Suplement SuplementRehabilitácia pri ischemickej chorobe srdca / zostavil Miroslav Palát. Bratislava : Obzor, 1970.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementTerapie diabetu kondičním tréninkem / Vladimír Piroch, Věra Šuchmanová. Bratislava : Obzor, 1979.
SuplementSúčasné perspektívy rehabilitácie / zostavili Myrón Malý, Eva Malá. Bratislava : Obzor, 1987.
Suplement SuplementNové poznatky v rehabilitácii III :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1989.
SuplementDiagnostika porúch hybnosti v oblasti paravertebrálnych svalov :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1986.
SuplementNové poznatky v rehabilitácii II :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1986.
SuplementNové poznatky v rehabilitácii :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1984.
SuplementLéčebná tělesná výchova u nemocných s vertebrogenními poruchami :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1971.
SuplementRehabilitace v srdeční chirurgii :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1971.
SuplementZmeny fibrinolytickej aktivity krvného séra po telesnom zaťažení :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1972.
SuplementReedukácia dýchania pri chronických ochoreniach dýchacieho systému :. Bratislava : Obzor, 1973.
- MeSH
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- rehabilitace pracovní MeSH
- rehabilitace MeSH
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- periodika MeSH
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Knihovny.cz ISSN
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Diabetologie. Berlin : Springer, 2001.
Suplement SuplementArzneimitteltherapie in der Inneren Medizin : neue Therapieprinzipien. Berlin : Springer, 2000.
Suplement Předcházející- MeSH
- vnitřní lékařství MeSH
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- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- vnitřní lékařství
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ScienceDirect (archiv)
od 1993-01-01 do 2009-12-31
ScienceDirect 1995-
Knihovny.cz ISSN
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Symposium Adjunctive Therapies in Thrombolysis.
SuplementSymposium Position of Beta Blockers in Present and Future Therapy of Systemic Hypertension.
Suplementsymposium proceedings of the second International Heart Failure Workshop.
SuplementSymposium Advances in Nuclear Cardiovascular Imaging.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Thrombosis and Thrombolysis in Unstable Angina.
SuplementSymposium Mechanisms of Myocardial Ischemia and Injury in Unstable Angina Pectoris.
SuplementSymposium Ventricular Remodeling and Unloading Following Myocardial Infarction.
SuplementSymposium Strategies for Evaluating Thrombolytic Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Safety of Thrombolytic Agents.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Hypertension Management Strategies for the 1990s.
SuplementSymposium The Ischemic Myocardium.
SuplementSymposium The Role of Calcium Antagonists in Hypertension.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Management of Heart Failure in the 1990s.
SuplementSymposium Advances in Echocardiography.
SuplementSymposium Third North American Conference on Nitroglycerin Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Heart Failure Management in the 1990s.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Systemic Hypertension.
SuplementSymposium Cardiac Imaging and Patient Management.
SuplementSymposium Coronary Artery Disease.
SuplementOptimizing antianginal therapy.
SuplementSymposium Triglycerides as a Vascular Risk Factor.
SuplementSecond-generation calcium antagonism in cardiovascular disease.
Suplement SuplementEvidence that ACE inhibitors are cardioprotective increases.
SuplementHydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibition.
SuplementSymposium Antioxidants and Lipid Metabolism.
SuplementBeta-adrenergic blockade in the management of chronic heart failure.
SuplementSymposium Aldosterone and Antialdosterone Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSotalol in life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.
Suplement Suplement SuplementIdentification and management of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
SuplementSymposium on Directional Atherectomy.
SuplementSymposium Controlling Cardiac Arrhythmias by Lengthening Repolarization.
SuplementSymposium Unresolved Issues in Thrombolysis.
SuplementSymposium ACE Portfolio Speakers Conference.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Use of Flecainide for the Treatment of Supraventicular Arrhythmias.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementThe evolving role of cardiac imaging in the assesment of coronary artery disease.
SuplementLeft ventricular dysfunction, calcium antagonism, and nisoldipine.
SuplementFrom mitochondrial metabolism to coronary artery disease.
SuplementProgress in hypertensive heart disease.
SuplementFrom hypertension to heart failure.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Medical Management of Silent Ischemia and Myocardial Infarction.
SuplementSymposium Hypertension into the Nineties.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Advances in Clinical Practice of Nitrate Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Silent Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction Past Present and Future.
SuplementSymposium Interventional Cardiology 1987.
SuplementSymposium The Salt Sensitive Hypertensive Patient.
SuplementSymposium Advances in Congestive Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Focus on Heart Failure.
SuplementInternational Symposium on Supraventricular Arrhythmias.
SuplementSymposium Regional Blood Flow in Congestive Heart Failure.
SuplementAdvances in cardiovascular technologies.
SuplementSymposium Calcium the Cardiovascular System and the Kidney.
SuplementSymposium Clinical Evaluation of Response to Antiarrhythmic Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Second International Conference on Hypercholesterolemia.
SuplementSymposium Recent Approaches in Evaluation and Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias.
SuplementSymposium HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors.
SuplementSymposium Congestive Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Magnesium Deficiency.
SuplementSymposium Myocardial Infarction direction for the 90s.
Suplement SuplementSymposium The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial.
SuplementSymposium Thrombosis and Antithrombotic Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Pharmacologic Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias.
SuplementSymposium Hormone Electrolyte Interactions in Congestive Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Evolving Issues in the Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia.
SuplementSymposium Arterial Hypertension.
SuplementSymposium Indapamide and Antihypertensive Strategy.
SuplementSymposium The Renin Angiotensin System.
SuplementSymposium Advances in Nitrate Therapy.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors.
SuplementSymposium Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Technetium 99m Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Agents and Their Relation to Thallium 201.
SuplementSymposium Cardiovascular Imaging in the 1990s.
SuplementSymposium Triggering and Circadian Variation of Onset of Acute Cardiovascular Disease.
SuplementSymposium The Ischemic Myocardium.
SuplementSymposium Atherosclerosis and Vascular Protection.
SuplementSymposium Acute Blood Pressure Elevation and the Brain.
SuplementSymposium The Goals of Antihypertensive Therapy.
SuplementAntihypertensive treatment and cardioprotection.
SuplementNitrates in congestive heart failure.
SuplementPrognosis of patients with coronary artery disease on treatment with calcium channel antagonists.
Suplement Suplement SuplementCurrent concepts in the management of hypercholesterolemia with an update on fluvastatin.
SuplementAcute treatment of atrial fibrillation and flutter.
Suplement SuplementControversies in thrombolytic therapy.
SuplementTargeted prevention for the higher-risk patient with hypercholesterolemia.
Suplement Suplement SuplementPrevention of sudden cardiac death.
SuplementCalcium antagonists in hypertension.
SuplementCardiovascular effects of adenosine, from receptors to bedside.
Suplement Suplement SuplementMaximizing therapeutic outcomes in the management of acute ischemic coronary syndromes.
SuplementNew frontiers in the management of unstable coronary artery disease.
SuplementChanging trends in antiarrhythmic therapy.
SuplementNew Approaches to cardiovascular therapy.
SuplementThe New approaches to coronary intervention (NACI) registry.
SuplementBeta-blocker therapy for heart failure.
SuplementPharmacologic and clinical perspectives on mibefradil.
SuplementCurrent focus in treating and managing coronary artery disease and heart failure.
SuplementBeta blockade in cardiovascular disease.
Suplement Suplement SuplementNew age in the pharmacologic therapy of cardiac arrhythmias.
SuplementFourth North American conference on nitroglycerin therapy.
SuplementThe Role of statins in patients with hypertriglyceridemia.
SuplementTreatment of atrial fibrillation in the era of managed care.
SuplementCan antiarrhythmic drugs survive survival trials.
SuplementNinth annual symposium Transcatheter cardiovascular therapeutics.
Suplement SuplementNinth international congress on echocardiography.
SuplementNew insights into the pathogenesis and management of coronary artery disease.
Suplement SuplementMetabolic management of ischemic heart disease.
SuplementThe Lipoprotein and coronary atherosclerosis study (LCAS) in context.
Suplement SuplementImpact of multiple risk factors on coronary artery disease.
SuplementEndothelial function and cardiovascular disease.
Suplement SuplementLow-molecular-weight heparins in arterial thrombosis.
Suplement SuplementCalcium antagonists and the diabetic patient.
SuplementCardiology and cardiac surgery.
SuplementCardiovascular data on sildenafil citrate.
SuplementThe role of the platelet and acute coronary syndromes.
SuplementSodium-hydrogen exchange inhibition.
SuplementFrom increased energy metabolism to cardiac hypertrophy and failure.
SuplementNew frontiers in the electrical management of cardiac disorders.
SuplementClinical significance and management of hypertriglyceridemia.
SuplementPositive inotropy by calcium sensitization.
SuplementConsensus recommendations for the management of chronic heart failure.
Suplement SuplementExpanding the impact of statin therapy.
SuplementSexual activity and cardiac risk.
SuplementTenth international congress on echocardiography.
SuplementManagement of the patient after percutaneous coronary intervention.
SuplementNew directions in the understanding and management of acute coronary syndromes.
SuplementConverging electrical therapies for the heart.
SuplementThe imperative to raise low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
SuplementManaging acute coronary syndromes.
Suplement Suplementsymposium In search of the ideal lipid lowering agent.
Suplementsymposium Pressure platelets and plague.
SuplementNew therapeutic options in the management of claudication.
Suplementsymposium First international meeting of the Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging.
SuplementCurrent perspectives on identifying and managing hyperlipidemia.
Suplementsymposium The postprandial state.
Suplement Suplementsymposium Adressing unanswered questions in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Suplementsymposium Interventions in cardiology.
Suplementsymposium The relevance of tissue angiotensin converting enzyme.
Suplementsymposium Coronary atherosclerosis.
SuplementHigh-density lipoprotein and coronary artery disease.
SuplementSymposium Hormone Replacement Therapy and the Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Current Concepts in Lipoprotein Modulated Disease.
SuplementSymposium Focus Group on Contrast Echocardiography.
SuplementSymposium Combination Therapy for Dyslipidemia.
SuplementSymposium Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging second international meeting.
SuplementSymposium New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Clinical Trials the ONTARGET Study in High risk Patients.
SuplementSymposium Documenting Regression of Atherosclerosis Practical Approaches in Drug Development.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Cardiovascular Considertaions for the Postmenopausal Woman.
SuplementNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, coxibs, and cardio-renal physiology.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Role of Nitrates in Congestive Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Current Issues in Antianginal Therapy.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium on Early Intervention in Acute Myocardial Infarction.
SuplementRecent advances in antiarrhythmic therapy.
SuplementThe decline in coronary heart disease mortality.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on the Management of Ventricular Dysrhythmias.
SuplementSymposium Lipids and Hypertension in the Elderly.
SuplementSymposium Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Current Trends in Diuretic Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Laboratory Lipid Values.
SuplementSymposium Transdermal Nitroglycerin.
SuplementSymposium Role of Calcium Entry Blocking Drugs in Hypertension.
SuplementMIAMI: metoprolol in acute myocardial infarction.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Experimental and Clinical Aspects of Coronary Vasoconstriction.
SuplementSymposium Potassium Catecholamines and Beta Blockade.
SuplementSymposium Cost Containment Issues in Cardiology.
SuplementSymposium Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly Etiology Prevention Diagnosis and Treatment.
SuplementSymposium Myocardial Ischemia.
SuplementSymposium The Role of Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors in Contemporary Cardiovascular Medicine.
SuplementSymposium Antihypertension Therapy in the 90s.
SuplementSymposium A New Treatment for Angina Pectoris and Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium New Trends in the Treatment of Rhythm Disorders.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium Lipid Dynamics and Atherosclerosis.
SuplementSymposium Cardiovascular Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Cardiovascular Diagnosis.
SuplementSymposium Pharmacologic and Therapeutic Aspects of Urapidil.
SuplementSymposium The George E Burch Festschrift.
SuplementSymposium Early Intervention in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction.
SuplementSymposium The Use of Encainide in Supraventricular Tachycardias.
SuplementSymposium Intraventional Cardiology at a Crossroad.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Future Directions in Calcium Channel Blockade with Focus on Systemic Hypertension.
Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium Hypertension Diuretics and Diuretic Induced Hypokalemia.
SuplementSymposium New Developments in the Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia Probucol.
SuplementSymposium New Directions in Treatment of Patients at Risk of Coronary Artery Disease.
SuplementSymposium Clinical Applications of Nonselective Beta Blockers.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Calcium Antagonists in Hypertension.
Suplement Suplement Suplement SuplementSymposium Beta Blockade Cardioselectivity and Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity.
SuplementSymposium Perspectives on Proarrhythmia.
Suplement SuplementSymposium The Concept of the Total Ischemic Burden.
SuplementSymposium Calcium Antagonists.
Suplement SuplementThe Göteborg metoprolol trial in acute myocardial infarction.
Suplement SuplementSymposium on Flecainide Acetate.
SuplementProceedings of a Symposium First-line Therapy for Hypertension.
SuplementSymposium on Perspectives on the Treatment of Vetricular Arrhythmias.
SuplementSymposium on the Role of Oxprenolol (TRASICOR) in Systemic Hypertension.
SuplementSymposium on High-Density Lipoproteins and Coronary Artery Disease.
SuplementSymposium on the Physiology and Pathology of the Coronary Circulation and Coronary Heart Disease.
SuplementProceedings of a Symposium: Initial Therapy in Hypertension.
SuplementSymposium Cardioprotection in Ischemic Heart Disease.
SuplementSymposium Restenosis After Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty.
SuplementSymposium The Use of Enoximone in Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Use of Beta Blockers as Antiarrhythmic Agents.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Ethmozine Moricizine HCI.
SuplementSymposium New Approaches to Cardiovascular Therapy.
SuplementSymposium Nitroglycerin Therapy.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Behavioral Disorders in Heart Disease.
SuplementSymposium Biology of Atherosclerosis and Its Implications for Treatment Strategies.
SuplementStatins and the vascular wall.
Suplement SuplementAngioplasty Summit ... TCT Asia Pacific.... New York : Elsevier, [2005?]-.
SuplementSymposium Resynchronizing the Rhythm in Congestive Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Update on High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol.
SuplementSymposium From Prevention to management of Chronic Heart Failure.
SuplementSymposium Managing Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Risk.
SuplementIntegration of vascular biology into understanding coronary artery disease and risk reduction.
SuplementSymposium Effective Strategies for the Management of Coronary Disease.
Suplement SuplementSymposium Charting the Universe in Dyslipidemia Management.
SuplementSymposium Erectile Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Risk Factors.
Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement Suplement- MeSH
- kardiologie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- periodika MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- kardiologie
- angiologie
Knihovny.cz ISSN
domovská stránka časopisu
- Konspekt
- Lékařské vědy. Lékařství
- NLK Obory
- lékařství
- výchova a vzdělávání pracovníků ve zdravotnictví
Upřesnit dle MeSH
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