Endothelial Protein C Receptor [endoteliální receptor proteinu C]
- Terms
receptor pro protein C
Antigen, CD201
Antigens, CD201
CD201 Antigen
Protein C Receptor
A glycosylated transmembrane receptor for PROTEIN C that is highly expressed by endothelial cells on the surface of large blood vessels in the heart and lungs. It facilitates protein C activation by the THROMBIN and THROMBOMODULIN complex in blood coagulation.
- D000074283 MeSH Browser
- M000625913
- Previous indexing
- Antigens, CD (2006-2017); Receptors, Cell Surface (2006-2017)
- History note
- 2018
- Public note
- 2018
Allowable subheadings
- AD
- administration & dosage 0
- AG
- agonists 0
- AN
- analysis 1
- AI
- antagonists & inhibitors 0
- BI
- biosynthesis 0
- BL
- blood 0
- CH
- chemistry 0
- CL
- classification 0
- DF
- deficiency 0
- DE
- drug effects 0
- GE
- genetics 0
- HI
- history 0
- IM
- immunology 0
- IP
- isolation & purification 0
- ME
- metabolism 0
- PH
- physiology 0
- RE
- radiation effects 0
- TU
- therapeutic use 0
- UL
- ultrastructure 0