Endothelial Protein C Receptor [endoteliální receptor proteinu C]


receptor pro protein C


Antigen, CD201
Antigens, CD201
CD201 Antigen
Protein C Receptor


A glycosylated transmembrane receptor for PROTEIN C that is highly expressed by endothelial cells on the surface of large blood vessels in the heart and lungs. It facilitates protein C activation by the THROMBIN and THROMBOMODULIN complex in blood coagulation.

D000074283 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Antigens, CD (2006-2017); Receptors, Cell Surface (2006-2017)
History note
Public note

D Chemicals and Drugs
D09.400.430 Glycoproteins 637
D09.400.430.890 Membrane Glycoproteins 200
D09.400.430.890.007 AC133 Antigen 8
D09.400.430.890.014 CD47 Antigen 5
D09.400.430.890.015 CD83 Antigen
D09.400.430.890.016 Kangai-1 Protein 1
D09.400.430.890.018 Tetraspanin 29 9
D09.400.430.890.020 ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters 168
D09.400.430.890.034 CD58 Antigens 1
D09.400.430.890.045 Basigin 3
D09.400.430.890.050 Thy-1 Antigens 12
D09.400.430.890.114 Butyrophilins 1
D09.400.430.890.177 CD30 Ligand 2
D09.400.430.890.185 CD40 Ligand 23
D09.400.430.890.200 Cell Adhesion Molecules 309
D09.400.430.890.275 Ectodysplasins 4
D09.400.430.890.294 Endothelial Protein C Receptor 2
D09.400.430.890.312 Fas Ligand Protein 18
D09.400.430.890.331 Fertilins
D09.400.430.890.350 Fibronectins 111
D09.400.430.890.400 GAP-43 Protein 5
D09.400.430.890.448 GPI-Linked Proteins 66
D09.400.430.890.530 Laminin 51
D09.400.430.890.550 Lysosomal Membrane Proteins 8
D09.400.430.890.560 Mucin-1 59
D09.400.430.890.565 Mucin-3 1
D09.400.430.890.570 Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein 7
D09.400.430.890.597 OX40 Ligand 1
D09.400.430.890.625 Platelet Membrane Glycoproteins 33
D09.400.430.890.847 Syndecans 2
D09.400.430.890.895 Thrombospondins 7
D09.400.430.890.942 Uroplakins
D09.400.430.890.993 Viral Envelope Proteins 67
D09.400.430.890.995 Zona Pellucida Glycoproteins
D12.776 Proteins 2 575
D12.776.395 Glycoproteins 637
D12.776.395.550 Membrane Glycoproteins 200
D12.776.395.550.007 AC133 Antigen 8
D12.776.395.550.014 CD47 Antigen 5
D12.776.395.550.015 CD83 Antigen
D12.776.395.550.016 Kangai-1 Protein 1
D12.776.395.550.018 Tetraspanin 29 9
D12.776.395.550.020 ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters 168
D12.776.395.550.034 CD58 Antigens 1
D12.776.395.550.045 Basigin 3
D12.776.395.550.050 Thy-1 Antigens 12
D12.776.395.550.114 Butyrophilins 1
D12.776.395.550.177 CD30 Ligand 2
D12.776.395.550.185 CD40 Ligand 23
D12.776.395.550.200 Cell Adhesion Molecules 309
D12.776.395.550.275 Ectodysplasins 4
D12.776.395.550.294 Endothelial Protein C Receptor 2
D12.776.395.550.312 Fas Ligand Protein 18
D12.776.395.550.331 Fertilins
D12.776.395.550.350 Fibronectins 111
D12.776.395.550.400 GAP-43 Protein 5
D12.776.395.550.448 GPI-Linked Proteins 66
D12.776.395.550.530 Laminin 51
D12.776.395.550.550 Lysosomal Membrane Proteins 8
D12.776.395.550.560 Mucin-1 59
D12.776.395.550.565 Mucin-3 1
D12.776.395.550.570 Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein 7
D12.776.395.550.597 OX40 Ligand 1
D12.776.395.550.625 Platelet Membrane Glycoproteins 33
D12.776.395.550.847 Syndecans 2
D12.776.395.550.895 Thrombospondins 7
D12.776.395.550.942 Uroplakins
D12.776.395.550.993 Viral Envelope Proteins 67
D12.776.395.550.995 Zona Pellucida Glycoproteins
D12.776.543 Membrane Proteins 846
D12.776.543.550 Membrane Glycoproteins 200
D12.776.543.550.023 AC133 Antigen 8
D12.776.543.550.045 ADP-ribosyl Cyclase 1 44
D12.776.543.550.068 CD83 Antigen
D12.776.543.550.090 Tetraspanin 29 9
D12.776.543.550.147 CD47 Antigen 5
D12.776.543.550.158 CD58 Antigens 1
D12.776.543.550.170 CD27 Ligand
D12.776.543.550.182 Kangai-1 Protein 1
D12.776.543.550.187 Basigin 3
D12.776.543.550.189 Thy-1 Antigens 12
D12.776.543.550.190 Antiporters 19
D12.776.543.550.192 ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters 168
D12.776.543.550.193 B-Cell Activating Factor 37
D12.776.543.550.194 4-1BB Ligand 1
D12.776.543.550.195 Butyrophilins 1
D12.776.543.550.196 CD30 Ligand 2
D12.776.543.550.198 CD40 Ligand 23
D12.776.543.550.200 Cell Adhesion Molecules 309
D12.776.543.550.275 Ectodysplasins 4
D12.776.543.550.294 Endothelial Protein C Receptor 2
D12.776.543.550.312 Fas Ligand Protein 18
D12.776.543.550.350 Fibronectins 111
D12.776.543.550.400 GAP-43 Protein 5
D12.776.543.550.418 GPI-Linked Proteins 66
D12.776.543.550.450 Ion Channels 276
D12.776.543.550.500 Laminin 51
D12.776.543.550.527 Lysosomal Membrane Proteins 8
D12.776.543.550.530 Mucin-1 59
D12.776.543.550.542 Mucin-3 1
D12.776.543.550.555 Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein 7
D12.776.543.550.590 OX40 Ligand 1
D12.776.543.550.625 Platelet Membrane Glycoproteins 33
D12.776.543.550.712 Sarcoglycans 2
D12.776.543.550.779 SLC4A Proteins
D12.776.543.550.847 Syndecans 2
D12.776.543.550.895 Thrombospondins 7
D12.776.543.550.942 Uroplakins
D12.776.543.550.993 Viral Envelope Proteins 67
D12.776.543.550.995 Zona Pellucida Glycoproteins
D12.776.543.750 Receptors, Cell Surface 511
D12.776.543.750.002 Mannose Receptor 1
D12.776.543.750.003 Netrin Receptors
D12.776.543.750.011 CD36 Antigens 51
D12.776.543.750.024 Asialoglycoprotein Receptor 1
D12.776.543.750.035 Autoreceptors
D12.776.543.750.045 Endothelial Protein C Receptor 2
D12.776.543.750.058 Patched Receptors
D12.776.543.750.250 Endoglin 21
D12.776.543.750.301 Folate Receptors, GPI-Anchored 3
D12.776.543.750.590 Neuropilins 1
D12.776.543.750.600 Nogo Receptors
D12.776.543.750.608 Prorenin Receptor
D12.776.543.750.630 Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases 146
D12.776.543.750.650 Receptors, Adipokine 3
D12.776.543.750.655 Receptors, Artificial 4
D12.776.543.750.670 Receptors, Biogenic Amine
D12.776.543.750.685 Receptors, Collagen
D12.776.543.750.690 Receptors, Death Domain 7
D12.776.543.750.695 Receptors, G-Protein-Coupled 98
D12.776.543.750.705 Receptors, Immunologic 129
D12.776.543.750.710 Receptors, Lipoprotein 10
D12.776.543.750.715 Receptors, N-Acetylglucosamine 1
D12.776.543.750.720 Receptors, Neurotransmitter 171
D12.776.543.750.725 Receptors, Notch 20
D12.776.543.750.750 Receptors, Peptide 21
D12.776.543.750.783 Receptors, Phospholipase A2 13
D12.776.543.750.792 Receptors, Proteinase-Activated 2
D12.776.543.750.800 Receptors, Transferrin 58
D12.776.543.750.830 Receptors, Virus 43
D12.776.543.750.850 Receptors, Wnt
D12.776.543.750.916 Roundabout Proteins
D12.776.543.750.981 Zona Pellucida Glycoproteins