Gap Junction alpha-5 Protein [protein alfa 5 mezerového spoje]
- Terms
connexin 40
mezerový spoj A5
protein GJA5
Connexin 40
Connexin 40 Protein
Gap Junction A5
Gap Junction alpha5 Protein
GJA5 Protein
A GAP JUNCTION alpha subunit containing four transmembrane domains expressed in the atrial myocardium and ventricular HEART CONDUCTION SYSTEM including PURKINJE FIBERS. Mutations in the human gene GJA5 are associated with cardiac conduction abnormalities such as a familial ATRIAL FIBRILLATION.
- D000097003 MeSH Browser
- M000762846
- History note
- 2024(2010)
- Public note
- 2024; see CONNEXINS 2010-2023
Allowable subheadings
- AD
- administration & dosage 0
- AE
- adverse effects 0
- AG
- agonists 0
- AN
- analysis 0
- AI
- antagonists & inhibitors 0
- BI
- biosynthesis 0
- BL
- blood 0
- CF
- cerebrospinal fluid 0
- CS
- chemical synthesis 0
- CH
- chemistry 0
- CL
- classification 0
- DF
- deficiency 0
- DE
- drug effects 0
- EC
- economics 0
- GE
- genetics 0
- HI
- history 0
- IM
- immunology 0
- IP
- isolation & purification 0
- ME
- metabolism 0
- PK
- pharmacokinetics 0
- PD
- pharmacology 0
- PH
- physiology 0
- PO
- poisoning 0
- RE
- radiation effects 0
- ST
- standards 0
- SD
- supply & distribution 0
- TU
- therapeutic use 0
- TO
- toxicity 0
- UL
- ultrastructure 0
- UR
- urine 0