Blood Coagulation Tests [vyšetření krevní srážlivosti]


hemokoagulační testy
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testování koagulace krve
testy krevní srážlivosti


Coagulation Tests, Blood
Tests, Blood Coagulation

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Laboratory tests for evaluating the individual's clotting mechanism.

general or unspecified; prefer specifics; usually NIM; coordinate with disease /blood, not /physiopathol
D001780 MeSH Browser

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E01 Diagnosis 1 788
E01.370.225.625 Hematologic Tests 479
E01.370.225.625.107 Blood Cell Count 501
E01.370.225.625.115 Blood Coagulation Tests 371
E01.370.225.625.115.320 International Normalized Ratio 131
E01.370.225.625.115.600 Partial Thromboplastin Time 58
E01.370.225.625.115.610 Prothrombin Time 106
E01.370.225.625.115.830 Thrombelastography 124
E01.370.225.625.115.870 Thrombin Time 23
E01.370.225.625.115.950 Whole Blood Coagulation Time 7
E01.370.225.625.120 Blood Grouping and Crossmatching 81
E01.370.225.625.125 Blood Sedimentation 164
E01.370.225.625.135 Bone Marrow Examination 270
E01.370.225.625.225 Erythrocyte Aggregation 23
E01.370.225.625.230 Erythrocyte Indices 26
E01.370.225.625.265 Fibrin Clot Lysis Time 7
E01.370.225.625.300 FIGLU Test 1
E01.370.225.625.400 Hematocrit 223
E01.370.225.625.410 Hemoglobinometry 68
E01.370.225.625.550 Osmotic Fragility 27
E01.370.225.625.625 Platelet Function Tests 63
E01.370.225.625.750 Schilling Test 4
E05.200.625 Hematologic Tests 479
E05.200.625.107 Blood Cell Count 501
E05.200.625.115 Blood Coagulation Tests 371
E05.200.625.115.320 International Normalized Ratio 131
E05.200.625.115.600 Partial Thromboplastin Time 58
E05.200.625.115.610 Prothrombin Time 106
E05.200.625.115.830 Thrombelastography 124
E05.200.625.115.870 Thrombin Time 23
E05.200.625.115.950 Whole Blood Coagulation Time 7
E05.200.625.125 Blood Sedimentation 164
E05.200.625.135 Bone Marrow Examination 270
E05.200.625.225 Erythrocyte Aggregation 23
E05.200.625.230 Erythrocyte Indices 26
E05.200.625.265 Fibrin Clot Lysis Time 7
E05.200.625.300 FIGLU Test 1
E05.200.625.400 Hematocrit 223
E05.200.625.410 Hemoglobinometry 68
E05.200.625.550 Osmotic Fragility 27
E05.200.625.625 Platelet Function Tests 63
E05.200.625.750 Schilling Test 4