Cardiac Output, Low [nízký srdeční výdej]


hypokinetická cirkulace
neměstnavé selhání srdce
neměstnavé srdeční selhání
nízký minutový srdeční objem
srdce - minutový objem nízký
srdce - selhání neměstnavé
syndrom nízkého minutového objemu
zpomalený krevní oběh


Low Cardiac Output
Low Cardiac Output Syndrome

Persistent link

A state of subnormal or depressed cardiac output at rest or during stress. It is a characteristic of CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, including congenital, valvular, rheumatic, hypertensive, coronary, and cardiomyopathic. The serious form of low cardiac output is characterized by marked reduction in STROKE VOLUME, and systemic vasoconstriction resulting in cold, pale, and sometimes cyanotic extremities.

note category: do not confuse with CARDIAC OUTPUT, a physiological concept; note entry term LOW CARDIAC OUTPUT SYNDROME: do not add SYNDROME
D002303 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Cardiac Output (1966-1979)
History note
Public note

C Diseases
C14.280 Heart Diseases 2 858
C14.280.067 Arrhythmias, Cardiac 2 776
C14.280.148 Cardiac Output, Low 310
C14.280.155 Cardiac Tamponade 125
C14.280.195 Cardiomegaly 443
C14.280.238 Cardiomyopathies 1 053
C14.280.260 Cardiotoxicity 137
C14.280.282 Endocarditis 330
C14.280.358 Heart Aneurysm 70
C14.280.383 Heart Arrest 616
C14.280.400 Heart Defects, Congenital 1 558
C14.280.434 Heart Failure 4 532
C14.280.459 Heart Neoplasms 288
C14.280.470 Heart Rupture 30
C14.280.484 Heart Valve Diseases 587
C14.280.647 Myocardial Ischemia 2 059
C14.280.671 Myocardial Stunning 75
C14.280.695 Pericardial Effusion 168
C14.280.720 Pericarditis 231
C14.280.763 Pneumopericardium 11
C23.888 Signs and Symptoms 3 918
C23.888.069 Aging, Premature 45
C23.888.089 Asthenia 25
C23.888.104 Body Odor 1
C23.888.144 Body Weight 1 664
C23.888.192 Cardiac Output, Low 310
C23.888.208 Chills 6
C23.888.248 Cyanosis 106
C23.888.277 Edema 725
C23.888.307 Eye Manifestations 293
C23.888.338 Failure to Thrive 34
C23.888.369 Fatigue 722
C23.888.378 Feminization 10
C23.888.380 Fetal Distress 31
C23.888.447 Heart Murmurs 42
C23.888.475 Hot Flashes 81
C23.888.516 Hyperlactatemia 5
C23.888.550 Mobility Limitation 77
C23.888.571 Motion Sickness 49
C23.888.582 Myocardial Stunning 75
C23.888.592 Neurologic Manifestations 1 051
C23.888.619 Oral Manifestations 131
C23.888.663 Polydipsia 17
C23.888.672 Prodromal Symptoms 28
C23.888.681 Pseudophakia 26
C23.888.721 Renal Colic 25
C23.888.760 Reticulocytosis 3
C23.888.885 Skin Manifestations 655
C23.888.900 Sleepiness 6
C23.888.971 Virilism 38