Diptera [Diptera] tematický




Flies, True

Perzistentní odkaz   https://www.medvik.cz/link/D004175

Početný řád hmyzu. Značná část zástupců řádu se lidově nazývá mouchy. Typickým znakem dvoukřídlých je, že mají pouze jeden pár blanitých křídel. Druhý pár zakrněl v paličkovité útvary zvané halterae (kyvadélka) a slouží k vyvažování. Dvoukřídlí se vyskytují po celém světě kromě polárních oblastí. Počet druhů se odhaduje zhruba na 100 000. (upraveno podle Wikipedie 2019 http://www.cs.wikipedia.org/)

An order of the class Insecta. Wings, when present, number two and distinguish Diptera from other so-called flies, while the halteres, or reduced hindwings, separate Diptera from other insects with one pair of wings. The order includes the families Calliphoridae, Oestridae, Phoridae, SARCOPHAGIDAE, Scatophagidae, Sciaridae, SIMULIIDAE, Tabanidae, Therevidae, Trypetidae, CERATOPOGONIDAE; CHIRONOMIDAE; CULICIDAE; DROSOPHILIDAE; GLOSSINIDAE; MUSCIDAE; TEPHRITIDAE; and PSYCHODIDAE. The larval form of Diptera species are called maggots (see LARVA).

for killing Diptera with insecticides, see note at INSECTICIDES; DRAGONFLIES & DAMSELFLIES see ODONATA , MAYFLIES see EPHEMEROPTERA & FIREFLIES are also available; index caddisfly & stonefly under INSECTS; index sawfly & ichneumon fly under HYMENOPTERA; infestation by fly maggots = MYIASIS
Historická pozn.
81, 63-74; FLIES was heading 1975-80; was see under DIPTERA 1963-74; was see under INSECTS 1974-2017
Veřejná pozn.
81, 63-74; FLIES was heading 1975-80; was see under DIPTERA 1963-74; MIDGES (either MIDGES, BITING see CERATOPOGONIDAE or MIDGES, NONBITING see CHIRONOMIDAE as of 1981) was see under DIPTERA 1975-80; CERATOPOGONIDAE was see CULICOIDES 1975-80; CULICOIDES (see CERATOPOGONIDAE as of 1981) was heading 1963-80; was see under INSECTS 1980-2017

B Organismy
B01 Eukaryota
B01.050 zvířata
B01.050.500 bezobratlí
B01.050.500.131 členovci
B01.050.500.131.617 hmyz
B01.050.500.131.617.720 Pterygota
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500 novokřídlí
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500 hmyz s proměnou dokonalou
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.375 brouci
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750 Diptera
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.155 Calliphoridae
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.310 Drosophilidae
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.400 Glossinidae
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.642 Muscidae
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.712 Nematocera
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.781 Psychodidae
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.797 Sarcophagidae
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.750.850 Tephritidae
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.875 Hymenoptera
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.937 Lepidoptera
B01.050.500.131.617.720.500.500.968 Siphonaptera
B02 Archaea
B03 Bacteria
B04 viry
B05 organismy a jejich formy