Estrogens [estrogeny]
- Terms
estrogenní efekt
Estrogen Effect
Estrogen Effects
Estrogen Receptor Agonists
Estrogenic Agents
Estrogenic Compounds
Estrogenic Effect
Estrogenic Effects
Compounds that interact with ESTROGEN RECEPTORS in target tissues to bring about the effects similar to those of ESTRADIOL. Estrogens stimulate the female reproductive organs, and the development of secondary female SEX CHARACTERISTICS. Estrogenic chemicals include natural, synthetic, steroidal, or non-steroidal compounds.
- Annotation
- /defic: consider also HYPOGONADISM & other GONADAL DISORDERS; /antag = ESTROGEN ANTAGONISTS or specifics; note entry term ESTROGEN EFFECT: use only for the estrogenic effect of a chemical substance
- D004967 MeSH Browser
- M0007795
- History note
- 1963; /therapeutic use was ESTROGENS, THERAPEUTIC 1965
- Public note
- 1963; /therapeutic use was ESTROGENS, THERAPEUTIC 1965
- antagonists & inhibitors
- Estrogen Antagonists
Allowable subheadings
- AD
- administration & dosage 225
- AE
- adverse effects 148
- AG
- agonists 8
- AA
- analogs & derivatives 3
- AN
- analysis 80
- BI
- biosynthesis 28
- BL
- blood 117
- CF
- cerebrospinal fluid 0
- CS
- chemical synthesis 3
- CH
- chemistry 19
- CL
- classification 6
- DF
- deficiency 127
- EC
- economics 0
- GE
- genetics 5
- HI
- history 0
- IM
- immunology 8
- IP
- isolation & purification 8
- ME
- metabolism 145
- PK
- pharmacokinetics 13
- PD
- pharmacology 220
- PH
- physiology 141
- PO
- poisoning 0
- RE
- radiation effects 0
- ST
- standards 2
- SD
- supply & distribution 0
- TU
- therapeutic use 346
- TO
- toxicity 12
- UR
- urine 58