geny BRCA2 [Genes, BRCA2]


BRCA2 gen
BRCA2 geny
gen BRCA2


BRCA2 Gene

Perzistentní odkaz

Tumor supresorový gen umístěný na lidském chromozomu 13, na lokusu 13q12.3. Mutace tohoto genu jsou spojené s nádory prsu a vaječníků. Kóduje velký jaderný protein, který je nezbytnou součástí systému opravy DNA (potlačuje tvorbu velkých chromozomálních přestaveb).

A tumor suppressor gene (GENES, TUMOR SUPPRESSOR) located on human chromosome 13 at locus 13q12.3. Mutations in this gene predispose humans to breast and ovarian cancer. It encodes a large, nuclear protein that is an essential component of DNA repair pathways, suppressing the formation of gross chromosomal rearrangements. (from Genes Dev 2000;14(11):1400-6)

BRCA stands for "BReast CAncer"
D024522 MeSH Prohlížeč
Předchozí užití
Genes, Tumor Suppressor (1995-2001)
Historická pozn.
Veřejná pozn.

G Jevy a procesy
G05.360.340 genom 361
G05.360.340.024 komponenty genomu 13
G05.360.340.024.340 geny 673
G05.360.340.024.340.375 geny nádorové 32
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249 tumor supresorové geny 163
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.050 geny APC 40
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.100 geny BRCA1 279
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.105 geny BRCA2 248
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.200 geny DCC 2
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.320 geny MCC
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.340 geny neurofibromatózy 1 14
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.345 geny neurofibromatózy 2 1
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.375 geny p16 20
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.385 geny p53 262
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.400 geny retinoblastomu 15
G05.360.340.024.340.375.249.420 geny Wilmsova nádoru 20
G05.360.340.024.340.415 geny recesivní 49
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400 tumor supresorové geny 163
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.050 geny APC 40
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.100 geny BRCA1 279
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.105 geny BRCA2 248
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.200 geny DCC 2
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.320 geny MCC
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.340 geny neurofibromatózy 1 14
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.345 geny neurofibromatózy 2 1
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.375 geny p16 20
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.385 geny p53 262
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.400 geny retinoblastomu 15
G05.360.340.024.340.415.400.420 geny Wilmsova nádoru 20