Robotic Surgical Procedures [roboticky asistované výkony]
- Terms
robotická chirurgie
roboticky asistované chirurgické výkony
Robot Surgery
Robot-Assisted Surgery
Robot-Enhanced Procedures
Robot-Enhanced Surgery
Robotic-Assisted Surgery
Surgical Procedures, Robotic
Surgical procedures performed remotely using a computer that controls surgical instruments attached to mechanical arms designed to perform the tasks of the surgeon.
- D065287 MeSH Browser
- M0588578
- Previous indexing
- Robotics (1998-2014)
- History note
- 2015
- Public note
- 2015
Allowable subheadings
- AE
- adverse effects 9
- CL
- classification 1
- EC
- economics 18
- ED
- education 5
- ES
- ethics 2
- HI
- history 8
- IS
- instrumentation 28
- LJ
- legislation & jurisprudence 0
- MT
- methods 93
- MO
- mortality 1
- NU
- nursing 0
- PX
- psychology 0
- RH
- rehabilitation 1
- ST
- standards 2
- SN
- statistics & numerical data 13
- TD
- trends 15
- VE
- veterinary 0