spikes Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Benígna parciálna epilepsia s centrotemporálnymi (CT) hrotmi (BECT) patrí k najčastejšej forme parciálnych epileptických záchvatov v detskom veku. Autor analyzuje charakter, frekvenciu záchvatov a EEG nálezy u tejto formy epilepsie v súbore 20 detí (10 chlapcov a 10 dievčat) vo veku 3-12 rokov. Prvý záchvat sa objavil vo veku 2 11/12 až 1110/12 roka. 11 detí (55 %) malo záchvat medzi 5.-7. rokom, len jedno dieťa mladšie ako 5 rokov. Záchvaty sa vyskytovali prevažne v noci v spánku (16 detí, 80 %) rovnako pri zaspávaní ako pred zobudením. 2 deti mali záchvaty len cez deň, 2 deti v priebehu spánku i vo dne. Typické boli jednoduché parciálne záchvaty (JPZ) u 14 detí (70 %) zodpovedajúce ohnisku V senzomotorickom kortexe. 30 % detí malo generalizované záchvaty (GZ), 4 deti JPZ aj GZ. Frekvencia záchvatov nebola častá, v priemere 2krát do roka, pričom 1 záchvat malo 5 detí, menej ako 3 10 detí. 18 z 20 detí malo v EEG v bdelom stave CT hroty, 6 detí obojstranne. U 15 detí v spánkovom EEG alebo V EEG po spánkovej deprivácii sa zvýšila frekvencia výbojov, objavili sa výboje kontralaterálne (4krát) alebo generalizovane (5krát). 18 detí bolo liečených antiepileptikami (AE), najčastejšie užívali karbamazepín a sulthiam. Diagnóza BECT v typických prípadoch: JPZ v spánku, EEG nález CT hrotov a ich aktivácia spánkom nie je ťažká. Pri výskyte sporadických GZ v spánku je nevyhnutné urobiť spánkové EEG. Je dôležité myslieť na túto formu epilepsie a diagnostikovať ju, aby sa zabránilo zbytočným vyšetreniam a často aj liečbe. Diagnóza BECT umožňuje stanoviť priaznivú prognózu ochorenia.
Benign partial epilepsy with centrotemporal (CT) spikes (BECT) is one of the most fi'equent forms of partial epileptic seizures in childhood. The author analyzes the character, frequency of seizures and EEG findings in this form of epilepsy in a group of 20 children (10 boys and 10 girls) aged 3-12 years. The first seizure occurred at the age of 2 11/12 to 1110/12 years. Eleven children (55 %) had the seizure at the age of 5-7 years, only one child before the age of 5 years. The seizures occurred mostly during the night while the child was asleep (16 children, 80 %) as well as when falling asleep or when awakening. Two children had seizures only in daytime, two children during sleep and in daytime. Simple partial seizures (SPS) were typical in 14 children (70 %) corresponding to a focus in the sensomotor cortex. 30 % children had slightly generalized seizures (GS), 4 children SPS and GS. The frequency of seizures was not high, on average twice a year, whereby one seizure was recorded in 5 children, less than three seizures were observed in 10 children. 18 of 20 children had in the EEG when awake CT spikes, 6 children bilateral spikes. In 15 children in the EEG during sleep or the EEG after sleep deprivation the frequency of discharges increased, contralateral discharges were recorded (4 times) or generalized ones (5 times). 18 children were treated by antiepileptic drugs, most frequently carbamazepine and sulthiam. The diagnosis of BECT in typical cases: SPS durhig sleep, EEG finding of CT spikes and their activation by sleep is not difficult. In case of sporadic GS during sleep an EEG during sleep must be made. It is important to take this form of epilepsy into account and to diagnose it to prevent unnecessary examinations and frequently also treatment. The diagnosis of BECT makes it possible to assess a favourable prognosis of the disease.
- Klíčová slova
- MeSH
- antikonvulziva aplikace a dávkování terapeutické užití MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- elektroencefalografie metody MeSH
- epilepsie parciální diagnóza farmakoterapie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
1st ed. ix, 307 s. : il. +disketa
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- neurovědy
The pulsatile nature of gene activity has recently emerged as a general property of the transcriptional process. It has been shown that the frequency and amplitude of transcriptional bursts can be subjected to extrinsic regulation. Here we have investigated if these parameters were constant throughout the cell cycle using the single molecule RNA FISH technique. We found evidence of transcriptional spikes upon mitotic exit in three different human cell lines. Recording of cell growth prior to hybridization and immuno-RNA FISH analysis revealed that these spikes were short-lived and subsided before completion of cytokinesis. The transient post-mitotic increase in transcriptional output was found to be the result of cells displaying a higher number of active alleles and/or an increased number of nascent transcripts per active allele, indicating that both the burst fraction and the amplitude of individual bursts can be increased upon mitotic exit. Our results further suggest that distinct regulatory mechanisms are at work shortly after mitotic exit and during the rest of interphase. We speculate that transcriptional spikes are associated with chromatin decondensation, a hallmark of post-mitotic cells that might alter the dynamics of transcriptional regulators and effectors.
- MeSH
- alely MeSH
- buněčné linie MeSH
- buněčný cyklus MeSH
- buňky Hep G2 MeSH
- CD antigeny genetika izolace a purifikace MeSH
- DNA řízené RNA-polymerasy genetika izolace a purifikace MeSH
- genetická transkripce * MeSH
- hybridizace in situ fluorescenční metody MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mitóza genetika MeSH
- receptory transferinu genetika izolace a purifikace MeSH
- RNA genetika MeSH
- zobrazení jednotlivé molekuly metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
This study was designated to investigate the kinematical differences between successful and faulty spikes, in order to identify the best strategies leading to better spike performance. Simulating a real-game condition, 13 elite youth attackers performed 6 spikes in the presence of 2 blocks. The kinematic variables of the spike performances were recorded using 6 optoelectronic cameras (Vicon Motion systems, Oxford, UK). The paired sample t-test was used to compare the kinematic variables recorded during the delivery of successful and faulty spikes. Among the successful trials, both the angular velocities of the knees (≈12.4%) and hips (≈13.3%), and the vertical velocity of the centre of mass at take-off (≈6.5%) and arm swing (≈8.2%) were considerably higher during the plant phase. Consequently, the jump (≈4.3%) and spike (≈1.5%) heights, as well as the wrist velocity (≈5.5%), were significantly higher during the jump phase of successful spikes. In successful spike performances, the attackers adopted higher hip and knee angular velocities, combined with efficient arm swings, to produce higher take-off velocities and reach higher jump heights. This approach provides them with the better position regarding the ball and the blockers to find the best path and hit the ball with higher arm velocities.
- MeSH
- biomechanika MeSH
- koleno fyziologie MeSH
- kyčel fyziologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- loket fyziologie MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- motorické dovednosti fyziologie MeSH
- paže fyziologie MeSH
- rameno fyziologie MeSH
- sportovní výkon fyziologie MeSH
- studie pohybu a času MeSH
- volejbal fyziologie MeSH
- zápěstí fyziologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH