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from 1996-11-01
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ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
from 1997 ISSN
domovská stránka časopisu
Maternal anthropometry and pregnancy outcomes : a WHO collaborative study.. Geneva : WHO, 1995.
Supplement/Special Issue Supplement/Special Issue Other Edition Other EditionBjulleten Vsemirnoj organizacii zdravoochranenija. Ženeva : VOZ, 1959-. ISSN 0250-8699
Additional Physical FormBulletin of the World Health Organization. Geneva : WHO, 2002.
Preceding EntryBulletin of the Health Organisation. Geneva : League of Nations, 1937-1946.
Preceding EntryForum mondial de la santé. Geneve : Organisation mondiale de la santé, 1980-1998. ISSN 0251-8716
Preceding EntryWorld health forum. Geneva : World Health Organization, 1980-1998. ISSN 0251-2432
Preceding EntryWorld health statistics quarterly. Geneva : World Health Organization, 1978-1998. ISSN 0379-8070
Succeeding EntryBulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé : (1990). 1999-2002. ISSN 1564-6939
- MeSH
- Global Health MeSH
- World Health Organization MeSH
- Publication type
- Periodical MeSH
- Conspectus
- Veřejné zdraví a hygiena
- NML Fields
- veřejné zdravotnictví
- veřejné zdravotnictví
Document title
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