• This record comes from PubMed

Motion-reversal visual evoked responses

. 1992 ; 41 (5) : 369-73.

Language English Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type Journal Article

Motion-reversal visual evoked responses (VERs) have remarkable waveform variability. In our opinion this is caused by the alternative predominance of either motion or pattern-onset/offset related components. The motion dependent component of motion-reversal VER closely resembles motion-onset VER (main negative peak with the latency of about 170 ms), the first positive peak (with the latency of about 100 ms) corresponds to the pattern-onset component and the second non-constant positive peak (with the latency of about 130 ms) seems to be identical with the pattern-offset positivity. The differences in expression of these components are dependent on some stimulus characteristics (mainly on the contrast of a structure, velocity of motion, retinal localization of the stimulus) and on substantial differences in the sensitivity of subjects to motion stimulation.

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