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Xyloglucan Remodeling Defines Auxin-Dependent Differential Tissue Expansion in Plants

. 2021 Aug 26 ; 22 (17) : . [epub] 20210826

Language English Country Switzerland Media electronic

Document type Journal Article

Grant support
ERC starting grant 639478 European Research Council - International
P 26333 Austrian Science Fund FWF - Austria

Size control is a fundamental question in biology, showing incremental complexity in plants, whose cells possess a rigid cell wall. The phytohormone auxin is a vital growth regulator with central importance for differential growth control. Our results indicate that auxin-reliant growth programs affect the molecular complexity of xyloglucans, the major type of cell wall hemicellulose in eudicots. Auxin-dependent induction and repression of growth coincide with reduced and enhanced molecular complexity of xyloglucans, respectively. In agreement with a proposed function in growth control, genetic interference with xyloglucan side decorations distinctly modulates auxin-dependent differential growth rates. Our work proposes that auxin-dependent growth programs have a spatially defined effect on xyloglucan's molecular structure, which in turn affects cell wall mechanics and specifies differential, gravitropic hypocotyl growth.

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