Multi-omics insights into the positive role of strigolactone perception in barley drought response
Language English Country England, Great Britain Media electronic
Document type Journal Article
Grant support
Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Narodowe Centrum Nauki
ME 3356/7-1
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
ME 3356/7-1
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
PubMed Central
PII: 10.1186/s12870-023-04450-1 E-resources
- Keywords
- Abscisic acid, Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Drought, Phytohormone, Proteome, Strigolactone, Transcriptome,
- MeSH
- Hordeum * genetics MeSH
- Multiomics MeSH
- Droughts MeSH
- Perception MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Names of Substances
- GR24 strigolactone MeSH Browser
BACKGROUND: Drought is a major environmental stress that affects crop productivity worldwide. Although previous research demonstrated links between strigolactones (SLs) and drought, here we used barley (Hordeum vulgare) SL-insensitive mutant hvd14 (dwarf14) to scrutinize the SL-dependent mechanisms associated with water deficit response. RESULTS: We have employed a combination of transcriptomics, proteomics, phytohormonomics analyses, and physiological data to unravel differences between wild-type and hvd14 plants under drought. Our research revealed that drought sensitivity of hvd14 is related to weaker induction of abscisic acid-responsive genes/proteins, lower jasmonic acid content, higher reactive oxygen species content, and lower wax biosynthetic and deposition mechanisms than wild-type plants. In addition, we identified a set of transcription factors (TFs) that are exclusively drought-induced in the wild-type barley. CONCLUSIONS: Critically, we resolved a comprehensive series of interactions between the drought-induced barley transcriptome and proteome responses, allowing us to understand the profound effects of SLs in alleviating water-limiting conditions. Several new avenues have opened for developing barley more resilient to drought through the information provided. Moreover, our study contributes to a better understanding of the complex interplay between genes, proteins, and hormones in response to drought, and underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to studying plant stress response mechanisms.
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