Mesoscale explorer: Visual exploration of large-scale molecular models
Language English Country United States Media print
Document type Journal Article
Grant support
Czech Science Foundation
R01 GM120604
NIGMS NIH HHS - United States
NIH HHS - United States
U54 AI170855
NIAID NIH HHS - United States
NIH HHS - United States
PubMed Central
10.1002/pro.5177 E-resources
- Keywords
- 3D animation, interactive tours, mesoscale models, molecular graphism, web‐based 3D visualization,
- MeSH
- Cryoelectron Microscopy * methods MeSH
- Models, Molecular * MeSH
- Software * MeSH
- Viruses chemistry ultrastructure MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
The advent of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), coupled with computational modeling, has enabled the creation of integrative 3D models of viruses, bacteria, and cellular organelles. These models, composed of thousands of macromolecules and billions of atoms, have historically posed significant challenges for manipulation and visualization without specialized molecular graphics tools and hardware. With the recent advancements in GPU rendering power and web browser capabilities, it is now feasible to render interactively large molecular scenes directly on the web. In this work, we introduce Mesoscale Explorer, a web application built using the Mol* framework, dedicated to the visualization of large-scale molecular models ranging from viruses to cell organelles. Mesoscale Explorer provides unprecedented access and insight into the molecular fabric of life, enhancing perception, streamlining exploration, and simplifying visualization of diverse data types, showcasing the intricate details of these models with unparalleled clarity.
Independent San Diego California USA
National Centre for Biomolecular Research Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Czech Republic
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