pojistná škoda - přezkoumání [Insurance Claim Review] tematický


Analysis, Claims
Claim Review, Insurance
Claims Analysis
Claims Review
Insurance Audit
Insurance Claims Analysis
Insurance Claims Processing
Review, Claims
Review, Insurance Claim

Perzistentní odkaz   https://www.medvik.cz/link/D007345

Review of claims by insurance companies to determine liability and amount of payment for various services. The review may also include determination of eligibility of the claimant or beneficiary or of the provider of the benefit; determination that the benefit is covered or not payable under another policy; or determination that the service was necessary and of reasonable cost and quality.

Předchozí užití
Insurance, Health/utilization (1966-1985); Insurance, Hospitalization/utilization (1966-1985); Utilization Review (1968-1985)
Historická pozn.
91(86); was see under INSURANCE, HEALTH 1986-90
Veřejná pozn.
91; was see under INSURANCE, HEALTH 1986-90