Muscle Strength [svalová síla]


artrogenní inhibice
artrogenní svalová inhibice
svaly - síla


Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition

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The amount of force generated by MUSCLE CONTRACTION. Muscle strength can be measured during isometric, isotonic, or isokinetic contraction, either manually or using a device such as a MUSCLE STRENGTH DYNAMOMETER.

D053580 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Muscles (1950-2006)
History note
Public note

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E01 Diagnosis 1 788
E01.370.600 Physical Examination 658
E01.370.600.024 Anthropometry 1 671
E01.370.600.050 Apgar Score 83
E01.370.600.060 Auscultation 79
E01.370.600.100 Blood Pressure Determination 1 476
E01.370.600.115 Body Constitution 195
E01.370.600.225 Facial Expression 115
E01.370.600.230 Facies 31
E01.370.600.250 Gait 436
E01.370.600.293 Gynecological Examination 83
E01.370.600.315 Heart Rate Determination 27
E01.370.600.337 Metabolic Equivalent 8
E01.370.600.425 Muscle Strength 387
E01.370.600.425.500 Hand Strength 135
E01.370.600.550 Neurologic Examination 607
E01.370.600.600 Palpation 163
E01.370.600.610 Percussion 45
E01.370.600.620 Pigmentation 145
E01.370.600.700 Range of Motion, Articular 428
E01.370.600.750 Self-Examination 61
E01.370.600.875 Vital Signs 15

G Phenomena and Processes
G11.427.100 Bone Density 1 200
G11.427.213 Bone Remodeling 414
G11.427.410 Movement 1 305
G11.427.494 Muscle Contraction 755
G11.427.550 Muscle Fatigue 89
G11.427.560 Muscle Strength 387
G11.427.560.500 Hand Strength 135
G11.427.565 Muscle Tonus 229
G11.427.680 Physical Endurance 159
G11.427.683 Physical Exertion 2 574
G11.427.685 Physical Fitness 1 681
G11.427.690 Postural Balance 510
G11.427.695 Posture 1 595