- Autor
Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine D... 1 Czech Technical University Prague Faculty of... 1 Czech Technical University Prague University... 1 FNsP J A Reimana Prešov Department of Anaest... 1 Student Science Prague Czech Republic 1 University of Sassari Department of Biomedic... 1 University of Veterinary and Sciences Brno F... 1
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Free Medical Journals
od 1978
Open Access Digital Library
od 1978-01-01
ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
od 1978
domovská stránka časopisu
Knihovny.cz E-zdroje
Biosensors are dynamically developing analytical devices for the detection of substrates or other bioactive substances. They can be used for quick gas or liquid analyses and the construction of sensitive detection systems. This review highlights the advances and development of biosensors suitable for human and veterinary medicine and, namely, a novel contribution of nanotechnology for ultrasensitive diagnosis and personalized medicine. The synergic effect of nanotechnology and biosensors opens a new dimension for effective treatment and disease detection at their early stages.
Upřesnit dle MeSH
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