Rýchle fakty
Prvé vydanie 188 stran : barevné ilustrace ; 21 cm
Publikácia, ktorá sa zameriava na rôzne aspekty srdcových arytmií. Určené odbornej verejnosti.
- MeSH
- srdeční arytmie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- monografie MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- kardiologie
3rd edition 184 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
Our understanding of the mechanisms and management of cardiac arrhythmias has improved dramatically in recent years thanks to continuing basic research coupled with technological advances. 'Fast Facts: Cardiac Arrhythmias' translates this improved understanding into straightforward guidance for managing patients presenting with signs of cardiac arrhythmia.The third edition of this highly readable handbook has been thoroughly updated to include recent pharmacological advances, such as the gradual replacement of warfarin anticoagulation with the novel direct oral anticoagulants. Also discussed are technological advances, including the use of smartphone and smartwatch systems to record heart rhythms, and the latest thinking on catheter and surgical ablation.New chapters have been added on the management of syncope and sudden cardiac death. These complement well-illustrated chapters describing normal conduction within the heart, the underlying mechanisms of arrhythmias and general investigation and management principles, as well as chapters discussing the definition, causes, diagnosis and management of specific arrhythmias.Other highlights include chapters on the rare, but increasingly recognized, inherited arrhythmias, as well as on the use of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators.Of interest to primary care practitioners, nurses, medical students, technicians and cardiologists in training, this practical review of the mechanisms of heart rhythm abnormality and the contemporary therapies available provides a useful resource for improving patient care.Contents:• Normal conduction and mechanisms of arrhythmias• Presentation• Syncope• Sudden cardiac death• Investigation• Management principles• Supraventricular arrhythmias• Atrial flutter and atypical atrial flutter• Atrial fibrillation• Ventricular arrhythmias• Rare and inherited arrhythmias• Cardiac devices: pacemakers and defibrillators
- MeSH
- kardiovaskulární systém MeSH
- srdeční arytmie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- kardiologie
2nd edition 148 stran : ilustrace
Recent progress in interventional therapies has revolutionized the management of cardiac arrhythmias, resulting in a remarkable improvement in outcomes for patients. Yet the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias are still viewed as a complex and inaccessible area of modern cardiology. 'Fast Facts: Cardiac Arrhythmias' cuts through the technical detail to provide a better understanding of how the patient with arrhythmia presents, and how the problem should be best investigated and managed. Highlights include:• Succinct descriptions with clear well-annotated illustrations of normal conduction and the mechanisms of arrhythmias• A simple classification of arrhythmias based on 12-lead ECG patterns• A comprehensive review of presenting signs and symptoms, with key questions to ask the patient• A logical approach to investigation: predict it (history and examination), wait for it (monitoring) or provoke it (electrophysiological testing)• Practical information on management options: pharmacological therapy, direct cardioversion, catheter ablation and cardiac devices• The latest international guidelines on atrial fibrillation and catheter and surgical ablation• Important pharmacological updates, including the latest thinking on anticoagulation.This highly readable handbook is a practical resource for all primary care physicians, cardiologists in training, cardiac nurses, technicians and medical students seeking a better understanding of the mechanisms of arrhythmias and the contemporary therapies available, with a view to improving patient care.Contents:• Conduction within the heart• Classification and mechanisms of arrhythmias• Presenting signs and symptoms• Investigation• Management principles• Supraventricular arrhythmias• Atrial flutter• Atrial fibrillation• Ventricular arrhythmias• Rare and unusual arrhythmias• Cardiac devices: Pacemakers and defibrillators• Useful resources
- MeSH
- kardiovaskulární systém MeSH
- srdeční arytmie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- kardiologie