8 záznamů v Články Filtry
. 2020 ; 74 (12) : 1661-1667. [pub] 20200505

. 2019 ; 112 (2) : 879. [pub] 20190214

. 2017 ; 104 (-) : 45-49. [pub] 20161230

. 2017 ; 30 (7) : 963-973. [pub] 20170912

. 2016 ; 2016 (1) : 79. (Assessment and supportive care key in helping diverse older cancer patients and a priority at the 15th Annual Conference of SIOG, Prague, Czech Republic, November 2015. 15th CELCC - Central European Lung Cancer Conference. Praha 28. - 30. 11. 2015. Third International Consensus Conference - ABC3. Lisabon, Portugalsko, listopad 2015)

. 2015 ; 104 (1) : e1-6. [pub] 20141002

. 2015 ; 35 (4) : 304-6.