- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- MeSH
- chování snižující riziko MeSH
- duševní poruchy * etiologie prevence a kontrola MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- návykové chování prevence a kontrola psychologie terapie MeSH
- poruchy příjmu potravy prevence a kontrola psychologie terapie MeSH
- primární prevence metody MeSH
- rodiče MeSH
- sebepoškozování prevence a kontrola psychologie terapie MeSH
- školní zdravotnické služby MeSH
- služby v oblasti duševního zdraví komunity organizace a řízení MeSH
- výchova a vzdělávání metody MeSH
- zdravotně rizikové chování MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
BACKGROUND: Online learning has the potential to increase accessibility to high quality and cost-effective resources in prevention of risk behaviors. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the experience of university students with the comprehensive online course on prevention. METHODS: In this pilot study, an online questionnaire was administered to 51 Czech and 31 Ukrainian university students who completed the online Introduction to Evidence-based Prevention (INEP) full semester course between February 2022 and February 2023. Students were asked about their experience with INEP represented by 17 distinct features. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and mean comparisons tests. RESULTS: Students reported high overall satisfaction with INEP and with its respected features. The Structure and the Relevance features of INEP have been especially appreciated, while the Quizzes feature was perceived as only average by most students. INEP seemed to encourage most students (82%) to take other e-learning courses. CONCLUSION: The online INEP course received favorable feedback from university students across two distinct settings. INEP holds potential for broader integration into university study programs. These findings add to the ongoing discourse regarding enhancements in the education of future prevention professionals, making them relevant to practitioners, policymakers, and university-level decision-makers.
BACKGROUND: Exponential growth of addiction specific services accelerated the need and pressure on professionalizing workforce. It is followed by the increasing number of university and higher education programs specifically focused on substance use, hand in hand with curricula development. In such fast condition changes, emphasis on quality assurance is key. The aim of the paper is to describe and reflect the development process of international quality standards and a competency model for clinically oriented university programs in addictions. METHODS: The study is based on a process evaluation reflecting internal process of developing quality standards and a competency model for tertiary education programs specifically focused on addictions. It was facilitated and led by a working group (2020-2023) established by ICUDDR and NAADAC/NASAC. The process of development has been described, the final documents presented and the main challenges identified. RESULTS: The working group has created the final output represented by international quality standards dedicated to educators and curricula developers and evaluators for relatively narrow profile of study programs: addiction counseling, treatment and rehabilitation. Authors reflected on the process of standards development and focused on broader context of emerging educational programs and formulating a roadmap for continual work where prevention, harm reduction and recovery perspectives are still missing. CONCLUSIONS: There is a global need to continue developing quality standards for tertiary education on substance use and a need to intensify the dialogue between service providers, professional societies, governmental structures and university and higher education providers in maintaining and improving quality of addiction care.
OBJECTIVES: This systematic review seeks to present and compare data from studies evaluating the success of medium-term inpatient treatment of alcohol-dependent patients in the Czech Republic. Another aim was to identify the problems that make such comparisons difficult. No previous review comparing the efficiency of various therapeutic programmes has been published in the Czech Republic. METHODS: Bibliographia medica Čechoslovaca and PubMed were used to find studies published in professional medical journals since 1970 evaluating the abstinence of patients who voluntarily completed medium-term inpatient treatment of alcohol dependence. RESULTS: Medium-term inpatient treatment of alcohol addiction leads to one year of abstinence in 34% to 76% of patients. Such variance in value is largely caused by selection bias, differences in the definition of abstinence, and differences in data collection methods. CONCLUSION: The comparison of studies presented many challenges. Further steps should be taken to help compare treatment programmes in the future, as the programmes provide different therapeutic interventions of different intensities and lengths to different patients. Adequate demographic and other pretreatment characteristics data collection, detailed descriptions of therapeutic interventions, and identification of effective components of the therapeutic programme could support further research in this area, optimize existing programmes, and increase the overall treatment efficiency.
- MeSH
- alkoholismus * MeSH
- ethanol MeSH
- hospitalizace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pacienti hospitalizovaní MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- systematický přehled MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Východiska.městy a venkovem ovlivněné průmyslovou revolucí bylo jedním z mnoha faktorů podílejících se na nárůstu spotřeby alkoholu. Cíle. Popsat vznik a vývoj systematických protialkoholních aktivit a specifické protialkoholní institucionalizované léčby závislých na alkoholu od poloviny 19. století do poloviny 20. století na našem historickém území. Metody. Výzkum byl proveden formou kvalitativní analýzy vyhledaných a fixovaných historických archivních zdrojů, které byly v příčinné souvislosti s cílem článku. Analyzováno na úrovni otevřeného kódování bylo více jak 900 stran. Poté byla analyzovaná data párována s daty z archivních fondů a přiřazena do příslušného intervalu na časové ose. Výsledky a závěr. Systematické protialkoholní aktivity na našem historickém území datujeme od druhé poloviny 19. století. Nejdříve se jednalo o ojedinělé edukační aktivity. Na ty poté začaly navazovat svépomocné spolky, které vykrystalizovaly v systematicky koncipované protialkoholní hnutí. Jeho cílený rozvoj na počátku 20. století ovlivnil přípravu na vznik a rozvoj tří samostatných specializovaných institucionálních zařízení – Velké Kunčice, Tuchlov a Istebné nad Oravou. Ta se stala – i přes své slabé stránky – páteřním přístupem k dalším protialkoholním aktivitám rozvíjejícím se od poloviny 20. století.
Background. By the end of the 18th century the excessive use of alcohol among the population and its negative effect on the national economy, individual health, and social relations had also become a matter of concern to the authorities in what is now the Czech Republic. One of the many factors contributing to the growth in alcohol consumption was a rise in social differences between urban and rural areas as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Aims.To describe the origin and development of systematic activities to reduce alcohol use and specific institutionalised alcohol treatment from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century on the historical territory of what is now the Czech Republic. Methods. The research involved qualitative analysis of identified and retrieved historical sources which were in causal connection with the objectives of the paper. Over 900 pages were analysed using open coding. Subsequently, the data was matched with records retrieved from archival sources and placed within the relevant interval on a timeline. Results and conclusion. Systematic anti-alcohol activities within the historical territory of what is now the Czech Republic date back to the second half of the 19th century. Originally, there were isolated educational efforts. These were later followed up by self-help associations, which evolved into a systematically conceived anti-alcohol movement. Its purposeful development in the early 20th century played a role in the establishment and development of three independent specialised treatment institutions – Velké Kunčice, Tuchlov, and Istebné nad Oravou. Despite their limitations, these facilities paved the way for further efforts to reduce and treat alcohol use pursued from the mid-20th century.
BACKGROUND: The role of physicians is crucial in the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders and addiction. The quality of addiction-specific medical education varies, as do postgraduate and continuing medical education programmes in different countries. In order to ensure a high level of quality education, it is necessary to name and define competency-based quality standards that enable physicians to provide the highest quality care to patients. METHODS: The objective of the study will be the identification of quality standards in competency-based postgraduate and continual medical education for physicians in the field of addictions. We will conduct a review of available literature sources, and based on key terms, we will carry out a search in electronic databases PubMed, EBSCO, SCOPUS, Web of Science, in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) methodology, and identify articles related to the topic. From the standpoint of relevance, we will review the abstracts and full texts of studies. RESULTS: Review protocol will enable us to summarize available evidence on postgraduate and continuing medical education in addictions using the methodology of a systematic scoping review for the purpose of mapping relevant literature. The results will be published as academic papers and conference presentations. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review will provide specific insights into the postgraduate and continuing medical education. The findings will inform about the types and frequency of educational processes in addictology within the postgraduate and continuing medical education.
INTRODUCTION: Quality Standards (QS) are an important priority in European drug policy, although the extent of their application remains unclear. The FENIQS-EU project (Further ENhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in drug demand reduction across Europe) was set up to foster the use of QS. The objective of this paper is to present the main findings of the first 18 months of this project. METHODS: A multi-method study design was used to assess the application of QS. It consisted of: 1) an online survey and brief interviews with key stakeholders in various areas of drug demand reduction across Europe; 2) the development of criteria and selection of examples of inspiring practices; 3) a Delphi study to reach consensus around successful QS implementation strategies. RESULTS: QS have been implemented in the prevention domain, with the European Drug Prevention Quality Standards being the most commonly implemented standards. In the treatment/social reintegration domain, national standards and the Standards and Goals of Therapeutic Communities are most commonly used, while the EU Council conclusions on the implementation of minimum quality standards are primarily applied in the field of harm reduction. In total, 14 inspiring examples of practice were selected. Three rounds of a Delphi study resulted in consensus on successful implementation strategies, covering five core themes: collaboration, communication, support structure, education, and funding. DISCUSSION: Despite the recognition that the implementation of QS is important, these efforts vary across European countries and are unevenly spread across DDR areas. CONCLUSION: This paper focuses on the relevance of QS availability, and emphasises key factors influencing successful implementation.
BACKGROUND: In the field of harm reduction (HR), an established quality assurance system with implemented quality standards is rather rare in practice. Together with limited evidence in this area, this leads to an imbalance in the basic segments of drug demand reduction and their lack of compatibility and alignment in terms of therapeutic continuity. AIMS: The paper presents case study analysis of the context and a description of the original quality management system in harm reduction at the national level. METHODS: The case study design is based on a narrative review from a search of databases, including grey literature for the period from 1990 to 2022, followed by subsequent qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: After 1989, there was an exponential increase in HR services, with a strong initiative of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and significant professionalisation from the beginning of the HR services network. It is the NGO initiative that has contributed significantly to the introduction of a certification and quality standards since 1995. In the following period, the system was expanded to include other quality management components (system for monitoring, ethical standards). CONCLUSIONS: In terms of national drug policy and the continuous development of drug services, the introduction of a quality assurance system was a critical point with dozens of implications, including balancing and equalising the position of harm reduction in the drug demand reduction system in the Czech Republic.